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AMD Navi 23 ‘NVIDIA Killer’ GPU Rumored to Support Hardware Ray Tracing, Coming Next Year

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16 Nov 2003
It's not sustainable because Intel will fight back. The only question is how soon.

AMD has all in the performance metrics but only up to 20% market share in the x86-64 desktop segment, while only 5% in servers.

They could have had all if they offered a 16-core for $400 - literally 100% of the sales but obviously they don't want to.

I'm sure you know better than the entirety of AMD's engineering, marketing and sales departments. If only they could act on this amazing wisdom you have for them?!

With regards to servers, not all companies go out and buy new server hardware every year so growing the share will naturally take time. Also if other businesses are anything like the one i work for it takes a while to convince the key people that they should move away from Intel when they've been on Intel forever. No IT department wants to be responsible for breaking apps and things by moving them to new processors/hardware unless they are sure it will be seamless. Of course cost comes into it and cheaper is always a good bargaining chip but architecture moves are rarely straight forward.
26 Oct 2013
AMD left Intel in the game and the Intel CPUs are very much competitive even today.

Hell, AMD just managed to equal the gaming performance of the 4-year-old Skylake architecture.

Intel left AMD in the game and now they have bounced back and are superior.

Hell Intel have just managed to equal the multithreading performance of the 3 year old Zen architecure.
Man of Honour
30 Oct 2003
I'm sure you know better than the entirety of AMD's engineering, marketing and sales departments. If only they could act on this amazing wisdom you have for them?!

With regards to servers, not all companies go out and buy new server hardware every year so growing the share will naturally take time. Also if other businesses are anything like the one i work for it takes a while to convince the key people that they should move away from Intel when they've been on Intel forever. No IT department wants to be responsible for breaking apps and things by moving them to new processors/hardware unless they are sure it will be seamless. Of course cost comes into it and cheaper is always a good bargaining chip but architecture moves are rarely straight forward.

AMD EPYC "Rome" Estate reporting in sir! Also the entire desktop estate is also AMD. Nothing broke, nothing died, everything works. It draws less power, is faster and cheaper to run and to quote the great leather jacket "Just Works"
Man of Honour
30 Oct 2003
Lots of leaks over the last day or so! Apparently its for the 6800xt which is trading blows with the 3080, and we know there is a 6900xt coming?

Dun dun dunnnn

*hype intensifies*

I know its all grain of sort stuff but my god...if this is true....holy cheeseballs :D

The train is truly and firmly on the track. @humbug has done a fine job.
13 Oct 2008
Lots of leaks over the last day or so! Apparently its for the 6800xt which is trading blows with the 3080, and we know there is a 6900xt coming?

Dun dun dunnnn

*hype intensifies*

I know its all grain of sort stuff but my god...if this is true....holy cheeseballs :D
All aboard the hype train, now making an extra stop at 6800XT Central!
28 Oct 2009
AMD left Intel in the game and the Intel CPUs are very much competitive even today.

Hell, AMD just managed to equal the gaming performance of the 4-year-old Skylake architecture.

You could say Intel left AMD in the game they didn't push forward and slacked , AMD bringing in more cores giving pcie 4.0 and given great socket life on am4 while intel kept changing socket with every cpu generation
19 Jun 2017
You could say Intel left AMD in the game they didn't push forward and slacked , AMD bringing in more cores giving pcie 4.0 and given great socket life on am4 while intel kept changing socket with every cpu generation

wut? this sure looked like a graphics card forum when i logged in

All aboard the hype train, now making an extra stop at 6800XT Central!
6900 if you want in quicker..
16 Nov 2003
AMD EPYC "Rome" Estate reporting in sir! Also the entire desktop estate is also AMD. Nothing broke, nothing died, everything works.

The only issue we kind of had when we wanted to move our production VMware environment to AMD and use the existing Intel environment for DR was that there were issues with failover of vm's at the beginning. I think any VM's that moved between the two clusters would have to be powered off/on rather than failover live with no downtime. (I will say the reduced power usage, extra cores/CPU's we got for less money compared to Intel was amazing and a gamechanger for our everyday servers performance wise. It would take something special to leave the red team and go back to blue now.)

Our developers are very stuck in their ways and anything that could possibly be used against us in Infrastructure more than likely will which is why we've always been very cautious. I know we probably aren't the majority but i doubt we are on our own with this cautiousness either! Lol
Man of Honour
30 Oct 2003
The only issue we kind of had when we wanted to move our production VMware environment to AMD and use the existing Intel environment for DR was that there were issues with failover of vm's at the beginning. I think any VM's that moved between the two clusters would have to be powered off/on rather than failover live with no downtime. (I will say the reduced power usage, extra cores/CPU's we got for less money compared to Intel was amazing and a gamechanger for our everyday servers performance wise. It would take something special to leave the red team and go back to blue now.)

Our developers are very stuck in their ways and anything that could possibly be used against us in Infrastructure more than likely will which is why we've always been very cautious. I know we probably aren't the majority but i doubt we are on our own with this cautiousness either! Lol

I went in day one "rome" getting pre production servers like a mad man "hats off to HP :D". I was literally one of those people that needed naples chips to flash my servers to make them work. I now have random naples chips laying around my house/office.
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
Unfortunately AMD absolutely do need to convince large companies who don't care about performance, efficiency or even to some extent security.... these people just say "well, i have always had Intel, AMD are an Unknown, i'll just get Intel......"

What AMD need to do is nurture startups, embed themselves in the new generation in the same way Intel have, these are the people who are open to something better as they don't already have that "just do what we always do" mindset. that will take at least a decade.
Man of Honour
30 Oct 2003
Unfortunately AMD absolutely do need to convince large companies who don't care about performance, efficiency or even to some extent security.... these people just say "well, i have always had Intel, AMD are an Unknown, i'll just get Intel......"

What AMD need to do is nurture startups, embed themselves in the new generation in the same way Intel have, these are the people who are open to something better as they don't already have that "just do what we always do" mindset. that will take at least a decade.

Believe me the younger gen are also the generation that are working in datacenters and buying kit there. I went up to our DC last week and they were building AMD. I need to go up there again next week as I am also building AMD, last generation i was all intel. It's happening and on some scale, i'm seeing the shift.
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
Believe me the younger gen are also the generation that are working in datacenters and buying kit there. I went up to our DC last week and they were building AMD. I need to go up there again next week as I am also building AMD.

Right, GOOD. generations always change and replace the last, it just takes time, AMD know they need to play the long game. :)
26 Oct 2013
Believe me the younger gen are also the generation that are working in datacenters and buying kit there. I went up to our DC last week and they were building AMD. I need to go up there again next week as I am also building AMD, last generation i was all intel. It's happening and on some scale, i'm seeing the shift.

People don't understand just how long it takes. Data centres don't tend to get replaced quickly so a shift will always take time but it's happening, slowly slowly catchy monkey.
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