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AMD's FSR3 possibly next month ?

31 Dec 2008
Upset? For re-iterating the major oversights as pointed out by every tech source now?

And this is the problem again with amd fans outlook and why amd will not improve until the mindset of amd fans changes, "be patient", how long do amd customers have to wait for until they get an equal experience to their competitors? Bearing in mind the current prices aren't much different, had amd priced considerably cheaper to reflect their shortcomings then yes, you can expect to be waiting months/years..... Yes, this is amds first release and it is very good in the grand scheme of things especially since it works on a wide range of hardware (as pointed out by Richard too) but at the end of the day, they are still competing and to have a vrr not working is a major oversight. As proven by the tech press, there is no point releasing something let alone customers using it if it is going to provide a considerably worse experience.

It's frustrating for me and others because essentially as it right now, we don't have any choice in the pc gaming space if you care about ray tracing, good upscaling (which regardless of what people say, is required on all gpus if you're a high res and refresh rate gamer) and now fake frames (which is becoming more relevant due to shoddy pc releases and poor cpu utilisation etc.), again, this is no ones fault but amds and it's not helping when you have amd fans constantly defending their mistakes and stating utterly ridiculous things like "oh vrr isn't really needed anyway" or "just wait".


If true, they need to have some major restructuring over there, you're already late to the market so why be late with a **** version? Better to be late with a much better version. Imagine how much more glowing the tech press videos would have been had VRR and some of the other issues been sorted.....
Absolutely, when you are second to the market you need to nail it and get it as close to competition as possible, instead they released it half baked and inferior in every single way apart from working on every gpu.
And from my testing it runs terrible on weaker machines (tested on 16GB vram 3080\5800H laptop in Forspoken demo).
As always with AMD too little, too late. :(
13 Jul 2020
Absolutely, when you are second to the market you need to nail it and get it as close to competition as possible, instead they released it half baked and inferior in every single way apart from working on every gpu.
And from my testing it runs terrible on weaker machines (tested on 16GB vram 3080\5800H laptop in Forspoken demo).
As always with AMD too little, too late. :(
Depends. Reading r/amd they didn’t just nail it. They destroyed nvidia apparently.

Getting 4x the frames with only FMF apparently and super smooth and bestest ever !! Even though it’s impossible, since yes, you can stack fsr3 and fmf but the result is horrible both latency wise, framepacing and visually. And in this case, it wasnt stacked, only FMF apparently.

FSR3 better than DLSS3! FMF amazing! No latency! No judder! It’s magic..

But everything is possible if you fanboy it hard enough!! Can you imagine these people irl? :))))
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28 May 2007
I haven’t been keeping track because I don’t care about fake frames at all. I don’t like Nvidia’s version and I haven’t even tried AMDs. I have a 7900 XT and a 4080, so could easily compare both.

But without reading the tread I bet it’s the usual handful of Nvidia fans here doing the sniping at AMD. It’s not because they want FSR to succeed, but because they want it to fail.
Yea they are out in force as usual. The Hub video they are using also states at the end if AMD can fix some of the problems it will become the gold standard. They seem to have missed that part out. You only need to put out a semi troll post to see them stand to attention hahahaha.
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17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
I think the thumbnail is all you need to know about the video, no i haven't watched it that thumbnail said all i need to know about the contents.

What's the point of them now? they no longer do laptop reviews, they no longer do monitor reviews, after telling AMD's AIB partners they no are longer reviewing their cards they don't do AMD partner card reviews, i don't even think they do many Nvidia partner card review now do they?

They have got lazy, all they do now, and this is the entirety of what they do, is GPU / CPU game benchmarks, masturbate over anything DLSS and hate on anything AMD GPU related, this between creating ridiculous click bait thumbnails for these video's, there is nothing there, if they are loosing subs and views that's why, its nothing to do with some decline in PC gaming, they and others are part of the reason for that, its because they don't offer anything for anyone to watch, unless you're an incredibly immature brand snob.

They were just bloating my subs bar...

Their partner GPU reviews were actually really good...
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4 Jun 2009
Yea they are out in force as usual. The Hub video they are using also states at the end if AMD can fix some of the problems it will become the gold standard. They seem to have missed that part out. You only need to put out a semi troll post to see them stand to attention hahahaha.

