8 Packs 4ghz 32m Challenge win full Haswell 4770K Bundle.

Annoyingly, I can't change TWCL on my UD4H. There is a "TWL" option in the BIOS settings, but it doesn't seem to adjust the TWCL parameter as appears in memtweakit.

In fact, very few of the timings have the same name in BIOS as in memtweakit. It's usually possible to identify them by changing values though.
how far do the Samsung green clock to on haswell pcz? have you tried?

managed 2620 10,12,12,20 132 with the ones I have.
No high clock cas 9 if afraid.
Still for cheap 1600Mhz RAM that is very very good.

Suppose if you had a lot of them you could bin them and find some cherries.


Should be none at all, its a single core bench. So at the same clock speed/uncore/mem speed any haswell chip will produce very similar results.
@PCZ the fastest they go for me on ivy is 2270mhz or thereabouts with 1.65v dram,tried upto 1.7v and beyond and its a no go

do they beat the teamgroups time?
No they don't.
They don't clock so high and cant run cas 9.

They do beat the cheap TG 2400's that OC had on special but there not a match for the proper C9 sticks.
did you try just one stick? that board supposed to boost performance for one stick by 10% supposedly

shame they cant manage cas9
Can't see how one stick could possibly beat a pair in Dual Channel.
edit: Ran with a single stick same timings, and it is 10 seconds slower.

Also I cant get these greens to 2600 on my IVY.
Haswell has ninga powers to clock RAM

edit: They can manage cas 9 at 2400 but no higher
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not sure if it mattered? multi cores/threading don't not sure on single/tri/quad channel

don't think 8gb vs 16gb makes a diff either
bettered myself

2072 Mhz out my crucial Ballistics Sport 1600 c9


not sure if I can get it down below 8 mins but i'll have a go lol
ok so it posts at 10-11-11-27


now to see if it will post at 2133 i suppose

a while later......

It won't :o
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