FSR3.1 frame gen is great in most of the games I tested. Which ones are bad?
From ones I have played and tested:
- avatar was bad at start with the UI issue (since the ui even though transparent, it's a big box) and then they did an update that completely broke it and introduced the issue where it would only insert a new frame based of the previous one rather than interpolating one from the first and second real frame
- tlou and other sony titles also recieved updates to also encounter the same issues as was evidenced in avatar:

New patches for The Last of Us Part I & Robocop: Rogue City improve AMD FSR 3.0 Frame Generation
Naughty Dog and Teyon have released new patches for The Last of Us Part I and Robocop: Rogue City that improve their support for AMD FSR 3.0 Frame Generation.

In general the mod version works better most of the time:

Believe it or not, the official implementation of AMD FSR 3.0 in The Last of Us Part 1 looks and feels worse than its mod
Naughty Dog and Iron Galaxy Studios have released Patch 1.1.3 for The Last of Us Part 1 which adds support for AMD FSR 3.0 Frame Generation.

The problem is essentially lack of QC from devs end in the implementation of FSR 3+ FG but devs aren't only ones to blame, amd have made FSR to be like this along with their "substantial" documentation as their chief engineer likes to remind everyone i.e. "over the fence to you game devs, we done our part".
3.1 is good yeah but we only have 2 or 3 games now ? Anything prior to 3.1 is kinda crap compared to the competition.
What we need is for devs to go back to games with earlier implementations of FSR and update them all to 3.1.
It's not even so much a case of it being newer version solving issues as previous versions of frame gen can work just as well if implemented properly, the newer versions have simply changed some default settings to my understanding as game devs weren't tweaking FSR to work how it should (which isn't surprising since things aren't quite as good as AMD hyped/showed with their FSR 3.1 reveal....)
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