Akasa Eclipse 62's Club... Desktop & Machines.

Its mentioned if you read the thread the pics are from.
But he doesn't say why....

Does he know something we don't......
Dreamcaster said:
heres mine, done couple of things to it - added 120mm top blow hole and modded the front hdd cage to take a 120x38mm fan.

3 120x38mm panaflo fans all together.


Where did you get the top 120mm blow hole done.... great pics :D
Dude your sig is freakin' huge! :eek:

Change it quick

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Yes, i changed mine to hyperbright red hdd led's and a hyperbright rainbow power led, had to bridge the two hdd leds on the pcb so you only need 1 cable to power both, very easy to do.
A recent mod of mine was to change every led from blue to bright red, worked quite well :D
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