That's some power! Must be a fairly slow course! Have you got a strava link?
Strava link;
That's some power! Must be a fairly slow course! Have you got a strava link?
So flat!!!!
Quickest course around here is surface and traffic conditions definitely pay a huge part.
Same elevation approx
edit - times are a lot faster your quickest course, nearly 90sec
139ft vs 282, almost double
V212 16.1km 43m
P881 16.1KM 42m
Elevation difference between highest and lowest point not elevation gained over the course.
The V212 is a painfully slow course, don't think anyone has ever done a 19 on it. 357w at 76kg is still 4.6w/kg though which is very good going for a 10. My best this year is still a smidge short of 4.5w/kg but I'd expect to go similarly on that course. There are definitely some aero gains to be had for you I reckon.
With that power and weight you'd almost certainly go sub 20 on a faster course at the moment, and substantially sub 20 with some aero improvements. How long have you been doing tris?
Yep, I agree it's a slow course... it's handy that I know it like the back of my hand, its 15mins ride from my house, do a local tri on it every year too and have seen it in all sorts of conditions and its just not fast.
I've had a proper fit by a very well respected fitter but I may investigate some tweaking.
Been doing tri since 2013, applied proper training since 2014 onwards, lanzarote and austria full irons both booked for 2017, building for it now.
I'll assume that fit was for comfort not aero like 90 per cent of fitters!
It was more based on my functional range of movement (for 180K TT, aka a long distance tri bike course), letting me then run 26.2 miles at threshold.
The difference is though that 360w would be getting you into short 19s in all likelihood with a small amount of position tweaking.
The difference is though that 360w would be getting you into short 19s in all likelihood with a small amount of position tweaking.
The difference is though that 360w would be getting you into short 19s in all likelihood with a small amount of position tweaking.