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AMD GPU sales tanking



3 Oct 2008
Vocal rabid gaslighting fan base you say...
Yes, I repeated myself a few too many times and will tone down the language down.
Interesting take, considering in the past nvidia had active trolls posting on forums under the guise of being 'focus group members'. The name rollo ring any bells? He was one of the primary ones.
Yes I dont deny that other vendors have their fans or trolls is just AMD has its own unique kind, the kind that have hurt it and its part why people still have an issue all these years later. People are asking questions why wont people buy AMD and part of that is in the past when people have a bad experience and need help, this part of the fanbase seals the fate of the person ever trying AMD again by blaming and gaslighting them while Nvidia fans swoop in and tell them ditch your AMD card and all your problems go away.

I remember the AMD server marketing employee that was on here and other sites being abit vague with the truth regarding Bulldozer, but Rollo I dont remember was it confirmed that they was being paid by Nvidia as all vendors have their own super fans and some will go to great lengths and do it willingly with or without payment.

Best forgotten, though it's funny to think nvidia were paying people to go out shilling for them, exaggerating ati\amd issues and downplaying any nvidia issues. Probably has a lot to do with some of the mindsets of some people swearing off amd hardware as there was more than just Rollo running about numerous tech sites doing this, though he was the most known of the bunch.
I think people like this Rollo person are not needed as people will do it for for free, AMD have shot itself in the foot constantly over the years and a subsect of its fanbase does Rollo's job for them though they think they're helping.

On reflection on my last few posts I'm going to drop it here as sharing the experience of others is all well and good at the end of the day this isnt my issue to resolve.
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22 May 2015
AMD have their own troll fans like other groups any sane person will grasp this. AMD do shoot themselves in the foot and could do with a capable marketing team, again sane persons grasp this.
True, weapons on both sides.

While the sane people want BOTH manufacturers to make great products so we have a real choice and one side doesn't take the **** with pricing..
10 Oct 2012
I think people like this Rollo person are not needed as people will do it for for free, AMD have shot itself in the foot constantly over the years and a subsect of its fanbase does Rollo's job for them though they think they're helping.

On reflection on my last few posts I'm going to drop it here as sharing the experience of others is all well and good at the end of the day this isnt my issue to resolve.

Yes without a doubt, AMD hasn't always thought things through. "Poor Volta" and that whole rebellion marketing campaign didn't have the desired result i'm sure :). The RX 560 gimped card wasn't right either and it took them fairly long to fix freesync over HDMI. However, nvidia has also shoot themselves in the foot and rarely, if ever, does it have any long lasting consequences for them.

The 970s 3.5gig memory, the 1060 3 and 6 gig being completely different and the same with 1030 in an even worse case. You would think that increasing the price of x70 models to previous x80ti levels would be equal to a massive wound in the torso area but apparently not. You would think that punishing their own customer base with over use of tessellation would bite them in the behind, but apparently not.

You would think that charging enterprise level prices for their top cards would garner some sort of negative will but would you look at that, new gen is release for 20-30% more and people sure forgets in a hurry.

AMD is dumb and clumsy at times, their mistakes are facepalm level silly a lot of the time. nvidia on the other hand is straight evil empire level bad. I'm not saying that if the roles were reversed that AMD would be saints. But I don't care about what if scenarios, I care about what is in front of me right now and how it got there.

I've seen the toxicity of some of the AMD diehards but it seems to me to mostly have died out. I would say that a lot of the most toxic nvidia fans are gone as well. Most of the stupidity on both sides these days are pretty harmless and silly. It was pretty bad when I joined up here 10-12 years ago.
21 Jul 2005
Officially least sunny location -Ronskistats
True, weapons on both sides.

While the sane people want BOTH manufacturers to make great products so we have a real choice and one side doesn't take the **** with pricing..

What I disagree with is the old wives' tales about things like power guzzler and rubbish drivers. The status quo seems to be the justification posts, and a by-product of this to make themselves feel better is to mention AMD in a negative capacity.

If there was no negative element that would be better but you have to ask how can someone insist on the aforementioned tales when they have not purchased a product from them in multiple generations?..

However, nvidia has also shoot themselves in the foot and rarely, if ever, does it have any long lasting consequences for them.

This is exactly it. I check out the nvidia driver thread to see about updating and you can see on there multiple problems with them. They have made massive errors like the famous unlaunched cards and overpriced models.
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19 Feb 2007
With the latest PC/Laptop marketshare figures from a few days ago it doesn't bode well for future GPU pricing for anyone, The pricing is out of control on Nvidia's side, And on AMD's side in my opinion they need to start sensibly pricing their cards to gain more marketshare. The 7900XTX at the very max should've been a £799 card and they would've shifted a lot more.

