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AMD Navi 23 ‘NVIDIA Killer’ GPU Rumored to Support Hardware Ray Tracing, Coming Next Year

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28 Oct 2009
I think AMD will go there once Alder Lake and Meteor Lake get launched in late 2021 and then sometime in 2022.

They had been promoting multi-threaded performance for years, now they jump on the single-core performance hype train - they are looking not serious and not professional.

Lol what are you serious? That was the only thing intel had over AMD why would they not try to better it ? Now they are better in all
13 Oct 2008
The tech Youtuber with the quirky diction, RedGamingTech, in his last video said he has different TDP figures than Igor's 320W for the XTX.

He said the 6900 XT (Nvidia killer) has a 280W TDP according to a 'trusted sauce'. Now, this Brandon Lee lookalike is more trustworthy than most, he was the first to assign 'Infinity cache' to RDNA2.
If he's wrong, Brandon Lee will be eating some...

...Crow :cool:
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
Just speculation...
There is infinity fabric in ryzen processors
There is infinity fabric in NAVI
Infinity fabric heartbeat is synchronized with ram
They are all connected through the PCIe4
Maybe some of the cleverer people here can connect some dots about possible interplay?
After all, the AMD road map says the infinity fabric will go exoscale.

Uniform Memory Access (uMA), Heterogeneous System Architecture (HSA)

Unifying the paralleled processing power of the GPU with the serial processing power of the CPU.

19 Jun 2017
rdna2 doesn't seem to have an ipc uplift that high, I belive it's 10% or less.

Those are theoretical estimates computed through simulations on 'shared friendly applications'..
in mixed mode the IPC uplift is between 10-20% (didnt really focus on that part)
but the keyword is theoretical

Also, be interested in knowing how you got the 10% estimate using real world Xbox data
13 Oct 2008
Very true, it's maddening though, ever since I have gotten into PC gaming, since my first 386, I've always hovered on the midrange/occasional high tier. The one time I say **** it and do everything high end I put myself in this situation! I'll wait and see what fates hand deals me, if the Strix has dried up for a few weeks and AMD release a monster then great, if the deliveries come in and I get the card then hey, either way the card is a beast.

Such a first world problem its embarrassing. :D
I think that's the deal. A lot of people said **** it this year, and we've all ended up in a traffic jam!
Man of Honour
30 Oct 2003
I hear you, and I know what you're saying is the most practical and sensible thing to do. Hell, my current 1080Ti is quite frankly still performing pretty damn well! (although at 5120x1440 its starting to struggling a little) We're just about to move up in the housing market and I think this may be my last large purchase in a while so its kind of a last "go out guns blazing" kind of deal before the better half bans me from the accounts. :D

But yea, its an absolutely ridiculous amount of money for a graphics card and I am painfully aware that me purchasing it is me being part of the problem.

Plus my son kinda has his eye on my current 1080 TI. The sponging little UNI attending scrote that he is.

Trust me I know exactly how it is and am like it myself with cars sometimes. Although in recent years i've calmed down there as well. I mean really what is there to lose, realistically the card won't lose massive value straight away especially given it's rarity. Given you will actually have it in hand I imagine it can be turned in to cash at pretty much light speed. The question is really how tied in are you on ecosystem and how hard is it to move and would you regret the move. All very personal stuff. For me ive had laptops with NV cards, even what I would consider decent ones. my old laptop had a 970m 6gb and it could basically rock any game around at the time you know just an all round decent card and it never gave me any trouble to be fair, same for pretty much all my AMD cards, my screens are freesync so im not really tied in there as such. I dunno given the circumstances perhaps I would just do it. Let the son nab the 1080ti and be happy in the fact that you get a very decent gpu, a shocking value gpu but a monster none the less.
2 Sep 2017
Lol what are you serious? That was the only thing intel had over AMD why would they not try to better it ? Now they are better in all

It's not sustainable because Intel will fight back. The only question is how soon.

AMD has all in the performance metrics but only up to 20% market share in the x86-64 desktop segment, while only 5% in servers.

They could have had all if they offered a 16-core for $400 - literally 100% of the sales but obviously they don't want to.
19 Jun 2017
I think that's the deal. A lot of people said **** it this year, and we've all ended up in a traffic jam!

But i have this theory that the nvida hypetrain mustve mentally drained you, so you dont have the will to join a new amd hype, unless you dont have a spare GPU.
would that be a fair assumption?