From reading amd reddit, apparently hardware unboxed are now nvidia shills and extremely poor for their testing where as DF/richard's video is much better (especially since DF contacted amd to see if there was something wrong with their setup before publishing their video, meanwhile, hub......), oh how the tables have turned! Someone really needs to keep a tracker/spreadsheet on which reviewers are what shills now as I'm losing track :cry:

Depends. Reading r/amd they didn’t just nail it. They destroyed nvidia apparently.

Getting 4x the frames with only FMF apparently and super smooth and bestest ever !! Even though it’s impossible, since yes, you can stack fsr3 and fmf but the result is horrible both latency wise, framepacing and visually. And in this case, it wasnt stacked, only FMF apparently.

FSR3 better than DLSS3! FMF amazing! No latency! No judder! It’s magic..

But everything is possible if you fanboy it hard enough!! Can you imagine these people irl? :))))

Yup it's utterly embarrassing especially those who went on about how fake frames were awful and shouldn't be used to now seeing them praising it :o

I can't wait for amd to get out ray reconstruction alternative and then see how AI processing is the best thing ever! :D
4 Jun 2009
Yea they are out in force as usual. The Hub video they are using also states at the end if AMD can fix some of the problems it will become the gold standard. They seem to have missed that part out. You only need to put out a semi troll post to see them stand to attention hahahaha.

This all ties back to this point:

Yes, this is amds first release and it is very good in the grand scheme of things especially since it works on a wide range of hardware (as pointed out by Richard too) but at the end of the day, they are still competing and to have a vrr not working is a major oversight. As proven by the tech press, there is no point releasing something let alone customers using it if it is going to provide a considerably worse experience.

In its current state, FSR 3 is simply not usable at all no matter how "promising" it could potentially be. FSR 2 was touted as being the dlss killer multiple times and well, 3 years later, it still isn't, how long until fsr 3 is the dlss 3 killer?

I can't find any info still on whether the vrr working with FSR is possible despite some saying it is mentioned as being resolved in a newer version? Still waiting on link to this.

Reading amds documentation suggests to me this was intentional design, whether by choice or because perhaps it simply isn't possible due to how amd have designed fsr 3 to work?

Using the AMD FSR 3 swapchain, VSync enabled and disabled modes are the main differentiators in terms of frame pacing. When VSync is enabled, pacing relies on the expected refresh rate of the monitor and will present game frames as quickly as makes sense – as ultimately, the monitor will swap to the queued frame images in a consistent way behind the scenes. A game using AMD FSR 3 in this configuration will show a “zig-zag” pattern on frame time / present-to-present timing graphs. This is expected.

With VSync disabled, the algorithm becomes more complicated. There are methods for when rendering is CPU limited versus GPU limited, and when the ALLOW_TEARING flag is used. Generally, to get the most “frames”, VSync can be disabled on lower refresh monitors with the ALLOW_TEARING flag set. You will see screen tearing, but FPS counters should reflect higher display frame rate.

When VSync is disabled, there are more wait events used in the frame pacing system to maintain present to present timing which should read to a smoother frame-time graph, rather than the zig-zag when VSync is enabled. However, the gameplay experience when using low-refresh monitors is unlikely to benefit from this.

Another item to note is the setup and aim. If you have a 120hz monitor, and the game without FSR 3 Frame Generation runs at 90fps – and you enable VSync – you will be dropping interpolated frames to your monitor’s 120hz refresh rate. In this instance, it will be wise to either disable VSync, or to limit the game FPS using its in-game settings to the required monitor refresh rate. This allows you to trade off smooth pacing for latency3,4, in games where this choice makes a difference.

Additionally, it is recommended that Enhanced Sync is disabled in AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition settings, as it can interfere with frame pacing logic.

Essentially that is a lot of talk about vsync and how this is "supposed" to work and zero mention on VRR.....

