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AMD Navi 23 ‘NVIDIA Killer’ GPU Rumored to Support Hardware Ray Tracing, Coming Next Year

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17 Nov 2005
Prices are what the market dictates and thats very high prices just now. Nvidia and AMD are both starving the market and all we have is hype. Nvidia has released their cards but a tiny few leaving everyone desperate to get one, they will get shafted way over the RRP.

AMD is drip feeding us info to create the same hype with both CPU's and GPU's again the prices are going to be way over RRP for the first batches released.

I am not playing their game, I have waited nearly 7 years to upgrade I can wait a bit longer. When all the desperados have got their overpriced CPU's and cards the prices will come down.

If they don't come down then I will just buy a console for half the price of a mid range GPU. They really are pricing themselves out of the mid range market.

Same here I wait until the ZEN 3 5600 and Radeon 6600/6700 out and look at the prices.
21 Jul 2005
Officially least sunny location -Ronskistats
Please stop making me laugh, ringbus is in no way a comparable fabric to IF. Ringbus cannot scale anything like IF and consumes bucket loads of power (intel admitted themselves in leaked internal emails that AMD had better fabric, and that was before we saw a new generation of fabric so during the 2000 series). Sure it's fast and has lots of bandwidth but you would expect that out of something that has been a core to a design for the last 10+ years. It's done, it has hit it's limit. It is also only for core to core / cache communication. IF goes far beyond that. As I said there is no comparable fabric that is nearly as good.

Fancy going back to the drawing board again with Pentium?
2 Sep 2017
Fancy going back to the drawing board again with Pentium?

I think AMD will go there once Alder Lake and Meteor Lake get launched in late 2021 and then sometime in 2022.

They had been promoting multi-threaded performance for years, now they jump on the single-core performance hype train - they are looking not serious and not professional.
4 Aug 2016
ooohhhhhhhhh you're right in a funny ole' position there... what to do, what to do... you knwo what, 3090... you're about to hit it, buy it enjoy it. There is ALWAYS something better around the corner, if we all waited we'd never buy anything

Very true, it's maddening though, ever since I have gotten into PC gaming, since my first 386, I've always hovered on the midrange/occasional high tier. The one time I say **** it and do everything high end I put myself in this situation! I'll wait and see what fates hand deals me, if the Strix has dried up for a few weeks and AMD release a monster then great, if the deliveries come in and I get the card then hey, either way the card is a beast.

Such a first world problem its embarrassing. :D
Man of Honour
30 Oct 2003
I'm in a kinda good/bad position here. I'm number 2 for a 3090 Strix, I should probably hope for a dry spell with shipping giving me some breathing room to make a decision in 5 or 6 days when AMD show their hand. If I cancel and AMD don't bring anything comparable I'm looking at next year for a card rather than in the next 2 weeks.

It's tricky but you could quite easily sell that 3090 on for bucket loads of cash "if" AMD hit the ground running. It's all a bit of a mystery right now but personally I would never spend that much money on a GPU, not for any personal reason. I don't hold anything against you or anybody that does, it's your hard earned cash, not mine. For me it's just so incredibly hard to justify when it comes to tech as it's outdated before you know it these days. Literally my absolute top draw is 1k per component and I expect it to last a good few years, my last machine stacked up as roughly that. 1K ish gpu, 900 on ram, 1k on cpu, 500 on a board, you get the point. Hardly low end stuff but stuff that will last me a good few years to justify it's cost.

Personally if it was me and I had a capable gpu other than this card id probably, and this is the gods honest truth, get my cash back. I know it is contraversial but that is a lot of money and I think I would want to see where the ground settles around christmas and get a much better deal heading into the new year, even if I still wanted the same card at least by then I will know I am not being taken advantage of more than normal in some kind of early adopter cash grab. For me if launch prices for this AMD card are crazy ill just sit tight with what I have happy in the fact there really is no game I cant play with more than acceptable settings while knowing what both teams have.
16 Nov 2003
I'm in a kinda good/bad position here. I'm number 2 for a 3090 Strix, I should probably hope for a dry spell with shipping giving me some breathing room to make a decision in 5 or 6 days when AMD show their hand. If I cancel and AMD don't bring anything comparable I'm looking at next year for a card rather than in the next 2 weeks.

I very much doubt you'd have any trouble moving it on if you were to go AMD instead.
Man of Honour
30 Oct 2003
I think AMD will go there once Alder Lake and Meteor Lake get launched in late 2021 and then sometime in 2022.

