8 Packs 4ghz 32m Challenge win full Haswell 4770K Bundle.

Nice! 7.53 is a damn good score for Ivy.

tRAS seems incredibly important for pi 32m... No way any of my sticks will go as low as 17 though.

And yes - thanks Kei for the effort on the scoreboard :) For what it's worth, the memory used on that 7:37 score was a Corsair XMS3 kit. I still can't top it with my new 2600Mhz CAS10 G.Skill kit, though I've got within a couple of tenths and I haven't touched the tertiaries yet.

edit - nm you already added the brand :) Too fast for me!
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Yeah - I tried that last night. No joy... :(

I was a bit surprised that the driver files it found (two of them) were only a few kilobytes in size though... Is that to be expected? Or am I trying to mount the wrong thing?

Been a while since I did it, but from what I remember it was only a couple of files a .sys and a .inf file and yes they are usually only small files. Probably around 100k for the sys and only a couple of k for the inf.
Theres nothing wrong with the board per se, it managed this

For RAM usage I'm looking at the comming charged at the bottom right of task manager. AMD systems love tight timings, so something that'll do something along the lines of 6-6-6 @ a little over 1600mhz would be awesome

Not a bad little board then. I'll admit that i've never actually tried to see how far my phenom was willing to go. This bench is the furthest i've ever taken it as i've always tried to keep my voltages low as my chip does seem to get quite hot even under water. (53c at 3.75GHz with 1.456V)

Thank god for dual bios on gigabyte boards. Last settings I tried ended up nuking it giving checksum errors.
Luckily i've not had to use that feature yet, but it's always nice knowing it's there just in case. I've had a few panicky moments with the system not posting at all after resetting the bios settings back to my standard profile. (even after resetting via jumper, button and battery removal) I had to pull the ram and swap it to the other slots. (I've had to do it 3 times now, got no idea why either) I also had some carnage when i pushed tRAS too low (16) resulting in some glitches appearing in the bios followed by it rebooting itself.
I've had a pure grey screen on boot and all sorts of weird things resulting in a corrupt bios or needing a cmos reset.

That is a hot chip. Mine doesn't even get that got running 4ghz at 1.45v

Im closing in on your time. 17m0.0438 or something. Just got it running again with slightly tighter tertiary timings. My bsods on boot using 207 ref clock so I'm stuck at 206 at the moment.
Will post Screenshot in a while once I've figured how low I can get these tertiary timings.
Decided to see how far my 955 was willing to go seeing as yours got to 4.4ghz. Turns out mine tops out at 4.1ghz at 1.6v. @ 4.2 it fails to get into windows above 4.2, the bios recovers itself reverting the clocks.

I've also done some more runs and have got down to 16m 55s. The memory is also willing to boot at cas 7, so I may manage to gain another couple of seconds on that.
I could get it higher but CPU-Z wouldnt validate higher than 4.4ghz.

This is the best I can manage, anything lower on any single timing or bumping to 207FSB results in either non-boot, BSOD or errors running SuperPi

I'm going to try and get my hands on some 1600mhz RAM with silly tight timings. Theres some older PC3-12800 DDR3 that had 7-7-7-21 timings such as the OCZ Platinum EB 1x1GB kits which would be ideal. I'll create a wanted thread so if anyone has anything like this drop me a trust.


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ERMAGHERD! :D Cas7 made a dent in my time, now down to 16m 50s :cool: Damn it, this is stupidly addictive, I've used up all my time off working on this. Going to keep at it and try to break into the 40's. :eek:

Have to say, I'm loving the AMD battle here!

Haswell will win this competition, but you guys are the real stars :D

Hope you find some RAM to keep up the fight, ManLove! I still think some second-hand DDR3 2Gb modules with tight timings is your best bet.
Screenie. I am now pushing 1.9V through those kingstons. (having checked the kingston site, they are supposed to be good up to 1.95V) I'll give my dominators a go tomorrow and see how they respond to more volts.

Have to say, I'm loving the AMD battle here!

Haswell will win this competition, but you guys are the real stars :D

Hope you find some RAM to keep up the fight, ManLove! I still think some second-hand DDR3 2Gb modules with tight timings is your best bet.

I NEED some of these


Best of found available at the moment unless the MM can find me something is some PC3-12800 with these specs

tCL: 6
tRCD: 8
tRP: 6
tRAS: 24

EDIT: Tight timings is a given on AMD, The IMCs usually cant handle 1700mhz let alone more.
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That is some tight-ass RAM!

CL6 doesn't seem to be something that "modern" sticks can even dream of (at least not without the assistance of LN2). And, as you say, when you're IMC limited, it's all about the timings.
I NEED some of these


Best of found available at the moment unless the MM can find me something is some PC3-12800 with these specs

tCL: 6
tRCD: 8
tRP: 6
tRAS: 24

EDIT: Tight timings is a given on AMD, The IMCs usually cant handle 1700mhz let alone more.

Damn.. that is some quick ass ram. Why do you do this to me, like dangling a carrot in-front of a donkey.

Check this out however. All this memory tweaking had to have something to read. Didn't think CL4 was possible. http://www.legitreviews.com/article/601/
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Sorry :) Why am I doing this to myself.I only came in here to see if I could get the quickest AMD score which I can't so now I'm looking for new RAM think I'll get the 6-8-6-24 stuff ordered in the next few days and see what I can do with that.

Its a shame this hasn't been split AMD/Intel as there is no way and AMD rig will even come close to top 10 let alone winning
Nah, its been good really. Never really pushed ram timings as much before normally focus on the cpu clocks and temps.

Good point on the AMD/Intel route. Then again its the same with ivy and haswell. Either way still going to see how far I can push this.
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Nah, its been good really. Never really pushed ram timings as much before normally focus on the cpu clocks and temps.

Same here... For me it's always been about CPU and GPU frequencies. Never really paid any attention to RAM clocks, much less timings. I've learned a lot from this thread... Also did some research into what the various timings actually mean in physical terms, which was illuminating as far as understanding how memory is actually accessed by the hardware.

Without this thread I wouldn't have bothered with any of that stuff.
My approach has been somewhat ham fisted, however it has taught me how much difference can be made with the ram.

From a little research the ram I should be buying is going to clock like a charm. Reviews are saying its good for 1800-2200mhz, along with timings as tight as 6-6-5-18 @ 1333mhz
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