What I disagree with is the old wives' tales about things like power guzzler and rubbish drivers. The status quo seems to be the justification posts, and a by-product of this to make themselves feel better is to mention AMD in a negative capacity.

I've noticed I still see what you mention in regards to bad drivers and power guzzling yet the 7900XTX I got a few weeks back has been 1 of the most solid cards I've had in many years.
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30 Mar 2010
Under The Stairs!
What I disagree with is the old wives' tales about things like power guzzler and rubbish drivers. The status quo seems to be the justification posts, and a by-product of this to make themselves feel better is to mention AMD in a negative capacity.

If there was no negative element that would be better but you have to ask how can someone insist on the aforementioned tales when they have not purchased a product from them in multiple generations?..

This is exactly it. I check out the nvidia driver thread to see about updating and you can see on there multiple problems with them. They have made massive errors like the famous unlaunched cards and overpriced models.

Yes, I repeated myself a few too many times and will tone down the language down.

Yes I dont deny that other vendors have their fans or trolls is just AMD has its own unique kind, the kind that have hurt it and its part why people still have an issue all these years later. People are asking questions why wont people buy AMD and part of that is in the past when people have a bad experience and need help, this part of the fanbase seals the fate of the person ever trying AMD again by blaming and gaslighting them while Nvidia fans swoop in and tell them ditch your AMD card and all your problems go away.

I remember the AMD server marketing employee that was on here and other sites being abit vague with the truth regarding Bulldozer, but Rollo I dont remember was it confirmed that they was being paid by Nvidia as all vendors have their own super fans and some will go to great lengths and do it willingly with or without payment.

I think people like this Rollo person are not needed as people will do it for for free, AMD have shot itself in the foot constantly over the years and a subsect of its fanbase does Rollo's job for them though they think they're helping.

On reflection on my last few posts I'm going to drop it here as sharing the experience of others is all well and good at the end of the day this isnt my issue to resolve.
It's mostly self confirmation/justification that you picked the best choice-echoed/voiced through blind defence or over the top criticism to whatever brand.

The lengths individuals are prepared to voice said opinions is a very telling indication of character imo.
21 Jul 2005
Officially least sunny location -Ronskistats
I've noticed I still see what you mention in regards to bad drivers and power guzzling yet the 7900XTX I got a few weeks back has been 1 of the most solid cards I've had in many years.

Precisely, and whenever I use an AMD card, just like any hardware component regardless of brand - you can use the software to undervolt, save power, boost etc. in fact the 6000 series cards were very efficient in power - highly glossed over in that era as it was then "fps, ray tracing" and suddenly the power efficiency is back again when it suits. There will always be cherry picking or biased comparison metrics but the lower end of the stack its even less favoured in nvidia's defence.
4 Jun 2009
Precisely, and whenever I use an AMD card, just like any hardware component regardless of brand - you can use the software to undervolt, save power, boost etc. in fact the 6000 series cards were very efficient in power - highly glossed over in that era as it was then "fps, ray tracing" and suddenly the power efficiency is back again when it suits. There will always be cherry picking or biased comparison metrics but the lower end of the stack its even less favoured in nvidia's defence.

RDNA 2 power efficiency was shouted about from the rooftops when compared to ampere, we even had a number of members on here always noting about it after uploading their gameplay videos so much that even those same people voted that as being the main thing they consider to be important in a gpu and it was also touted as being the main advantage come rdna 4 after Lisas claims.... which turned out to be utter lies and when ada was shown to be extremely efficient, it suddenly wasn't that important of a factor in the next gpu purchase..... People who banged on about amds rdna 2 power efficiency completely glossed over the fact that in RT workloads, their efficiency was worse compared to ampere and also that ampere gpus could very easily be undervolted to take of 100w whilst achieving better perf.

This is always the way with gpu wars, fanbois playing to the strengths of their gpu brands e.g. tesselation, vram back when fury x vs 980ti were out, same way upscaling and frame gen was given huge abuse until amd brought their version out and we had all the "dlss is dead" articles even though these same people threw stones at nvidia for coming up with such solutions....
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10 Oct 2012
RDNA 2 power efficiency was shouted about from the rooftops when compared to ampere, we even had a number of members on here always noting about it after uploading their gameplay videos so much that even those same people voted that as being the main thing they consider to be important in a gpu and it was also touted as being the main advantage come rdna 4 after Lisas claims.... which turned out to be utter lies and when ada was shown to be extremely efficient, it suddenly wasn't that important of a factor in the next gpu purchase..... People who banged on about amds rdna 2 power efficiency completely glossed over the fact that in RT workloads, their efficiency was worse compared to ampere and also that ampere gpus could very easily be undervolted to take of 100w whilst achieving better perf.

