Alien: Isolation...

I had contemplated buying this on release (pending reviews) and that's something I rarely do these days, most of my games are purchased months/years later around the £3.74 sale bracket on Steam.

Whilst I haven't written this off completely based the IGN article, if it turns out to be somewhat truthful then I think I'll wait as long as it takes for a complete GOTY version or whatever.

I really dislike the route gaming has taken over the last few years with excessive DLC/Season passes/HD re-masters/definitive editions and the like :(
Hah... well... there's a big title off my list of must-buys. They made it impossible. What an obvious cash-grab. At least with Battlefield you get a large game with loads of maps and gametypes at launch, and the DLCs are truly optional smaller bonuses. With Isolation you will absolutely need the DLCs otherwise the game will be microscopically small.

What an absolutely terrible move by Sega...
I think the 5 DLC map packs are for the survivor mode only not the SP game modes although they are most likely the same content just sold individually & fenced off for Survivor mode.

The thing that really gets me is the SP sounds like its not very long at all & you have to pay £38 for the GAME exclusive edition to get all 2 DLC @ launch or wait until March 2015 to buy it all individually & the season pass only gives you access to the 5 x DLC Survivor map packs @ 25% off it does not say you get all DLC for the season pass cost so Sega are really milking this one :rolleyes:

From the IGN article:
"Players will be able to pick up an Alien: Isolation Season Pass, which will grant access to all five Survivor Mode expansions and offer a 25% discount. And SEGA has said all of this DLC will be released by March 2015"

I cancelled my GAME pre-order weeks ago when it became obvious to me the game is not very long & the DLC is going to make it a £50-60 title unless you wait a year for a 75% off Steam sale :(
Well, thats me waiting for a Steam bargin bin sale before buying this.

What a shame gaming has become such a money grabbing exercise for companies. They're all testing the water with this behaviour, but gamers wont show them they will not be treated like this.
Already possibly short game with not much premise to work from to begin with now going to be riddled with DLC from day 1 and on then some, sigh :(
Constants in gaming:

1) Half Life 3 is vapourware.
2) EA suck.
3) UbiSoft suck.
3) There will NEVER be a good/liked/decent Alien franchise game again.
You'd think SEGA would be bending over backwards to try and please us with the colossal turd Colonial Marines, but NO. Sega are slowly moving up to EA status for me with Rome 2 being ****, Colonial Marines being **** and now this and they won't make Shenmue! :(
Steam has been updated now

Base Game= £31.99
Season Pass = £19.99
Pre-order Base game + Season Pass = £43.99 (you get 3 x TF2 Alien inspired items)

The other 2 DLC are not part of the season pass either so your looking at at least £50 perhaps £57 to own all content unless you wait for the digital sales :rolleyes:

Season pass for me as in pass on this until it hits the digital sales :(
Steam changed the base price before it's even out. As I pre-ordered at the old price and have paid, I assume I won't be seeing any reimbursement of the difference?

I don't care for DLC. I bought for the single player regardless of cost. Much the same as the latest Wolfenstien, also a short game.
Steam changed the base price before it's even out. As I pre-ordered at the old price and have paid, I assume I won't be seeing any reimbursement of the difference?

I don't care for DLC. I bought for the single player regardless of cost. Much the same as the latest Wolfenstien, also a short game.
DLC appears to be essential for this game though it sounds very short Wolfenstein was quite long by comparrison.

It seems obvious to me Sega decided SP only so split the DLC up to make it cost the same as SP with Co-Op/MP + Season Pass :rolleyes:
Cannot believe 3 x TF2 hats as preorder items has pushed this close to Steam top sellers :rolleyes: PC gamers just accepting the same old publisher tactics on season pass/dlc instead of selling the GOTY up front for a much higher price & being open about that :rolleyes:
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