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AMD Zen 5 rumours

15 Oct 2019
They are considering increasing TDP on the 9700X to bring it closer to the performance of the 7800X3D, there was also talk of keeping the TDP the same and just releasing a 9800X with the higher TDP, especially as 9700X are pretty much already produced and on their way to shops, and why not.....they did it with 5000 SKU's

Its got nothing to do with Arrow Lake, AMD already know that 9000X3D will beat that, especially with dual CCD's having 3D cache on them, and being unlocked and overclockable.

It’s all a bit messy though announcing a cpu then changing clocks at the last minute, surely AMD would have known about the performance figures vs its own CPUs months ago so it looks like to me they’ve got hold of some new arrow lake data to make such a rush change.
18 Oct 2002
West Midlands
That wouldn't explain a similar large drop in US retail prices though.

I think when you use the term "usually" 40% cheaper after 6 months you are talking nonsense. If you take the peak prices at release, then look at your chart the $449 - 40% = $269 it literally hit $271 after nearly 18 months+.

You could say don't buy anything at release as the prices will drop, especially something that has a finite lifespan with a new model coming sooner rather than later. You clearly weren't around back in the 486/Pentium days, when you'd buy a £400 CPU and it was replaced in 3 months and your then cost £150.
12 Feb 2014
Somewhere Only We Know
It’s all a bit messy though announcing a cpu then changing clocks at the last minute, surely AMD would have known about the performance figures vs its own CPUs months ago so it looks like to me they’ve got hold of some new arrow lake data to make such a rush change.

Yeah I get what you mean, but I think its more a case of price, they cant justify the price of a 9700X that performs way worse than a pervious generation 7800X3D which can be picked up for £300, so up the TDP and close that gap, they can then charge more for it.
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15 Oct 2019
I think when you use the term "usually" 40% cheaper after 6 months you are talking nonsense. If you take the peak prices at release, then look at your chart the $449 - 40% = $269 it literally hit $271 after nearly 18 months+.

You could say don't buy anything at release as the prices will drop, especially something that has a finite lifespan with a new model coming sooner rather than later. You clearly weren't around back in the 486/Pentium days, when you'd buy a £400 CPU and it was replaced in 3 months and your then cost £150.
ok I'll go with 33% then, £150 off the list price after 6 months is still a large saving to be had if you don't mind waiting, even waiting 6 weeks would have got you £90 off, the point still stands though that the worst time to buy an AMD chip is in the first few weeks after release if you care about value.
18 Oct 2002
West Midlands
ok I'll go with 33% then, £150 off the list price after 6 months is still a large saving to be had if you don't mind waiting, even waiting 6 weeks would have got you £90 off, the point still stands though that the worst time to buy an AMD chip is in the first few weeks after release if you care about value.

Your maths is still way out, it was at £429 for the majority of Oct '22, and after 6 months, so April '23 it was then at £320, a drop of £109, or 25%, or which most of that change was due to a huge currency swing of around 15%. So unless you can tell us when the currency is going to change, and please od if you can, then the data you are providing is skewed and only a point in time event not a trend or something "usual"
15 Oct 2019
Your maths is still way out, it was at £429 for the majority of Oct '22, and after 6 months, so April '23 it was then at £320, a drop of £109, or 25%, or which most of that change was due to a huge currency swing of around 15%. So unless you can tell us when the currency is going to change, and please od if you can, then the data you are providing is skewed and only a point in time event not a trend or something "usual"
By the 31st of jan 23 it was available for £312.96 from a well known retailer

By April it was regularly dipping below £300

Besides another good reason to wait this time around is that with the launch of the new X870 boards and later the B850 will also mean cuts on the current X670/B650 boards.
15 Oct 2019
By your own graph it was in Feb for 4 days at that price, and then went back up.

You still don't seem to be counting the huge swing in currency.
The graph only covered a single UK retailer though.

The 7800X3D launched after the currency fluctuations and still saw drops of over £75 after 3 months and £120 after 6 months, not even sure why you keep trying to argue. Everyone knows AMD launch high then drop prices, they do the same with GPUs too.

18 Oct 2002
West Midlands
The graph only covered a single UK retailer though.

You chose to do that, not me, if you want to skew your own data fine by me.

The 7800X3D launched after the currency fluctuations and still saw drops of over £75 after 3 months and £120 after 6 months, not even sure why you keep trying to argue. Everyone knows AMD launch high then drop prices, they do the same with GPUs too.

I am not arguing just asking you to use correct figures and percentages, and use relevant statistics that are valuable data like the $ rate. You were telling people not to buy something as the price will drop, well we all know prices drop, it isn't a new thing, but you are making it out like it is a certainty when it 100% isn't, and it most certainly isn't a given what % drop we'll see. What if AMD drop the price and the $ goes down again, so the price goes no where?

