AKG Q701 - Roughly £100 before duty

13 May 2007
On the wagon, sorta
A friend of mine recently got the 990's, it is part of the reason i started looking at investing in decent head gear. I had been very happy with my soundmagic E10 IEM's.
Only thing i didnt like about the Beyers is that i have quite large ears, not exactly protruding but big enough to sit on the inside of the ear cup and after several hours it becomes painful, part of the reason for using IEM for so long.

I do love the soundstage open back provides and i do realise realistically the characteristics that provide that soundstage create a negative impact on low end emphasis. Why i was so intrigued by the X1.
6 Oct 2007
North West
A friend of mine recently got the 990's, it is part of the reason i started looking at investing in decent head gear. I had been very happy with my soundmagic E10 IEM's.
Only thing i didnt like about the Beyers is that i have quite large ears, not exactly protruding but big enough to sit on the inside of the ear cup and after several hours it becomes painful, part of the reason for using IEM for so long.

I do love the soundstage open back provides and i do realise realistically the characteristics that provide that soundstage create a negative impact on low end emphasis. Why i was so intrigued by the X1.

Mate can you leave me trust for the cans and I'll do likewise for you, cheers.

Regrading the X1, you want bass? you want deep bass with great extension but is all so well controlled and tight, the X1 is for you. I have it and you could easily listen to them all day long as they are not fatiguing at all. Smooth, warm, so musical.

Don't just take my word for it, there are many poitive reviews and threads on the X1.







Try them from Amazon, get a used pair to save cash, send them back if you don't like them, which is unlikely.;)
21 Jun 2006
Hmm, just found the AKG K702 on sale at the rainforest for £165, after duty on the Q701 I'm looking at about £30 or so more - tough choice...

duty won't be that much.

£40 more expensive at minimum for the K702. If you miss customs then it's £70 more expensive to buy the K702.
5 Apr 2014
I'm not sure, I've not really tried to mod any of the AKGs. I've heard people cutting the foam out though. Yewh the 65th are so expensive but to be honest in terms of sound they are competitive.



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
I think I might pick them up for under £100 just for the sake of comparing against the X1. I trust my ears over all else!

I've watched a few reviews now of the Q701 and one thing seems to crop up, they're fast and sharp headphones with a slight tendency to show some sibilance. The X1s have no sibilance in any area in any type of music I have in my collection or have listened to online. A few of those reviews mentioned bass too, because they're reference headphones they're flat so if multimedia is what you're using them for (movies, gaming) where guns, explosions etc are playing then maybe these aren't the right headphones.

I'm going to try them out anyway but personally everything I've read so far doesn't give me the impression that they will be better than the X1. I'll run them in for a week or so just to be fair and if they do indeed turn out to be better then I will keep them otherwise I'll sell them in pristine condition for minimal or no loss in cash :D

The one thing I love about the X1 is the bass, as Raven has mentioned the bass is tight, deep and well controlled. I love it to bits in tracks like Hugh Laurie's The St. Louis Blues for the first 2mins 30secs where the bass and low instruments kick in, you can "feel" the sound and not just hear it. It's simply amazing.
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5 Apr 2014
I'd be a happy bunny if I could find some 65th ear pads to put on my K702's

I tried my 65th pads on my Q701 and they sounded a bit thicker nut nothing like the 65th which is odd. They died improve the Qs and are so comfortable.

The 702 I had a while back was dryer and thinner so I reckon the 65th pads would be awesome. Email AKG parts and get some.
21 Jun 2006
I think I might pick them up for under £100 just for the sake of comparing against the X1. I trust my ears over all else!

I've watched a few reviews now of the Q701 and one thing seems to crop up, they're fast and sharp headphones with a slight tendency to show some sibilance. The X1s have no sibilance in any area in any type of music I have in my collection or have listened to online. A few of those reviews mentioned bass too, because they're reference headphones they're flat so if multimedia is what you're using them for (movies, gaming) where guns, explosions etc are playing then maybe these aren't the right headphones.

I'm going to try them out anyway but personally everything I've read so far doesn't give me the impression that they will be better than the X1. I'll run them in for a week or so just to be fair and if they do indeed turn out to be better then I will keep them otherwise I'll sell them in pristine condition for minimal or no loss in cash :D

The one thing I love about the X1 is the bass, as Raven has mentioned the bass is tight, deep and well controlled. I love it to bits in tracks like Hugh Laurie's The St. Louis Blues for the first 2mins 30secs where the bass and low instruments kick in, you can "feel" the sound and not just hear it. It's simply amazing.