This is always the way with gpu wars, fanbois playing to the strengths of their gpu brands e.g. tesselation, vram back when fury x vs 980ti were out, same way upscaling and frame gen was given huge abuse until amd brought their version out and we had all the "dlss is dead" articles even though these same people threw stones at nvidia for coming up with such solutions....
There is no point in mentioning RDNA2's RT performance or efficiency as it is a feature you will never use with that architecture in the current RT climate simply because its not powerful enough outside of a few fringe titles, it is no secret that atm nvidia has the RT market cornered completely with its game dev partnerships. Outside of RT RDNA2 is pretty efficient but as usual with AMD it takes a little bit of user input to get there. My 6950XT runs a little bit faster downclocked than a reference 4070 while drinking about 40-50 watts more. Thats between 25-30% more power on 7N vs 5N(N4) node. Thats in line with what a node shrink would give by itself.
4 Jun 2009
There is no point in mentioning RDNA2's RT performance or efficiency as it is a feature you will never use with that architecture in the current RT climate simply because its not powerful enough outside of a few fringe titles, it is no secret that atm nvidia has the RT market cornered completely with its game dev partnerships. Outside of RT RDNA2 is pretty efficient but as usual with AMD it takes a little bit of user input to get there. My 6950XT runs a little bit faster downclocked than a reference 4070 while drinking about 40-50 watts more. Thats between 25-30% more power on 7N vs 5N(N4) node. Thats in line with what a node shrink would give by itself.

I was referring to the RDNA 2 vs ampere gen in terms of efficiency in the quoted post, there were plenty of the ligher RT titles back then, many of which amd sponsored where RT was/is playable on rdna 2 i.e. riftbreaker, resident evil games, fc 6, halo or well optimised ones like doom, metro ee and even now we still have a number of RT games that can run well enough on rdna 2 such as avatar for example and in terms of efficiency wise, ampere fairs better here especially if you undervolt (obviously amd does use less power when undervolted too but it doesn't have the same efficiency that ampere would in rt workloads and even for raster, I think it is quite comparable unless you compare stock to stock), obviously in todays market with ada and rdna 3 and the current RT workloads, it is a different matter but as shown, the same people who praised rdna 2 efficiency and voted for it as being the most important factor in their next gpu changed their tune i.e. swings and roundabouts
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3 Oct 2008
It's mostly self confirmation/justification that you picked the best choice-echoed/voiced through blind defence or over the top criticism to whatever brand.

The lengths individuals are prepared to voice said opinions is a very telling indication of character imo.
What indication of character would that be as for me it's not that deep and people are reading way too much into it as I shared one of the many experiences me and a few people I gamed with over the years of which many where happy at some point on AMD GPU's and after a few bad experiences this would dwindle down to I think three of us out of 15-20 over the years.

As things are a lot better and it's pretty much a non issue now as I've personally had some minor issues, but on the whole no real different to nvidia in my opinion but some people may have to be convinced and some dont want to but denying and spewing venom in responce to peoples experiences however dumb people may think it is is not helping.
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30 Mar 2010
Under The Stairs!
Reddit/FB/Twitter is going to have toxic NV/AMD users-both of them.

The indication of character I referenced to users in this forum is how far one is prepared to 'don't back down-double down' on AMD negativity in general, if one has to be that vocal about it-it's self empowerment IMO.
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
Reddit/FB/Twitter is going to have toxic NV/AMD users-both of them.

The indication of character I referenced to users in this forum is how far one is prepared to 'don't back down-double down' on AMD negativity in general, if one has to be that vocal about it-it's self empowerment IMO.

These people on Reddit are so stupid they don't even realise they are working against their own interests in behaving like this, every time Jenson reads what these people write their GPU's go up by a $, there is a lot of it to read.

Also "Oh, but whataboutism AMD users are the same" all i see is Nvidia users on the offensive with AMD users on the defensive.
26 Jun 2015

Q1 2024 JPR AIB GPU shipment marketshare saw Nvidia reached historic all time high at 88% marketshare while AMD collapsed from 17% to 12% and Intel crashed down back to 0%. AMD warned Radeon GPU sales will decline further in coming quarters, Intel will hold on waiting for Battlemage GPUs to see if it can battle blow crush RDNA4 to bits and try to overtake AMD marketshare with Intel magic spells and Nvidia will ship more GPUs and launch Blackwell GPUs in Q4 2024.
? I dont get your point here.

