Well done Duff Man, nice play on the last minute submission.
I was tweaking right up until the end... I really thought you were going to pull out another amazing time and pip me to the finish line, so I wanted the best score I could! Frankly I was expecting a slew of last-minute Haswell entries from all corners, but they never came...
I have onboard LAN disabled for all my benching runs, so I couldn't update easily - all had to be done by pen-drive. To upload a pic and continue benching I need to:
a) Reboot XP in "normal startup" from msconfig (so a USB stick can be read)
b) load pic onto USB
c) power down and switch HDDs over
d) reboot into Win 7 and upload picture
e) power down and switch HDDs back over
f) reboot to XP
g) set diagnostic startup and maxmem (etc) and reboot once more
... takes too much time when you're against a deadline, especially since the damn board only sees the IDE SSD about one time in three. I could check the progress in the thread on my phone easily enough, but couldn't really upload scores.
I had a 7:21 score for a while, but only got under 7:21 right at the very last run I had time for.
I'll look out for an i7 4770K, Z87 motherboard, and some Corsair 2133MHz RAM on the MM in the next few days
*shakes head*
None of the kit will be going on MM, or anywhere else

It will be used to run large-scale simulations for the geological sequestration of CO2, using the PFLOTRAN open-source code.
Well, more accurately, I'll probably keep the motherboard and CPU for myself, and my existing Haswell kit will go to running simulations above