An Elder Scrolls: Oblivion thead

I killed Agamir before he talked to me, like when hes in the tomb, you go in and he walks up, well he was walking up and tried to talk to me so I killed him and his friend, took his sword. Then the guard came, "stop you violated the law..." so then I resisted arrest and ran away, swam across the water then returned back later and had Armand of theives guild clear my bounty. Alough I could have just paid the gold I didn't have much at that time so it was halved when done with Armand.
any ideas why when i go outside everywhere is foggy and misty ?

got out of baldar or whatever its called, got lost, horse ran off, so i went to the mountains to be told i cant go further, then just quit lol
Macabre said:
Bootup05 that looks terrible tbh. Heres a screenshot of mine, I have the same graphics card as you, 1gb ram and maxed settings with HDR and a texture mod, don't get any lag:

Pics are around 3.5MB each so its url'd, incase of 56kers.

Looking at that skybox in your 3rd picture you should try the "betternightsky" & "NewMoons" mods. They look much better than the standard night sky.

I'll take a screenshot next time I'm on Oblivion (currently clocked up around 200 hours on OOO with Knights of the Nine expansion & I've still got loads of quests to do)
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Keep the mod suggestions coming in :)

I tried:

"Where's my horse"
"Book jackets" or whatever it's called
Also a face texture mod which looks much better than vanilla Oblivion.

I'm really impressed with the quality of the workmanship so far. What's this OOO mod all about? From what I read I'm not so sure I'll like it?

Also I'm looking for a better UI as I find everything to be too big and hate having to scroll around so much. Is DarkUI the only one about?
Solari said:
I'm really impressed with the quality of the workmanship so far. What's this OOO mod all about? From what I read I'm not so sure I'll like it?

Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul.

It makes the game far more of a challenge early on. As instead on the creatures etc levelling up along with you, they are set at fixed levels.

Early on you'll do a lot of running away in combat, however once you progress a few levels things get easier. It also makes for fights easier later on as the lower level creatures prove less bothersome.

There are also numerous new creatures, creature AI items etc. There are quite a few other mods incorporated into the 1.3 version of the mod.

It also takes much longer to level up.

I got into Oblivion quite late & was not too far into the game when I discovered OOO. So I've been playing OOO from the off. Clocked up around 200 hours so far & I've still got quite a few quests left to do before picking the main quest back up.

I've never been into RPG's but this is the best game I've ever played! The immersion is fantastic & the graphics absolutely lush. You have to be careful though as it's an absolute life-loser. Before you know it you'll be playing away & it'll be 4am. Like I say I've been playing the game for around 200 hours so far, so the value for money is incredible.

There are still bugs though even with the 1.3 version. As the chambermaid of Castle Leyawin that I was supposed to talk to for a particular quest was laid out dead on a hillside beside the road on the way to Cheydinhal. I also could not obtain the sword "Umbra" as the woman character of the same name had a life-meter that would not diminish no matter what I whacked her with or how many times. It just stayed stuck at full health.
In a fashion, I think you do. I remember when I played it last I kept Destruction and Conjuration as major and the rest of the major skills were crap things like Sneak, Armorer. That way you can control when you level up so you get the full 5 points in three character categories (strength, endurance, et al.) I found the game easy when I was an expert in conjuration at something like level 7. Summoning atronachs and other powerful creatures to do your bidding was great fun!
For those that wanted to see the "better night sky" & "new moons" mods

All of a sudden I have two spells active on me, they are visible in the top right, same as detect life but they are 4000 seconds and counting down :confused:

How can I see what that is?
YooEntSinMeROYT said:
For those that wanted to see the "better night sky" & "new moons" mods


Very nice, One think that i think is overlooked is the audio for the game, standing in a field and listening to the wind in the trees and the grass is lovely.

The skill reversal i meant was how ic1male described, if you put the skils you use all the time as your major skills you would level up very quickly but you would not get the full 5 point stat bonues so you would be level 10 but with level 1 strength for example. In the vanilla version all the monsters would level up with you so you would get spanked by a level 10 rat as your stats would still be so low.
is there a map mod for this game ?

for example this dark guy comes to me about mother evil or something, says if i kill this old guy ill be initiated, tells me where to go, yet i cant find the place.
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