With NV set to deault (let spp decide) vsync settings in game (Forspoken demo) set to Off it tears horrendously at ~80fps with FG on. With in game set to On the tearing is gone but the juddering is really bad and only rectifies if get the frame rate up to refresh rate.
My LG OLED overlay shows 118 ish Hz at all times when FG is on in the game.
However forcing vsync on in NV cpl fixes the judder and I don't see any tearing neither. So thanks for that
(OLED still shows 118ish btw)
Right, good to have more info. It seems like Vsync on in the NV control panel and off in the game is the way to go.
Like I said this is how I've had my rig for years and years since my first Gsync Rog Swift monitor - The golden rules for VRR was and still is as far as I know (for Nvidia users):
1. Set Vsync on in the global settings of the NV control panel
2. Set Vsync off in the game itself
3. If you are hitting your monitors max refresh rate all the time, use a frame limiter like RTSS set to 3 frames under your refresh to help a bit with latency
This is what I've done for years, and I'm obsessed with stutter and eliminating frame pacing issues in games by the way.
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