8 Packs 4ghz 32m Challenge win full Haswell 4770K Bundle.

Probably because most people that have ivy/sandy/amd know they've not got much chance in getting anywhere near the top spot.

I'm just in it for fun, me and Kei probably fought harder for our scores than any of the Intel systems.
Was a good run. If I'd been willing to buy some exotic ram, we could have pushed it further, though I get the feeling I would have been better off getting a thuban. It was surprising to see that Kingston hyperx genesis kit that cost £25 clock so well. You and pcz were both at a fair advantage anyway due to the stepping difference. C2's need plenty of juice vs C3 and the imc's don't tend to be as good either, though it's still a lottery.
IMC is definitely both hindering us both.

PCZ can push the frequencies but doesn't seem to be able to push the nb clocks like I can.

I hadn't even considered the stepping difference.

I've managed to get another 300ms off but I'm still a little behind PCZ. I'm now trying to get the Os as optimised as possible and tighten up the tertiarys as much as I can.

Just trying to get past some issues with cpu tweaker as it's only letting me apply settings on reboot

Latest run and full timings.
No option available to alter it in the bios. It's present on cpu-tweaker as refresh interval select but there are only 3 options. (3,9us, 7,8us, 15,8us) Mine was running at 7,8us.
Ah been busy last few days as changing jobs... some immense skills there PCZ :) - no word from Raikiri yet then on his "impossible" Sandybridge score? or does he have the ninja LN2 plus RAM pot???? :P

I'm still trying to improve my Sandybridge score as I would like to be top or at least match the best ones before moving on to Ivybridge :) I know I don;t have a chance of winning the prize but this is really fun just learning about ram timings and squeezing every possible nano second out of it with the system just on the edge of stability :)

I too have noticed problems booting from USB (memtest) and having to restart several times just to get a clean boot...

Dialing the timings in within Windows really does help and I've got far better results than trying to set them in the BIOS which usually results in an un-postable system.

Sad to hear that the TeamGroup 2400 C10 RAM isn't as good as the Sammy Green :( - I will have a go with my SandyBridge and see if I can get any better scores.
Sad to hear that the TeamGroup 2400 C10 RAM isn't as good as the Sammy Green :( - I will have a go with my SandyBridge and see if I can get any better scores.

I only have 2 sets of green and one set of the C10 TG's so hardly a large enough sample to draw conclusions.
Can you change the refresh mode to something higher than 7.8 ?
In my bios only 3.8 and 7.8 are options.
15 would be worth a try if you can set it.
Ram would refresh less often and if it can handle it would bring your times down a bit.

Also increasing the Refresh Cycle Time to say 110 might let you clock the RAM higher.
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No option for refresh mode in the bios, but might work with cpu tweaker.

I'll try 110ns on refresh cycle time and see if that let's me tighten up the cas or try.

Edit: already had refresh cycle time at 110ns might give 160 a go though, refresh mode will change but causes a hard lock up.
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Pushing refresh cycle time (tRFC) up will slow it down. Only refresh mode select you'd want to raise. Which obviously causes severe stability problems)
Pushing refresh cycle time (tRFC) up will slow it down. Only refresh mode select you'd want to raise. Which obviously causes severe stability problems)

tRFC was already set at 110, will give it a go a 90ns tomorrow and see what time I can get.

Refresh mode ended up with an XP install I couldn't boot as CPU-tweaker would change it on boot.

less than 300ms to beat PCZ now
Best I can do with this memory (Crucial Ballistix) going to 1800 or setting 1T just locks up the machine.

That's easily sub 8 mins with xp and a couple of os tweaks Biffa.

I win at AMD SuperPi. Finally achieved what I came in here to do, no prizes for me but I get the bragging rights :D


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I cant get a clean run without the dreaded Round error on my i7 920@4Ghz. Everything is clean with a Memtest86 run and other bench tools run ok. Any advice would be appreciated?
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