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*** AMD ThreadRipper ***

22 Oct 2008
Lisburn, Northern Ireland
It'll be almost impossible to crack the market so late in the day. AMD have long missed the window of opportunity to establish themselves within the business market. People generally stick with what they know best and that's been 10+ years worth of Intel workstations, and the flexibility of using Intel bases Mac's. Unless AMD can cleverly market themselves (no evidence of this previously) they're kidding themselves on if they think they can crack this market. Looking at the Ryzen branding, corporate identity and the ridiculous over the top packaging says nothing about a professional product. There is no way this is going to stand against the minimalist pitch Intel have.

Money talks, if intel take the P and keep charging what they do for server grade CPU's then they will lose to AMD. It's simple finance. AMD is cheaper and more efficient.
22 Nov 2009
Under the hot sun.
And that's the video I believe Panos mentioned about (quick first impression of Asrock Taichi), overall very positive

Yes it is haszek :) I was at the carpark and couldn't link it (easily).
The board looks great, Ram support is sound (3600mhz and which modules work at that speed), so is power delivery. Imho, for the money (it is listed on some UK retailers for £329) looks great also.
But waiting overall performance of each board on the reviews before I commit on the Weekend.
24 Feb 2003
It'll be almost impossible to crack the market so late in the day. AMD have long missed the window of opportunity to establish themselves within the business market. People generally stick with what they know best and that's been 10+ years worth of Intel workstations, and the flexibility of using Intel bases Mac's. Unless AMD can cleverly market themselves (no evidence of this previously) they're kidding themselves on if they think they can crack this market. Looking at the Ryzen branding, corporate identity and the ridiculous over the top packaging says nothing about a professional product. There is no way this is going to stand against the minimalist pitch Intel have.

You obviously have not read enough about Ryzen or Epyc for that matter. Dell announced months ago that it had been in cooperation with AMD for the last year or so to bring a new server platform to the market. Amazon have decided to go with Epyc for their entire server base along with ryzen for their workstations. Microsoft are moving to Epyc for their cloud base. A host of Wall street and far eastern stock market analysts are doing the same. To be frank, AMD probably have peeps on overtime trying to keep up with the flood of business customers that are fed up with the "minimalist" pitch.
12 May 2014
You obviously have not read enough about Ryzen or Epyc for that matter. Dell announced months ago that it had been in cooperation with AMD for the last year or so to bring a new server platform to the market. Amazon have decided to go with Epyc for their entire server base along with ryzen for their workstations. Microsoft are moving to Epyc for their cloud base. A host of Wall street and far eastern stock market analysts are doing the same. To be frank, AMD probably have peeps on overtime trying to keep up with the flood of business customers that are fed up with the "minimalist" pitch.
Just to add to this, AMD had job adverts up for on site support engineers.
20 Jun 2011
You obviously have not read enough about Ryzen or Epyc for that matter. Dell announced months ago that it had been in cooperation with AMD for the last year or so to bring a new server platform to the market. Amazon have decided to go with Epyc for their entire server base along with ryzen for their workstations. Microsoft are moving to Epyc for their cloud base. A host of Wall street and far eastern stock market analysts are doing the same. To be frank, AMD probably have peeps on overtime trying to keep up with the flood of business customers that are fed up with the "minimalist" pitch.

As professional creative industries go, transition between old and new being as seamless as possible is desirable above all else. If you've been happily editing on an Intel based workstation for the last decade, chances are you aren't going to switch to anything else. I wouldn't underestimate just how desirable Xeon CPU's are, they're essentially a benchmark or staple in the creative industry.

I'm not saying this is going to be a disaster nor impossible, I really wish the best for AMD. I just don't see how so late in the day they're going to change something which is already established. Considering their track record I'm not filled with confidence.
24 Feb 2003
As professional creative industries go, transition between old and new being as seamless as possible is desirable above all else. If you've been happily editing on an Intel based workstation for the last decade, chances are you aren't going to switch to anything else. I wouldn't underestimate just how desirable Xeon CPU's are, they're essentially a benchmark or staple in the creative industry.

