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AMD R9 290 (Non-X, Pro, etc) Owners Club

My Sapphire Tri-x has arrived..

I had a look over the card I couldn't stop myself. First thing is it is massive, second is the build quality is miles better than the MSi. No i'll fitting cooler it's screwed together perfectly.

After installation I powered up and ran some heaven to check all is ok and happily everything works perfect. I did have to check the fans were spinning as this is so quite it's unreal. After 15 mins of heaven my max temp was 64.c which for a 290 is insane. It was also still perfectly quite with just a feint waft if you get close. With the side on the case it's silent.

So finally have a 290 to play with and I'm so far very happy... Well apart from the colour but you cant win them all... :-)


Nice enjoy.. The colour is very off putting tho haa

Once the side is on I cannot see it... :)

Only minor issue so far is I get a message saying that "A non gop display card is found" so I have to turn of the windows 8 functions in the bios. It should have UEFi but it does it in either bios position. Something I will look into...
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Looks like you got a good card at last :)

Tempted to return my MSI one and get the sapphire now........ Had a look and I actually think it would just about fit in my case.
Looks like you got a good card at last :)

Tempted to return my MSI one and get the sapphire now........ Had a look and I actually think it would just about fit in my case.

The Sapphire is miles nicer than the MSi. It uses a reference AMD board as well.

I cannot get over how cool and quite it runs. Just tried BF4 and it never became audible and the temp hovered around 75.c.

Apart from the colour and the UEFi win 8 features not working it is a great card.

It just fits in my 2nd GPU slot with less than a MM to spare so crossfire is an option if I decide in the future. It is a big cooler and reminds me of the Arctic one I had on my 7970.

Edit - Eufi GOP working fine now just had to flick the switch to position 1...
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How are you getting on with the Vapor X?

Really well so far :) My first amd card since my old 4850! Didn't have much of a chance to play with it yesterday as the footy was on. Tonight however, I shall be basking in its glory with a few beers :cool:

Was a crazy tight fit on my motherboard though!! The backplate touches the white RAM holders :o
My Sapphire Tri-x has arrived..

I had a look over the card I couldn't stop myself. First thing is it is massive, second is the build quality is miles better than the MSi. No i'll fitting cooler it's screwed together perfectly.

After installation I powered up and ran some heaven to check all is ok and happily everything works perfect. I did have to check the fans were spinning as this is so quite it's unreal. After 15 mins of heaven my max temp was 64.c which for a 290 is insane. It was also still perfectly quite with just a feint waft if you get close. With the side on the case it's silent.

So finally have a 290 to play with and I'm so far very happy... Well apart from the colour but you cant win them all... :-)


Looks familiar.

My Sapphire Tri-x has arrived..

I had a look over the card I couldn't stop myself. First thing is it is massive, second is the build quality is miles better than the MSi. No i'll fitting cooler it's screwed together perfectly.

After installation I powered up and ran some heaven to check all is ok and happily everything works perfect. I did have to check the fans were spinning as this is so quite it's unreal. After 15 mins of heaven my max temp was 64.c which for a 290 is insane. It was also still perfectly quite with just a feint waft if you get close. With the side on the case it's silent.

So finally have a 290 to play with and I'm so far very happy... Well apart from the colour but you cant win them all... :-)


Nice, glad it's all ok. They are very nice cards indeed. They are long cards mine only just fits in my cm 690 II.
Nice, glad it's all ok. They are very nice cards indeed. They are long cards mine only just fits in my cm 690 II.

It's fantastic I'm very happy with it.

I tried it and if I decide to go crossfire another will fit in my Fractal Arc Midi. But tbh one is doing a perfect job at 1440p with everything I have tried.
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