Afghanistan - 20 years on

thats not the point, there is a serious shortage of housing in the UK so its hardly easy for us to take in 250K+ people of whatever some would have us do

Thats not including the ones that sneak in across the channel. France helps them cross over to us so I can't see them taking many
Mogg looks like he wants to be running his work houses rather than being in Parliament.
This is top level waffle from Boris. Some Con MPs look pretty annoyed.
Pretty much the only mode he operates in. Always funny when even his staunchest supporter/ally gets a taste of what they have been defending.

Johnson - we should be supporting those (Afghans) in the area, what the **** have we been doing for 20 years then?
You implied it with your tone.
I was arguing with people who seem to think 20k is plenty, or too much, based on spurious logic. I was arguing that their logic was wrong.

20k might be plenty (though only 5k in year 1, which intuitively feels low) but if it is it's not because Canada is bigger or because you believe (wrongly) thst the US is only taking 30k.
BIden and his team have created this debacle all on their own -

Why withdraw now and not during winter?
Why leave military hardware in country?
Why go on holiday?

The weak finger pointing at everyone but themselves was pathetic. Clearly Biden is not up to being a leader - and has surrounded himself with ineptitude.

Hopefully the Afghans who want to live a non Islamic life can be offered citizenship here or in the US.
I was arguing with people who seem to think 20k is plenty, or too much, based on spurious logic. I was arguing that their logic was wrong.

20k might be plenty (though only 5k in year 1, which intuitively feels low) but if it is it's not because Canada is bigger or because you believe (wrongly) thst the US is only taking 30k.
Now you’re not reading the posts, I said nothing about the US
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