Again, if people are defending this and that there is no need for VRR when using this, well, you need to take of your rose tinted glasses, no other way to put it. Thankfully the pcgaming sub reddit are more rational and balanced and realise the problem:

Hopefully Alex will cover what is and isn't possible with FSR 3 and VRR:

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4 Jun 2009
Can you believe the level of cope has taken them to go against Alex at DF now?!

You mean Richard? :p

Richard does have a bias towards nvidia and intel big time, despite what people may say, Alex is pretty neutral and just a ray tracing etc. enthusiast and well nvidia are the best here.

But yeah..... shocker! Not. As usual, just people taking things out of context to fit their narrative, this posters comment say it all imo:

This looks more like some rando on twitter trying to create a "gotcha" moment by splicing footage together and feebling arguing that DF are hypocrites when their latest video basically critiques FG based on how they feel about it now vs back then.

What a toxic way to go about it.

Yes DF are "sponsored" i.e. paid for first look at nvidia tech. and they try to put a positive spin on things but anything they show is backed up with evidence (and usually fits with what other reviewers and end users show), they also mentioned all the issues with DLSS 3 in their video (which hub etc. all mentioned too), key thing being, they were the only ones to highlight what was causing the main latency issues at the start i.e. vsync being used when hitting screen refresh rate. I'm not sure what people want HUB and DF to show/say? To say something along the lines of, " it works fantastic and is better than dlss 3 so no need for dlss 3 now, FSR 3 is all we need" even though as evidenced it is no there yet..... Or better yet, if don't agree or/and they are wrong, post something with evidence to prove your view point?

As always, the fact that some people end up resorting to throwing around "shill", "not trust worthy", "bias" comments and refusing to watch certain videos etc. because it doesn't tell them what they want to hear whilst at the same time, not actually addressing the points on said features/technology says it all imo
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4 Jun 2009
If you don't like whats on reddit don't go there, also don't see why you are bringing it here.

Eh, perhaps because it's about DF and their view point on frame generation/FSR 3..... which is what this thread is about?

Unlike some, peoples view points don't bother me, I just find it amusing all the mental gymnastics that happens, despite there being zero logic/reasoning behind it, that's why I posted the link to the pcgaming sub reddit as there you have a more rational take on the situation:

28 May 2007
Eh, perhaps because it's about DF and their view point on frame generation/FSR 3..... which is what this thread is about?

Unlike some, peoples view points don't bother me, I just find it amusing all the mental gymnastics that happens, despite there being zero logic/reasoning behind it, that's why I posted the link to the pcgaming sub reddit as there you have a more rational take on the situation:

There is no need for mental gymnastics it has potential. Few fixes needed and it's good to go and in it's current state with correct settings it is usable if needed. FSR 2 needs upgrading image quality wise as well. It's not miles off like some pretend it's just not what they should have released.
30 Mar 2010
Under The Stairs!
I haven’t been keeping track because I don’t care about fake frames at all. I don’t like Nvidia’s version and I haven’t even tried AMDs. I have a 7900 XT and a 4080, so could easily compare both.

But without reading the tread I bet it’s the usual handful of Nvidia fans here doing the sniping at AMD. It’s not because they want FSR to succeed, but because they want it to fail.
I'm conflicted.

The 4070 snobbery in me shows positive self reassurance(holding myself back from going full on arrogance) that the now less flawed DLSS3 FG is champ when running FG supported titles despites it's own launch and current issues-it's better to have than not.


Even though my 79XTX tripped over it's own feet on the way out the door with it's own flaws running FSR3 FG and can only be held forever accountable on its launched state:p-while striking back at my 4070 self with being able to use FG in every DX11/12 title after all it's better to have than not...
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4 Jun 2009
There is no need for mental gymnastics it has potential. Few fixes needed and it's good to go and in it's current state with correct settings it is usable if needed. FSR 2 needs upgrading image quality wise as well. It's not miles off like some pretend it's just not what they should have released.