It's not sustainable because Intel will fight back. The only question is how soon.

AMD has all in the performance metrics but only up to 20% market share in the x86-64 desktop segment, while only 5% in servers.

They could have had all if they offered a 16-core for $400 - literally 100% of the sales but obviously they don't want to.

buut. no infinity fabric in big navi
28 Oct 2009
It's not sustainable because Intel will fight back. The only question is how soon.

AMD has all in the performance metrics but only up to 20% market share in the x86-64 desktop segment, while only 5% in servers.

They could have had all if they offered a 16-core for $400 - literally 100% of the sales but obviously they don't want to.

Mate of course it can go back and forth , but for consumers it's great AMD are pushing it will only benefit us

I remember how long intel stayed on quad core untill AMD started adding more cores and affordable

16-core for $400 ? You what ?
8 Jun 2018
Ray tracing from AMD is going to be interesting. If vulkan, dx12 is used AMD will used asynchronous compute via parallelism. Without the need of preemption. Bear for running in execution parallel should be fundamentally faster instead of relying on concurrency.
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
It's not sustainable because Intel will fight back. The only question is how soon.

AMD has all in the performance metrics but only up to 20% market share in the x86-64 desktop segment, while only 5% in servers.

They could have had all if they offered a 16-core for $400 - literally 100% of the sales but obviously they don't want to.

Intel will put AMD back in their box soon, they will, i'm telling you they will. < this everytime AMD are about to release a new CPU better than the last.... what a novelty that is if you're Intel. And Intel in the darkness of the back of the room stick their hand in the air crying "i'm still here, i'm still relevant... NOTICE MEEEEEEEEE"

Stop it...
2 Sep 2017
Mate of course it can go back and forth , but for consumers it's great AMD are pushing it will only benefit us

I remember how long intel stayed on quad core untill AMD started adding more cores

The consumers have one very important weak point - they don't know what they want.
I am pretty sure that the only metric they care about is the price and they got screwed exactly in the price, got back only better single performance.
Is it worth it? No, of course not.

I, as hard supporter of AMD, will think twice before spending a single penny for a new Ryzen.

Why, because I am also a consumer and they didn't listen to me.
Man of Honour
30 Oct 2003
It's not sustainable because Intel will fight back. The only question is how soon.

AMD has all in the performance metrics but only up to 20% market share in the x86-64 desktop segment, while only 5% in servers.

They could have had all if they offered a 16-core for $400 - literally 100% of the sales but obviously they don't want to.

You don't understand how business works, you want year on year growth, steady, you need it to be steady in order to sustain the work force, increase the cash flow, buy more wafers... You know operate. Or they could have released the chip you want at your price and devalue every single other chip in the lineup. Making that chip you want doesn't make business sense.
2 Sep 2017
You don't understand how business works, you want year on year growth, steady, you need it to be steady in order to sustain the work force, increase the cash flow, buy more wafers... You know operate. Or they could have released the chip you want at your price and devalue every single other chip in the lineup. Making that chip you want doesn't make business sense.

They have more space to increase the core count - from 16 to 64 is 4 times more.
When will we see 64-core mainstream CPU?
If it depends on AMD, never!
Man of Honour
30 Oct 2003
They have more space to increase the core count - from 16 to 64 is 4 times more.
When will we see 64-core mainstream CPU?
If it depends on AMD, never!

Jesus, the substrate at this point and this density does not allow for 64 core consumer desktop chips. You know that as well as I do. If you want to troll me on CPU's can we go back to doing it in that new intel cpu thread I was posting in?
2 Sep 2017
Are you just deliberately trolling? It's because of AMD we saw above 4 cores, now it's their fault because we don't have 64 cores yet?

Jesus, the substrate at this point and this density does not allow for 64 core consumer desktop chips. You know that as well as I do.

AMD left Intel in the game and the Intel CPUs are very much competitive even today.

Hell, AMD just managed to equal the gaming performance of the 4-year-old Skylake architecture.
1 Nov 2003
Lisbon, Portugal
Lots of leaks over the last day or so! Apparently its for the 6800xt which is trading blows with the 3080, and we know there is a 6900xt coming?

Dun dun dunnnn

*hype intensifies*

I know its all grain of sort stuff but my god...if this is true....holy cheeseballs :D
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