Overall sales are on the decline in the consumer space, Shifting market share within that shrinking pool always happens but to answer this point, the strong reason is that Nvidia has a bigger product stack in the 4000 series and by that means the 3000 series on sale compared to AMDs poultry single digit product stack with limited price ranges.

Even Nvidia consumer sales are declining alongside AMD and Intel ( including the whole industry and other industries aside from business to business, I am only referring to consumer sales)
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4 Jun 2009
These people on Reddit are so stupid they don't even realise they are working against their own interests in behaving like this, every time Jenson reads what these people write their GPU's go up by a $, there is a lot of it to read.

Also "Oh, but whataboutism AMD users are the same" all i see is Nvidia users on the offensive with AMD users on the defensive.

This is why I always take reputable sources and users who post evidence to backup their points far more seriously than the users/posters who post nothing to back up their statements. User experience is obviously something that is subjective and valid in its own right such but when it goes against users/sources who show otherwise with evidence, well I know who I'll trust more....

Personally I find the amd reddit to be more "rabid fanboys" but this is usually always the way when you have the "white knight", "underdog", "peoples champion" image attached to said company.

The "whataboutism" is pretty valid for both sides e.g. the most controversial topics being upscaling and frame gen when it came about and how nvidia got absolutely slaughtered for "cheating", "zOMG LOL that latency", "that IQ hit" and so on then amd followed and got praised for their solutions (even though latency was higher, their anti latency solution got you banned in games, it didn't work with vrr at the start, screen tearing, frame pacing issues and so on), yes their version is open source but as shown many times, nvidias solution is usually coming out on top and to get the best of the best, of course they can charge more for these things, not to mention, they have their tech out there for much longer and in more games until a certain point, this is what those amd fans don't realise and it's probably because they don't have experience/knowledge in relevant/similar industries, if you are going to be last to the market with an inferior solution, there is no other option but to go about things the way amd do, don't think for a minute if amd were in nvidias position that they wouldn't be doing the exact same approach that nvidia do. Another good example regarding "whataboutitsm" is the whole tier and price shifting, yes nvidia took the **** with the 4080 saga and rightly so got **** thrown at them, meanwhile amd did the exact same thing but didn't get the same heat because it all comes down to this again:

"white knight", "underdog", "peoples champion" image attached to said company
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17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
? I dont get your point here.

Overall sales are on the decline in the consumer space, Shifting market share within that shrinking pool always happens but to answer this point, the strong reason is that Nvidia has a bigger product stack in the 4000 series and by that means the 3000 series on sale compared to AMDs poultry single digit product stack with limited price ranges.

Even Nvidia consumer sales are declining alongside AMD and Intel ( including the whole industry and other industries aside from business to business, I am only referring to consumer sales)

To be fair its in the article, AMD share has gone from 19% to 12%, Intel's share has gone from 1% to 0%. Nvidia have gone from 80% to 88%.

AMD's market share continues in perpetual decline, eventually AMD will have no choice but to bow out as it becomes unsuitable, I think a lot of PCMR idiots would like that... Intel, they can't even get a toenail in the door as every review outlet is doing their best to given them a leg up.
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4 Jun 2009
IMO, the biggest problem with amd is that their fans defend them too much and don't push them to do better, want nvidias features like dlss, frame gen, rtx hdr, shadowplay and so on to matter less and not be an incentive to go with nvidia over amd? Then the onus is on amd to create solutions which are on par or better than nvidia and preferably by beating them to the punch and not coming out months/years later. Until this changes, it will always be an uphill battle for amd especially when they charge in the same ballpark as a company that offers arguably the better "overall" package.

People say nvidia don't care about pc gaming anymore but I would argue that this hasn't been the case and if anything amd haven't been focussing on pc scene for a long time now, this always shows in their live shows, amd is always about the partnerships across various industries and usually like 1 minute on pc gaming, also the lack of partnerships in the gaming scene also says it all including the lack of any new features and improvements to their tech, I think the main thing we have coming from them is fsr 3.1?

There is no doubt nvidias focus is all on ai now i.e. hardly anything is revealed in their latest videos as its all ai focus now but behind the scenes, they are still steaming ahead in the gaming scene too such as their advancements with rtx remix, ray reconstruction, dlss and more and more gaming partnerships e.g. just check out their youtube channels in terms of coverage and what there is:

https://www.youtube.com/@AMD/videos (unless there is another amd youtube channel)

Could be argued, poor marketing too but you need something to work with in order to market/advertise......
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