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*** AMD ThreadRipper ***

27 Feb 2015
I fairness they were probably happy to see video proof of somebody with no clue what they were doing and no inclination to read the instructions still failing to do it wrong. This is probably the most user friendly CPU socket since the Slot 1/A era.

having the click system is a great idea, because was no click he knew something was wrong.
22 Nov 2009
Under the hot sun.
Right lads, I wonder if somebody can help. Need to work out what PSU I need. I have ordered the following:

New Parts: 1950x, 64gb G.Skill Trident Z 3466mhz 8x8gb (added another 32gb over what I was going to have), Gigabyte AMD X399 AORUS GAMING, Hydro H100i.

Old Parts: rx480 8GB, 4x256gb SSD's raid 0, 4x8tb WD red.

Basically given the kit what power supply should I be looking at? I guess my coolermaster 650 isnt going to cut it?

Back in 2014 bought a Super Flower Leadex 1000W platinum to go with my 295X2 for £140 from OCUK. Best investment ever. 3 years later is still serving me well after having replaced the other components numerous times (5 CPUs, 4 motherboards, 4 GPUs), and going for 5th complete system (Vega, 1950X and board).

Don't cheapen out on your PSU. Is possibly the only part you wont change many years and worth every penny to spend money on.

It will cover up an overclocked 1950X and a Vega. Anything less might not. :)
22 Nov 2009
Under the hot sun.
Different voltages are just down to different architectures, There are plenty of 1.4v + 7700K's knocking about, thats very common and i'm pretty sure you would agree thats not a problem, to get SkyLake-X to 4.7 volts in the region of 1.3 are also necessary for SkyLake-X, you can't have it "bad on the AMD chip" but not on Intel?

Ryzen even when overclocked uses around 100 Watts while Skylake-X over 300 watts, Power = heat and 300+ Watts of it through the socket pins is a huge amount, yes they can burn.

Thats what can happen to your SkyLake-X when you overclock it ^^^^^^ thats not voltage, thats massive power consumption, the sort of power consumption that makes AMD's 6 year old Bulldozer look incredibly power efficient.

Need to find the chart where all the CPUs were tested on power consumption (is on the Zen thread) on gaming and multithread applications.
It's showing the 7700K @ 4.7Ghz burning way more power than the 1800X @ 4ghz even on gaming. Which someone could say "duh faster CPU", but burns more power at multithread applications for less the performance!!!!!! (something like 80W)

6700K @ 4.5Ghz was burning more than the 7700K and 4790K @4.5Ghz was burning 60% more than the 1800X @4Ghz and all the others combined.
The benchmark included even X99 CPUs.

@Gibbo and @8 Pack Could you try some of the Dual rank and quad rank quad channel kits (Gskil 3866 one is 4-rank) with the X399 motherboards please? Everyone would love to see your findings. And unfortunately given the price of the things these days, we cannot buy, experiment and sell on ebay. Nobody going to run benchmarks with £500 worth of ram. If it was last year prices, I could have done it for the sake of experimenting and research.


Btw this was posted on the Vega thread. Look at the CPU per core overhead on the NVidia cards compared to the Vega card. On many scenes the NV is hitting 90% on 1 core, while the Vega barely hits 50% on the same scene.

Then some continue to call me crazy, when I write what others say also. That NV drivers optimisation are responsible for the bad Ryzen and SkylakeX performance, which is the common denominator on all benchmarks the last 5 months. Not the CPUs or their architecture.

Last edited:

Deleted member 66701


Deleted member 66701

How are they allowed to sell them already if they are supposed to be released on Thursday?

I suspect they've come in from delivery and been updated stock wise, but someone's simply not checked the pre-order qualifier. I don't think if you ordered one now you'll get it before the 11th (or do OCUK dispatch the evening before so people can get item on release day?)

Deleted member 66701


Deleted member 66701


That's what threadripper tim coverage should look like - not some poxy circle covering half the die.

Roll on proper EK blocks. I just hope they really are avail on the 10th otherwise I'm going to have an expensive pile of parts doing nothing!
22 Nov 2009
Under the hot sun.

That's what threadripper tim coverage should look like - not some poxy circle covering half the die.

Roll on proper EK blocks. I just hope they really are avail on the 10th otherwise I'm going to have an expensive pile of parts doing nothing!

I am waiting for the EK blocks and the different board performances before I commit. 1950X is set, so is the block. But motherboard is what I am stuck with. Reason is, since going to keep it for few years, worth the investment.
22 Nov 2009
Under the hot sun.

Linus must be kissing some serious ass to get all this access.

So is $50,000 per rack, 20 racks, $1mil/£767K in today's money. That is absolutely steal!!!!!!!!!!!! To put in perspective
The Opteron pentaflop machine built back in 2006, which was cutting edge, cost $100,000,000. Or £52,000,000 GBP in 2006 exchange rate.
In today's money for US price inflation adjusted the AMD machine costs 1/120th of the old machine today. (100mn in 2006 is now around 120mn)
And in UK prices inflation adjusted 1/116th the price (£52mn in 2006 is now £89mn).

8 Oct 2008
So is $50,000 per rack, 20 racks, $1mil/£767K in today's money. That is absolutely steal!!!!!!!!!!!! To put in perspective
The Opteron pentaflop machine built back in 2006, which was cutting edge, cost $100,000,000. Or £52,000,000 GBP in 2006 exchange rate.
In today's money for US price inflation adjusted the AMD machine costs 1/120th of the old machine today. (100mn in 2006 is now around 120mn)
And in UK prices inflation adjusted 1/116th the price (£52mn in 2006 is now £89mn).


Whilst things have come a incredibly long way, and those racks contain awesome processing power. That is not a good comparison and completely misleading.

Your comparing CPU compute (Opteron) vs GPU compute (Vega), not comparable for the workloads.
They are designed for different tasks, and perform either terribly or awesomely at different types of calculations, and just counting flops does not translate into ability or performance.

You often hear the analogy that a pocket calculator is more powerful than the computers NASA had that put Appolo 11 on the moon, whilst in compute terms it maybe true, however a calculator is not as capable and cannot do the same calculations or tasks.

All that said, that is a beast of a system.
5 Nov 2010
Re your first sentance, I've already suggested that I can take advantage of 16 cores. It's your second sentence that doesn't make any sense - it's just not in context with anything that has been said previously. Much higher what? Cores? What does having more cores have to do with stability (or lack thereof if that's what you were inferring)?

He means that the higher the amount of cores the more likely stability (and efficiency) becomes far more important because of the nature of its use. He's correct, and working as the IT dept for a design company, I concur. Just didn't say it in the best way.
25 Apr 2017
Linus must be kissing some serious ass to get all this access.
I think the boot is on the other foot ... companies want him to review their product as it gets lots of eyebals for very very little money.
I think hes done amazingly well for his humble beginnings (not gates or bezos well, but pretty damn good....)
19 Nov 2015
Glasgow Area
I think the boot is on the other foot ... companies want him to review their product as it gets lots of eyebals for very very little money.
I think hes done amazingly well for his humble beginnings (not gates or bezos well, but pretty damn good....)
Yeah I have a lot of respect for him. He is obviously a very clever businessman. He's built quite the business. Seems a good boss to his staff, always trying to grow and provide more.
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