I'm not saying this is going to be a disaster nor impossible, I really wish the best for AMD. I just don't see how so late in the day they're going to change something which is already established. Considering their own track record..

Well, if you are part of those "professional creative industries" you would be a complete mug not to at least look at something new. Horses were a well established form of transport until steam power came along. Anyone looking to invest in transport at that time would also of been a mug to buy 300 shire horses, rather than a steam train.
Man of Honour
30 Oct 2003
I bet you're a banker who's spending his bonus money on this, thieved from the hard working honest man ont he street :p :D

How did you know? Seriously though, I work in IT and believe it or not this is for my home lab but also to test things like esxi, IDOL/iManage performance. I'm not at all considering replacing all of our esxi hosts for EPYC hosts. Why would any IT pro do that? I mean AMD will never make their way back into the business right?

Deleted member 66701


Deleted member 66701

Unless AMD can cleverly market themselves (no evidence of this previously) they're kidding themselves on if they think they can crack this market. Looking at the Ryzen branding, corporate identity and the ridiculous over the top packaging says nothing about a professional product. There is no way this is going to stand against the minimalist pitch Intel have.
As professional creative industries go, transition between old and new being as seamless as possible is desirable above all else. If you've been happily editing on an Intel based workstation for the last decade, chances are you aren't going to switch to anything else. I wouldn't underestimate just how desirable Xeon CPU's are, they're essentially a benchmark or staple in the creative industry.

I'm not saying this is going to be a disaster nor impossible, I really wish the best for AMD. I just don't see how so late in the day they're going to change something which is already established. Considering their track record I'm not filled with confidence.

I know it's anecdotal, but a web studio I work with have just swapped out eleven three year old Intel i7 machines for Ryzen based machines. They were due for replacement and the quote came in better priced for the Ryzen machines plus they got a couple of extra cores to boot (I believe they went for 1600x machines) over the Intel ones.
12 May 2014
As professional creative industries go, transition between old and new being as seamless as possible is desirable above all else. If you've been happily editing on an Intel based workstation for the last decade, chances are you aren't going to switch to anything else. I wouldn't underestimate just how desirable Xeon CPU's are, they're essentially a benchmark or staple in the creative industry.

I'm not saying this is going to be a disaster nor impossible, I really wish the best for AMD. I just don't see how so late in the day they're going to change something which is already established. Considering their track record I'm not filled with confidence.

They buy a workstation from Dell, or HP or whoever. If they start offering Epyc/threadripper systems people will buy them. Also considering that at each price bracket AMD is offering more in terms of cores (lets be honest people will look at these and go the bigger number wins) people with little technical knowledge will see the bigger number for the same price and will just go for it. Company's are loyal to dell/hp/etc not to intel.
20 Jun 2011
Well, if you are part of those "professional creative industries" you would be a complete mug not to at least look at something new. Horses were a well established form of transport until steam power came along. Anyone looking to invest in transport at that time would also of been a mug to buy 300 shire horses, rather than a steam train.

Man I wouldn't bother going defensive on me because I'm not on the attack. Reading "professional creative industries" back it does sound a bit **** i didn't mean it to read as if I'm up myself lol. I'm glad you're happy with your Ryzen and I considered buying one too. I want AMD to do well with this and Vega but what I'm saying is they need to be a bit more clever and careful than previous years. In some areas it's going to be difficult and I want to see this a success as much as you do. It's a roundabout way of saying jees for the love of god AMD play your cards right, please..
26 May 2009
It'll be almost impossible to crack the market so late in the day.
They don't need to "crack" the market, that was done years ago. The reason business desktops/workstations/servers have been exclusively Intel based for almost a decade is because the FX era processors were crap compared to Intels offerings and AMD were stuck polishing a turd just like Intel were in the Pentium 4 era. Now they are not just competitive again but a driving force you will see the big players start offering their CPUs in their products once more.
15 May 2006
Threadripper Geekbench

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