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AMD's FSR3 possibly next month ?

6 Feb 2019

Has AMD Destroyed DLSS 3? - FSR 3 Frame Generation Analyzed​

lol Tim's face, he doesn't look like he's having fun and after watching the video its obvious why "FSR3 often feels less smooth than with it off, which defeats the entire purpose of the technology"

FSR 3 also has serious issues with interpolation in motion

Also DLSS 3's Frame Generation delivers lower latency than FSR3, to be fair not a massive amount but dlss 3 has 15% lower latency than fsr3
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4 Jun 2009

Has AMD Destroyed DLSS 3? - FSR 3 Frame Generation Analyzed​

Tim: "competitor tech, it just works"


VRR pretty much confirmed to not be working now either, amd really should not have released FSR 3 until that was working. Hopefully they can resolve the issues quickly.

Time to head over to amd reddit and grab the popcorn.
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4 Jun 2009
FSR 3 also has serious issues with interpolation in motion

That is more down to the upscaling aspect and motion vectors rather than the frame gen part tbf, this was shown before in Alex/DF video when forspoken first launched.

But yeah, sadly the gap between amd and nvidia is bigger than ever now imo.
6 Feb 2019
Tim: "competitor tech, it just works"


VRR pretty much confirmed to not be working now either, amd really should not have released FSR 3 until that was working. Hopefully they can resolve the issues quickly.

Time to head over to amd reddit and grab the popcorn.

It's funny that he rolled out the meme

HUB have often made fun and rightly so of the meme "it just works - Jensen" but Tim unironically in the video says compared to fsr3, dlss3 just works, and work with any configuration you want vsync on or off, gsync on or off, VRR on or off, and any framerate or refresh rate or cap, any combination as well and delivers better visuals, smoother frames, and lower latency
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13 Mar 2008
Greater London
Not watched the video but if it is as crap as the emotions on Tim's face, then it will be interesting.

We will have gone from fake frames, native is the way to, omg it works on StarCitizen I am so happy, back to fake frames is crap :p

I hope if it is crap they can fix it. But based on FSR 2, not holding my breath :(
4 Feb 2006
Watched the video but as expected FSR3 has early launch teething problems primarily being the VRR not working and Vsync must be on.
Tim says that AMD appear to have a newer version of FSR3 as described in the GPUOpen blog but launched an older version in the first two games. That kind of marketing failure is unforgivable imo. Whoever is head of marketing should be removed asap. Why did they not just wait for the proper working version before releasing it???
18 Oct 2007
Will be tempting to use once available in more games, that's probably going to take a while though. You would have thought they would have got this into Starfield before launch, considering it's an AMD game somewhat close to the launch of FSR 3.

Maybe it's for best, might take them a while to improve it. lol
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6 Oct 2007
North West
Watched the video but as expected FSR3 has early launch teething problems primarily being the VRR not working and Vsync must be on.
Tim says that AMD appear to have a newer version of FSR3 as described in the GPUOpen blog but launched an older version in the first two games. That kind of marketing failure is unforgivable imo. Whoever is head of marketing should be removed asap. Why did they not just wait for the proper working version before releasing it???

They already said in their quarterly earnings that the tech will be out by end of September so they rushed it.
18 Oct 2002
It's funny that he rolled out the meme

HUB have often made fun and rightly so of the meme "it just works - Jensen" but Tim unironically in the video says compared to fsr3, dlss3 just works, and work with any configuration you want vsync on or off, gsync on or off, VRR on or off, and any framerate or refresh rate or cap, any combination as well and delivers better visuals, smoother frames, and lower latency

The meme was originally an apple construct, the whole 'it just works' ad campaign from years ago. Yet they suspiciously still had tech support forums, phone numbers etc
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27 Jul 2004
OK, after watching the Hardware Unboxed video today I gleaned a nugget of info so I think I know what's going on now with Frame Gen and VRR (still testing in the Forspoken demo here as that's all I've got to test)....

Some of us know that if you can constantly match your monitor refresh rate and have frame gen on then it's all smooth with good framepacing. This is to be expected really and it's obviously no test of VRR working or not.

However, what Tim revealed in the HUb video is that if your framerate is within around 20fps of your refresh rate then perceptually VRR will work ok and you will see decent framepacing and smoothness. This is what was going on with my tests yesterday I think!

My monitor is 120Hz and I was running the game at max settings but with FSR upscaling at quality and frame gen on - this was getting me around 100-110fps all the time (So within 20fps of my max refresh rate) and this did feel smooth and like VRR was working.

So I then tested with 'native AA' (ie no upscaling) and frame gen on and this brought the FPS down to around 75, and then this definitely fees llke VRR is not working properly at all. It seems quite random depending on where you look in the game thoiugh e.g looking at a cliff face and slowly panning with the controller is perfectly smooth, but looking in another direction and slowly panning is not at all (the fps is roughly the same in both scenarios though, so it's very strange). Overall though - the frame pacing is definitely not good at lower FPS!

In conclusion then, FSR 3 frame gen definitely needs some work when it comes to VRR. Will AMD be able to solve this is the killer question???? If not, it's totally dead in the water for me. VRR and total smoothness/ good framepacing is an absolute must for my gaming.
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31 Dec 2008
However, what Tim revealed in the HUb video is that if your framerate is within around 20fps of your refresh rate then perceptually VRR will work ok and you will see decent framepacing and smoothness. This is what was going on with my tests I think!
He did not say that vrr was working once you get close to display’s refresh rate and only said that frame pacing is much better.
VRR wasn’t working for him no matter what framerate he was getting only frame pacing issue was less noticeable close to monitor’s max refresh rate which is normal behaviour.

If display’s osd for VRR frequency is stuck at max refresh rate while fps in game is below that and/or fluctuating then vrr is not working.
This is why I asked for proof of this as no one who claims vrr works for them showed a video demonstrating it.
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27 Jul 2004
Yes, I said perceptually it looks like it's working ok. But it's actually not working properly, and this is evident when your framerate is significantly below your refresh rate. You're just repeating what I said fella if you read it.

Edit: just watched the DF vid - from 4.50s in it confirms what I'm talking about....
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12 Sep 2003
Newcastle, UK
Watched the video but as expected FSR3 has early launch teething problems primarily being the VRR not working and Vsync must be on.

Unless it changes in a later release, I dont think we can be saying it is a teething problem that Vsync must be on. AMD say that it needs to be on to pace the frames. Do we feel like that will change in future releases?

"Using the AMD FSR 3 swapchain, VSync enabled and disabled modes are the main differentiators in terms of frame pacing. When VSync is enabled, pacing relies on the expected refresh rate of the monitor and will present game frames as quickly as makes sense – as ultimately, the monitor will swap to the queued frame images in a consistent way behind the scenes."

To me it sounds like that is why they are focusing on pairing with Anti-Lag and Anti-Lag+ for 7000 series cards. To negate the loss of not using Enhanced Sync when using VSync.
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27 Jul 2004
The biggest downer of all this for me is that I now have terribly dirty thoughts about getting a ******* 4090. I was pinning hopium on FRS3 frame gen being an extender for my 3090. Gah! Unless AMD can pull it out of the bag....
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15 Oct 2018
Might actually be useful for me - I have issues with flickering with VRR :cry: Much prefer to just hit the 100 Hz max refresh of my monitor, but that can be a struggle both CPU and GPU wise.
4 Feb 2006

DF preview video is up. They seem very impressed but still the issue of Vsync and VRR holds it back. Apparently they spoke to AMD and it appears newer code fixes the frame pacing problems but it has not made it into any games yet.
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