Keep FMax off, that increases clock frequency but lowers overall performance from what i have seen on Ryzen 5000. It worked a little better on the 3000 series.Update, I reset all the PBO settings and copied all the settings I found in this video, except for curve optimizer - as soon as I enable curve optimizer the PC crashes at the windows login screen.
The system is now stable
So I can build from this. Only issue with the settings in this performance loss. The PBO settings image above gives 11000 cinebench r20 multi and 630 single. The settings from this video gives 10700 multi and 610 single.
Any ideas which settings can be tweaked a bit to get performance up?
Funny thing though with these settings, they seem to produce higher clocks yet performance is lower. For example single core shows up to 5240mhz yet score dropped from 630 to 610.
I thnk fmax enhancer might be causing that, should I disable it or does something else need tweaking
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Try this settings.
PBO Enabled
PBO Limits Motherboard
Scalar x10
Auto OC 50Mhz (you can perhaps try increasing this later to 100Mhz)
Curve Optimizer (use Ryzen Master to check your best cores on CCD0)
Set best cores (two cores) to -5 and test using Cinebench R20 ST bench.
Use Task Manager to set affinity to one of the two cores after you start the bench.
Use HWINFO to observe effective clock speed for the core you are testing.
If you pass stability for both cores, repeat steps and use -10 in Curve Optimizer for them. Rinse and repeat.
You should manage somewhere between -10 and -25 for your best cores.
If you get instability, dial back -5 in Curve Optimizer.
Rinse and repeat for each core.
The higher you have Auto OC, the less negative voltage you can apply in Curve Optimizer. Actually, it's better to tune Curve Optimizer more than increase Auto OC from my testing, but we still want a little Auto OC 50-100Mhz tops.
It takes time, but if you want to maximise performance and boost frequency, this is how you do it.
I use the exact PBO settings mentioned above and this is what i see in HWINFO64.