They had been promoting multi-threaded performance for years, now they jump on the single-core performance hype train - they are looking not serious and not professional.

Now they have both, they literally acted on user criticism of their chips and improved in areas users were asking for the most. That is really unprofessional I agree. Perspective my friend I really think you need to get some. There are perspectives you can take when looking at the world and tunnel vision is not smart.

Deleted member 66701


Deleted member 66701

I think AMD will go there once Alder Lake and Meteor Lake get launched in late 2021 and then sometime in 2022.

They had been promoting multi-threaded performance for years, now they jump on the single-core performance hype train - they are looking not serious and not professional.

28 May 2007
I think AMD will go there once Alder Lake and Meteor Lake get launched in late 2021 and then sometime in 2022.

They had been promoting multi-threaded performance for years, now they jump on the single-core performance hype train - they are looking not serious and not professional.

Single core was the last thing intel had over Ryzen so off course AMD were going to show that off. Now Intel cpu's are beaten in pretty much every metric. there is pretty much no reason to buy intel what so ever now.
4 Aug 2016
It's tricky but you could quite easily sell that 3090 on for bucket loads of cash "if" AMD hit the ground running. It's all a bit of a mystery right now but personally I would never spend that much money on a GPU, not for any personal reason. I don't hold anything against you or anybody that does, it's your hard earned cash, not mine. For me it's just so incredibly hard to justify when it comes to tech as it's outdated before you know it these days. Literally my absolute top draw is 1k per component and I expect it to last a good few years, my last machine stacked up as roughly that. 1K ish gpu, 900 on ram, 1k on cpu, 500 on a board, you get the point. Hardly low end stuff but stuff that will last me a good few years to justify it's cost.

Personally if it was me and I had a capable gpu other than this card id probably, and this is the gods honest truth, get my cash back. I know it is contraversial but that is a lot of money and I think I would want to see where the ground settles around christmas and get a much better deal heading into the new year, even if I still wanted the same card at least by then I will know I am not being taken advantage of more than normal in some kind of early adopter cash grab. For me if launch prices for this AMD card are crazy ill just sit tight with what I have happy in the fact there really is no game I cant play with more than acceptable settings while knowing what both teams have.

I hear you, and I know what you're saying is the most practical and sensible thing to do. Hell, my current 1080Ti is quite frankly still performing pretty damn well! (although at 5120x1440 its starting to struggling a little) We're just about to move up in the housing market and I think this may be my last large purchase in a while so its kind of a last "go out guns blazing" kind of deal before the better half bans me from the accounts. :D

But yea, its an absolutely ridiculous amount of money for a graphics card and I am painfully aware that me purchasing it is me being part of the problem.

Plus my son kinda has his eye on my current 1080 TI. The sponging little UNI attending scrote that he is.
19 Jun 2017

There was a paper on L1 cache pooling which AMD subsequently patented.. its supposed to provide 22% IPC uplift by eliminating duplication of data while minimising cache misses.. i think there's something being mixed up in the video..
cuz the data from RAM will be requested only when theres a L2 miss.. so the L2 to VRAM link will always be the weakest link unless it can meet demand
it surely is a interesting topic (its like saying i have more distance so i can do with lower speed in simple physical terms, which doesnt make obvious/any sense)
looking forward to the unveil :)
6 Feb 2019
There was a paper on L1 cache pooling which AMD subsequently patented.. its supposed to provide 22% IPC uplift by eliminating duplication of data while minimising cache misses.. i think there's something being mixed up in the video..
cuz the data from RAM will be requested only when theres a L2 miss.. so the L2 to VRAM link will always be the weakest link unless it can meet demand
it surely is a interesting topic (its like saying i have more distance so i can do with lower speed in simple physical terms)
looking forward to the unveil :)
There was a paper on L1 cache pooling which AMD subsequently patented.. its supposed to provide 22% IPC uplift by eliminating duplication of data while minimising cache misses.. i think there's something being mixed up in the video..
cuz the data from RAM will be requested only when theres a L2 miss.. so the L2 to VRAM link will always be the weakest link unless it can meet demand
it surely is a interesting topic (its like saying i have more distance so i can do with lower speed in simple physical terms)
looking forward to the unveil :)

rdna2 doesn't seem to have an ipc uplift that high, I belive it's 10% or less. My reasoning is that we have lots of performance numbers now for the Xbox series x and ps5 and when we normalise the results for CU count vs the 5700xt RDNA 2 doesn't seem to be a big leap
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