Q701 are well known to be one of the best COMPETITIVE gaming cans on the planet.

thererfore they would never have the bass the X1's have because in competitive gaming bass drowns out footsteps.



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
I'm no competitive gamer but I do game almost daily, never found a problem with hearing where people are coming from I have to say with the X1.

I've ordered the white as the black are not selectable, only green and white.
21 Jan 2010
Q701 are well known to be one of the best COMPETITIVE gaming cans on the planet.

therefore they would never have the bass the X1's have because in competitive gaming bass drowns out footsteps.

They do not lack in bass by any means. They just have a different sound signature to the X1s. X1s have a more "fun" 'v-shaped' sound signature, the Q701s have a distinctly more neutral, flat response.
mrk, this also means that one should not rule out neutral headphones for movies/gaming etc, I prefer neutral cans for all applications as I prefer to hear my audio as it was designed and engineered.

The presence of bass is not the be all and end all of a gaming headphone either, by any means. Clarity, width and separation are all more important considerations.
17 Mar 2005
This whole thread has given me the headphone bug, spent hours today watching/reading various reviews! I like my X1's a lot, lots of bass and fun to listen to.

I do sometimes feel the bass on the X1 overpowers the rest of the song though, hence my interest in the Q701, less bottom end but should be more punchy on the mid range. Haven't auditioned them so just going by reviews here.

Slightly worried about the headband and having to fork out for a replacement one but some people really don't have a problem with it.

Either way for £100 it's crazy not to buy them. Went for the white ones, half tempted to get the green :p



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
They do not lack in bass by any means. They just have a different sound signature to the X1s. X1s have a more "fun" 'v-shaped' sound signature, the Q701s have a distinctly more neutral, flat response.
mrk, this also means that one should not rule out neutral headphones for movies/gaming etc, I prefer neutral cans for all applications as I prefer to hear my audio as it was designed and engineered.

The presence of bass is not the be all and end all of a gaming headphone either, by any means. Clarity, width and separation are all more important considerations.

Of course! Don't forget I've owned Sennheiser and Grado headphones for the past 15 years up until a few months ago when I got the X1. I never thought I could like another sound signature over what Sennheiser have to offer but there you go. I preferred the added bass detail over the neutral Sennheisers I had.

We'll see what I make of the Q701.
21 Jan 2010
Of course! Don't forget I've owned Sennheiser and Grado headphones for the past 15 years up until a few months ago when I got the X1. I never thought I could like another sound signature over what Sennheiser have to offer but there you go. I preferred the added bass detail over the neutral Sennheisers I had.

We'll see what I make of the Q701.

I love that Grado sound... SR60is got me into this money-grabbing addiction. For my ears, if its not neutral, it has to be Grado :p To be honest, a lot of my listening is rock/metal based where the Grado's thrive.

More neutral cans were purchased for experimentation and because my music tastes were diversifying immensely (at the same time as I started getting to a good level in comp CS/BF). I still love Grados for portables, instant feel good sound :D

Gotta try some SRH-840s at some point, apparently they're more of a grown up Grado sound and my ultimate goal is HE-400s. V-shaped, but only slightly with excellent clarity, width, separation...

K550 have too much bass for me, X1 would be like strapping a sub to my head!

:o K550 sounded incredibly flat to me!
21 Jun 2006
comparing a basshead can like the x1 to a q701 would be like comparing a 4x4 with a convertible, they are both designed for completely different things you just cannot directly compare them.

the Q701 has a RRP in the UK of £400 the X1 of £300. You can get the X1 for £150-£180 which is a saving of £120-£150. the Q701 is on offer here for £95 (excluding customs charges) on amazon it's price is £200 for the white and £300 for the lime.

value for money wise nothing really touches this deal. for £95 in the UK you would be looking at buying a CAL 2 or something like that.

i don't think anyone can disagree this is a very good can available at a ridiculous price. i haven't heard it personally but there is a huge thread on head fi your welcome to read and MLE rates it as one of the best gaming cans in the world.

I just don't know how I'm going to drive the thing using my mixamp, it needs to be double amped using my topping NX1 most likely. which is going to be a right pain. i just hope the topping doesn't degrade the SQ much.
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