Absolutely, when you are second to the market you need to nail it and get it as close to competition as possible, instead they released it half baked and inferior in every single way apart from working on every gpu.Upset? For re-iterating the major oversights as pointed out by every tech source now?
And this is the problem again with amd fans outlook and why amd will not improve until the mindset of amd fans changes, "be patient", how long do amd customers have to wait for until they get an equal experience to their competitors? Bearing in mind the current prices aren't much different, had amd priced considerably cheaper to reflect their shortcomings then yes, you can expect to be waiting months/years..... Yes, this is amds first release and it is very good in the grand scheme of things especially since it works on a wide range of hardware (as pointed out by Richard too) but at the end of the day, they are still competing and to have a vrr not working is a major oversight. As proven by the tech press, there is no point releasing something let alone customers using it if it is going to provide a considerably worse experience.
It's frustrating for me and others because essentially as it right now, we don't have any choice in the pc gaming space if you care about ray tracing, good upscaling (which regardless of what people say, is required on all gpus if you're a high res and refresh rate gamer) and now fake frames (which is becoming more relevant due to shoddy pc releases and poor cpu utilisation etc.), again, this is no ones fault but amds and it's not helping when you have amd fans constantly defending their mistakes and stating utterly ridiculous things like "oh vrr isn't really needed anyway" or "just wait".
If true, they need to have some major restructuring over there, you're already late to the market so why be late with a **** version? Better to be late with a much better version. Imagine how much more glowing the tech press videos would have been had VRR and some of the other issues been sorted.....
And from my testing it runs terrible on weaker machines (tested on 16GB vram 3080\5800H laptop in Forspoken demo).
As always with AMD too little, too late.