Exactly it has got potential and if they can get VRR sorted and the frame pacing issues sorted then imo, it's in a very good place and much better position than fsr 2/upscaling compared to nvidias upscaling, dare I say, in terms of frame gen, amds solution will definitely be a case of killing nvidias frame gen (assuming it is easy to implement), however...... that's only if amd can in fact get vrr working or/and they can address the other issues, based on their documentation, there is a lot of uncertainty surrounding this but no one knows for sure what is and isn't possible outside of amd and so far they have only commented on the frame pacing issues unless I have missed something?

in it's current state with correct settings it is usable if needed

The only way this is true is if:

- you are gaming with a pretty powerful gpu at 1080p 60-100 hz or/and 1440p 60 hz or/and don't have a vrr display (in this day and age who doesn't though?)


- are happy to reduce settings significantly or/and use a lower preset of FSR (bearing in mind iq will be significantly worse) in order to maintain your refresh rate at all times

It's not really a big deal for now since there are only 2 games that have official fsr 3, of which are **** games but going forward for any newer/more active titles, not having vrr working is going to be a killer for amds frame gen as any rational pc gamer is not going to sacrifice vrr to use it imo. It's the ones over on amd reddit banging on how great fsr 3/fake frames is and vrr isn't that important then trying to divert away from very good in depth reviews to almost try and distract away from amds issues where you are seeing the "mental gymnastics" being applied.
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28 May 2007
Exactly it has got potential and if they can get VRR sorted and the frame pacing issues sorted then imo, it's in a very good place and much better position than fsr 2/upscaling compared to nvidias upscaling, dare I say, in terms of frame gen, amds solution will definitely be a case of killing nvidias frame gen (assuming it is easy to implement), however...... that's only if amd can in fact get vrr working or/and they can address the other issues, based on their documentation, there is a lot of uncertainty surrounding this but no one knows for sure what is and isn't possible outside of amd and so far they have only commented on the frame pacing issues unless I have missed something?

The only way this is true is if:

- you are gaming with a pretty powerful gpu at 1080p 60-100 hz or/and 1440p 60 hz or/and don't have a vrr display (in this day and age who doesn't though?)


- are happy to reduce settings significantly or/and use a lower preset of FSR (bearing in mind iq will be significantly worse) in order to maintain your refresh rate at all times

It's not really a big deal for now since there are only 2 games that have official fsr 3, of which are **** games but going forward for any newer/more active titles, not having vrr working is going to be a killer for amds frame gen as any rational pc gamer is not going to sacrifice vrr to use it imo. It's the ones over on amd reddit banging on how great fsr 3/fake frames is and vrr isn't that important then trying to divert away from very good in depth reviews to almost try and distract away from amds issues where you are seeing the "mental gymnastics" being applied.
It all depends on what kind of gamer you are. I have enjoyed console games since the 80's at low fps and no vrr. I still don't have vrr on console games and can deal no problem. Vsync is not something i would use if i didn't have too as i have Freesync Premium Pro but i could easily revert to Vsnc as i played with it before vrr. Fsr 3 is released but not optimal but still usable for those that would use it. I try not to even need any of this tech through settings but if needs must i guess i would resort to using it but that's probably a while away.
4 Jun 2009
It all depends on what kind of gamer you are. I have enjoyed console games since the 80's at low fps and no vrr. I still don't have vrr on console games and can deal no problem. Vsync is not something i would use if i didn't have too as i have Freesync Premium Pro but i could easily revert to Vsnc as i played with it before vrr. Fsr 3 is released but not optimal but still usable for those that would use it. I try not to even need any of this tech through settings but if needs must i guess i would resort to using it but that's probably a while away.

That is true and for example, I enjoy gaming on my 4k 60 hz oled which has no vrr thus have to rely on vsync in order to avoid screen tearing and having a smooth experience (latency doesn't bother me much since using a controller) but alas as per the 2 points I listed, bigger compromises are obviously made compared to gaming on my 3440x1440 175hz gsync monitor, even then fsr 3 would not be usable/relevant on my 4k 60 since you need a base/native fps of 60 fps to be using frame gen in the first place.

It's just a shame amd have basically shot themselves in the foot yet again and this is why they struggle to claim back a significant amount of market share imo.
31 Dec 2008
Ok so I managed to get Forspoken run smoothly for the most part on my laptop by creating custom resolution with 100hz refresh rate and enabling vsync in nvidia control panel as the in game one seems to be broken.
At 100fps and 100hz input lag is very high for me even when using controller.
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