8 Packs 4ghz 32m Challenge win full Haswell 4770K Bundle.

It could be using a higher level llc? Or higher CPU wattage limit? Bios's do vary sometimes in how much voltage they use
It could be using a higher level llc? Or higher CPU wattage limit? Bios's do vary sometimes in how much voltage they use

Could be...

There are differences to be sure. On this BIOS I really can't get above 100.5 BCLK... I hear it boot into Windows, but just have a blank screen. Booting with the onboard graphics shows that the GPUs are not being recognised. I could boot at ~103.5Mhz previously.

All very complicated!!
You can always flash back,things should get better with newer beta releases

I think overall this BIOS is a big improvement... the BCLK issue is the only one I've really come across. The memory seems to behave 'as expected' now. It's not a great clocker, but no random behaviour like with the previous BIOS. If I push it too far it fails to boot. Otherwise it will boot at consistent settings. With the old BIOS I could find a setting, get into Windows and run pi. Then reboot and fail to get into Windows for the next 10 attempts. I think that the BCLK restriction is a small price to pay... I still have my old GTX480 anyway, so I might give that a go, see if it can operate at 101mhz.
Finally cracked the elusive 8.00m mark. Doubt I can get faster, 3770k & Samsung Green.

5th go at doing this now. Using some new Team Xtreem 2133MHz got just for this challenge. Dominator stuff in my 24/7 rig wasn't quite getting there (8mins mark). Managed to pull this out of it, but barley POSTS.

Bah, crappy ocz platinum. I've tried everything this evening including 1.95v on the DIMMs and 1.55v on the Cpu-nb and I can't better my 17m7secs run so hats of to Kei for beating me. I will add I'm also a little in the dog house as she's been ignored for most of the day while I've been tweaking.
Bah, crappy ocz platinum. I've tried everything this evening including 1.95v on the DIMMs and 1.55v on the Cpu-nb and I can't better my 17m7secs run so hats of to Kei for beating me. I will add I'm also a little in the dog house as she's been ignored for most of the day while I've been tweaking.

+1 on that, me and you in the dog house both. Her "We gonna eat in a bit?" "sure, hold on just gotta..... (1 hour passes)" Still yet to have tea. Been at this all day now.
5th go at doing this now. Using some new Team Xtreem 2133MHz got just for this challenge. Dominator stuff in my 24/7 rig wasn't quite getting there (8mins mark). Managed to pull this out of it, but barley POSTS.

Great score crypto, I was pleased with my last score until you posted yours :p
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Not yet he hasn't, I've not given up yet. I might be able loosen up the cas to tighten the tras and trc, won't be able to get the memory or Northbridge as high as Kei though.
I spent all afternoon doing some sums to work out another ideal bclk as I'd run out of options at 252mhz. 207mhz came out as the best as it kept the cpu and ram speeds almost the same whilst increasing the nb up to nearly 2.9ghz. With 1.425v on the cpu-nb it was happy to boot and run super pi. I just did a run with loose tertiary timings and got 16m 56s. I'm now doing another run with the tertiary timings back as tight as before. With better ram, I reckon my chip would probably manage somewhere in the 16m 40's, sadly I don't have better ram and I'm not buying some just to find out.
I'll take some photos for you.

Screenshot at 16m56s. Tightening the tertiary timings net me 0.2s.
XP is a fresh install of pro service pack 2 off a cd i have. (i do have an original pre service pack disc, i also have windows 2000, NT4, 98, 95 and 3.1, but doubt i could go that far back) I've done a few tweaks as found in the overclock.net thread. (pcilock, maxmem=600, Large System Cache set to 1 and Disable Paging Executive set to 1. page file set to 512mb and processor scheduling set to background services.)
Fresh install of xp atm, but am currently removing everything I can from it removed explorer.exe for a final push. Working well so far as I am able to open everything with command prompt. Purely for benching mind you it has got to the point where nothing is on the os anymore apart from cpuz and super pi.
Eugh, removing stuff from xp to strip it down obviously removed something important as it's no longer booting into windows. Guess I'll go for round 2 tomorrow.
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