What if someone heeds your advice, puts off an update for 6 months and then prices don't change, are you going to give them the 40% drop you "usually" see?
15 Oct 2019
You chose to do that, not me, if you want to skew your own data fine by me.

I am not arguing just asking you to use correct figures and percentages, and use relevant statistics that are valuable data like the $ rate. You were telling people not to buy something as the price will drop, well we all know prices drop, it isn't a new thing, but you are making it out like it is a certainty when it 100% isn't, and it most certainly isn't a given what % drop we'll see. What if AMD drop the price and the $ goes down again, so the price goes no where?

What if someone heeds your advice, puts off an update for 6 months and then prices don't change, are you going to give them the 40% drop you "usually" see?
Baring a China invasion of Taiwan then prices will drop, we don't know how fast or by how much but going on past data for the last few AMD launches its always by a worthwhile amount.

Obviously people don’t have to follow my advice and if they don’t and want to buy day one that’s up to them, it’s their money after all but personally I’ll be waiting till around November before buying anything as by then the new boards will be out with the X3D and Intel will also have launched arrow lake so hopefully there will be some good deals to be had.
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18 Oct 2002
West Midlands
we don't know how fast or by how much

So why say you know, and something is usual then?

A statement like; Prices will likely drop as historically this has happened for various reason, it may be wise to hold off purchasing immediately after launch. However you may find prices don't drop as rapidly depending on competition, $:£ rates and other global factors.

Or you could say "Prices usually drop after launch." If you wanted to be vague and not give a % or period of time, but at least you are accurate and not handing out guestimates which could be way out either direction.
15 Oct 2019
So why say you know, and something is usual then?
Because it is usual that AMD drop prices and by a decent amount quite soon after launches, its happened with CPUs every launch over the last 4 years.

Its common knowledge by now that AMD have a habit of initially overpricing their products at launch then cutting prices to more "normal" levels after a month or two then a bigger discount follows around 6 months after which point prices then creep down overtime.
31 Oct 2002
Baring a China invasion of Taiwan then prices will drop, we don't know how fast or by how much but going on past data for the last few AMD launches its always by a worthwhile amount.

Obviously people don’t have to follow my advice and if they don’t and want to buy day one that’s up to them, it’s their money after all but personally I’ll be waiting till around November before buying anything as by then the new boards will be out with the X3D and Intel will also have launched arrow lake so hopefully there will be some good deals to be had.

Prices in GBP are likely to increase, as GBP to USD will likely decline with labour having a majority and being able to increase borrowing.
16 Aug 2017
AMD has had this silly habit of putting their new CPU (and GPU) at higher prices than actual market value of these, as perceived by consumers. This is why they always had to lower prices soon after release (not just in UK, but other places too). However, this time they are supposedly much more close to what that think is the right price, to stop landslide of pricing soon after. Ergo, prices might not drop much at all soon after release, anymore.
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6 Nov 2005
My current plan is to see how the 9700x looks in reviews and if it's good and not stupidly priced grab one sometime in the next couple months.

But the more rumours and speculation I see the more I think about just pulling the trigger on a 7800x3d instead. The main thing holding me back at the moment is the thought that maybe it's on purpose.

Like usually by now we see a fair number of little performance "leaks" pronouncing the next chip as the greatest thing since sliced bread. But I'm so jaded and cynical at this stage that I think they might be holding the reigns extra tight so that people buy up as much 7000 left over stock as possible. :cry:

Like when all the chat is "the next one will suck, just buy the current one" part of me thinks the next one is going to be really good
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21 Nov 2004
I'm interested to see how well these CPUs scale as the benchmarks for Zen 4 seemed good up to around 6 cores and then dropped off with higher core counts.
16 Aug 2017
I plan to get a 9950X on or around launch (dependent on reviews). I know they will be cheaper in 6 months but i cant be bothered chasing the deal i would sooner have the extra months of enjoying the new toy
I pulled a trigger on 7950x3d from a known store - they had only one that cheap but brand new, sold by them directly and yet just £100 more then 7800x3d with price drops. I don't know why so cheap but I got it and it works perfectly, full retail box, never opened. :) I also managed to find on sale proper new motherboard from MSI and expo ram supported by my new mobo with a tight timing profile, speeding up ram considerably (and 100% stable as I tested with multiple programs and scenario over the last few days, with 0 faffing from my side needed). I also just sold my current AM4 stuff and had to cover just about £200 for this whole upgrade to 16 cores CPU.

Point being, sometimes with good sniping one can get very nice deals by premiere of the new stuff on the market, but 1 generation behind. I don't see much in the coming generation that would justify adding another £300+ most likely for newer CPU that might be barely any faster and would make my wait another few months.
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