8 Packs 4ghz 32m Challenge win full Haswell 4770K Bundle.

did you have trouble running 9.11.11 ?
9.12.12 is a lot easier to get stable

Oh I suppose the rest of the Day is a Poker tournament.
Stulid hasn't shown any cards yet

Does your NIC work in XP ?
The HERO has a new Intel NIC with no XP drivers available, the last XP driver Intel did doesn't support it.
Not a show stopper but means USB key transfers for everything.
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did you have trouble running 9.11.11 ?
9.12.12 is a lot easier to get stable

Oh I suppose the rest of the Day is a Poker tournament.
Stulid hasn't shown any cards yet

Not much to show, stuck xp on and its bloody slower.
did you have trouble running 9.11.11 ?
9.12.12 is a lot easier to get stable

Not too bad at 2600Mhz - can't go any higher with tRCD or tRP = 11 though. Dropping to 12 makes things easier, but performance drops significantly. For me it's pretty much even stevens between 2600 9-11-11 and 2666 9-12-12, since tertiaries need to be much looser.

Oh I suppose the rest of the Day is a Poker tournament.
Stulid hasn't shown any cards yet

To be expected really... I'm assuming you have another time waiting / cooking as well? I can't match your RAM speeds so I'm fully expecting you to beat me :p

Today is too hot to do any real clocking at the DRAM volts I need.
Another time waiting no
Will have to do more benching and make offerings to the OC gods.

Currently on the IVY I have a choice of 2600 9.11.11 or 2666 9.12.12
It refuses to boot at 2666 9.11.11

I would have considered some of the voltages I am currently using to be insane this time last month.
Been watching this thread during June and told myself that I would not get involved.
What a stupid thing to think doh.

Anyway stripped the rig down and been benching away.
I only have a 3770K so no chance of winning... it does seem a strange competition where Haswell is much stronger clock for clock and therefore will win, it's impossible for an Ivy or Sandy to compete directly.

Anyway. I'm very surprised how good one set of my Samsung Greens are doing. I thought I would be stuck at maybe 2200 on them, but I can bench all day at 2600 9,11,11,21 1T 1.75V

Currently working on a stupid run at 2692 10,11,12,21 1T at 1.9V :eek:
But just cant seem to get through the final few iterations of Super-Pi. I would say it would mean a 7:52 ish time which just goes to show that the Samsung is not as efficient as the GSkill and Team group because where my ram settings look much the same as others my 32M scores are just that little bit lower.

Wish me luck... I dare say i will have some fried Samsung Green before the day is out LOL
What the CPUz screens don't show are the sub timings.
Folks probably have them tightened up,

I also was very surprised when I used some greens on the haswell,
certainly 10,12,12 was OK at 2600+

I have four of them and normally they work together on my X79.
Tested them at high clocks and found 2 good ones of the 4.

I think they can be good but you take a chance.
I have four of them and normally they work together on my X79.
Tested them at high clocks and found 2 good ones of the 4.

I think they can be good but you take a chance.

I'm the same. I have 4 sticks and 2 work very well and seem to thrive on voltage while the other two will not go over 2200.

I also expect the some of the newer and proprietary 2400 - 2600 ram has better default backend settings, regardless of what users set.

I did quite a lot of testing with the Greens last night and the back end settings seemed to have very little performance effect really. I get the biggest gains from pure MHz. I expect the real reason is that once they reach a certain overall speed or interaction rate with the CPU I am hitting a ceiling. It seems to me that, like some of the old days of clocking, my CPU is more comfortable at certain ram dividers. 2400 is very unstable for me, but 2600 is rock solid.
Okay - let's get the ball rolling.

Very nice time indeed Duff-Man.

Be interesting to see what PCZ & Stulid come back with :D

My first set of Samsung Greens don't seem to like going much over 2200 on Ivy, will have to try with the other pair and see if I can improve any. 2400 was a no boot, didn't even attempt anything faster than that.
that's it for me, not too bad for a unlocked 3.1ghz dual core :D

Very nice time indeed Duff-Man.

Thanks :)

Here's another time to keep things going. I think I was quite lucky to get this one - most of the runs at these settings seem to end up between 7:23.8 and 7:24.0.


I think that's about all I can do at 2600Mhz. Going to try tuning at 2666 with 9-12-12 for the next few hours, but I'm not really expecting much improvement over this time.

... Also: My way of compensating for the increased air temperature today: :D


I call it "Ghetto Chill 101" :D

Yes that's just a plate of smashed ice and a 12" fan :p
I better get benching. :eek:
Do you think if I don't watch it the error in rounds will stay away ?

Getting a bit cooler now thankfully.
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Right here are the fruits of my labour over the past couple of days.

This benchmark was complete madness with voltages so high that I cant believe I did not blow something up.

The Samsung Green's were at 1.92v (the maximum my board does without modding). Like Duff-Man I has fans all over the case and ram. These speeds are totally unstable and it took me several runs to coax it to complete Super-Pi.

Never to be repeated :)

By pure luck everything seems ok still, my ram is back at normal voltage and speed.

Good luck to the Haswell people... looking forward to seeing those last few killer scores.
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Eugh... RAM has had enough now. It's failing straight away at settings I previously could run an entire loop - just like when I first boot up.

I'll let it sit for a while to recover.

1Deep - are you there? Did you get a 4670k in the end?!

Edit: VERY nice Ivy time, Mr Maltby :) Nice going. Glad you don't have a Haswell tbh :p

I daren't put 1.9v through my sticks. Anyway, it seems like I get vastly diminishing returns over 1.78v, so I'm not sure the value of such high voltages in my case.

I feel your pain with the late-run failures though - this is the kind of misery I've had to deal with:


Failure on loop 24!!

With RAM at the edge and pi 32m, you can't dare to count your chickens until the fat lady sings!
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I didn't get a 4670k, decided that the outlay was too much for a competition I may not win. I haven't tried improving my ivy time but having seen some of the recent scores on z77 I may try some serious voltages to get a better time.

Great times by the way guys, Duff-Man that's an impressive time you've managed to get!
OH bother.
Machine keeps locking up, been driving me crazy for the last hour.
Same settings as I used previously but no go.

Managed to get it stable again with more cache voltage.
It's what happens on the edge I suppose.

Having a steak and beer now, OC's need fuel :)
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