Akasa A-62 AMD x6 *Zosma* build

My god it wasnt a lie all of this time!
I could sell you my x2 550, unlocks to 4 cores fully & runs at 3.8ghz quite easily.(was using a crappy £40 odd motherboard.) Email in trust if you're interested.
My god it wasnt a lie all of this time!
I could sell you my x2 550, unlocks to 4 cores fully & runs at 3.8ghz quite easily.(was using a crappy £40 odd motherboard.) Email in trust if you're interested.

I may be, is it prime stable @3.8ghz, and what sort of cooling where you using?
So wheres the £600 been spent then?

I see a old stacker, someone was selling an identical one in the MM for a few bucks.

A 8 series motherboard worth about £60 new.

A really old sound card worth £5 second hand.

And a £100 ATI 5830.

I got a 5850 brand new for cheaper :p
looks quite good actually :)
I like the green :D:D:D

why thanksyou :D
i need a colour scheme for later on though, i have been running ideas through my head for a while now
What would everyone's thoughts be on bottom mounting the psu, well i say bottom mounting the psu, what i really mean is bassicly flipping the whole chassis with the to panel attached to what currently is the bottom and the bottom attached to what is the top, it would mean the motherboard facing the other way though, and would cost me roughly £50 in supplies (excluding paint and harware)

Edit: this would also take switching the drive bays around due to a lump of cnc.
but bassicly the only thing id need to but is a dremel, and a few bits for it, as my mums boyfriend is a builder he has countless amounts of expensive drills and beltsanders.ect
i would worry more about the hardware that goes inside it than spending money on unnecessary things like mods.
well it is a build log :p
reverse atx cases do look good, and since your psu is currently at the top, you have the added benefit of having the psu at the bottom :)
just get your pc up and running first though :p
well it is a build log :p
reverse atx cases do look good, and since your psu is currently at the top, you have the added benefit of having the psu at the bottom :)
just get your pc up and running first though :p

i certainly will, and anyway, it will be a while before a start modding this case anyway, or at-least till Christmas when i can get the money together for a few new tools like thread taps (to replace the rivets with screws) a dremel a countersunk bit, and then there's going to have to be paint, witch means i may need to get a new spray-gun (i hate cans) some good quality paint, primer and clear-coat, and then there's braid, and any new hardware ill want to put in it, so it will be a long while :)
your a top man for the pictures zacc, cheers, and dont get too into the modding thought as your main focus should be getting the cpu or money back from ebay and getting a working PC,
your a top man for the pictures zacc, cheers, and dont get too into the modding thought as your main focus should be getting the cpu or money back from ebay and getting a working PC,

as that goes, Mr Dinsdale is a RUBBER DUCKIING *******, we ring him up
Mum: helllo
dinsdale: urmmm hello
mum: is that mr dinsdale?
Dinsdale: "hangs up"

yeah, then we Favorited his shop and requested the newsletter from his ebay shop,, the request was denied
we then sent him a email, no response
we then got back in contact with ebay, still nothing.

But, on the brighter side i can afford to buy a x3 720be with next day delivery from here on the clearance lines
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