Why would i doubt carbon?i was referring to the formation of carbon which you seemed to doubt.
Why would i doubt carbon?i was referring to the formation of carbon which you seemed to doubt.
Some atheists claim that there is absolutely no such thing as a God, people like Prof Richard Dawkins (isn't he britains leading atheist?) Dawkins misotheism is clearly seen and understood, he often comes over as a secular bigot, he knows that pure atheism is a position of ignorance and that is why he waves the banner of evolution over his camp.Atheism addresses a single point. "Is there a God?" .
I can't speak for others but i believe the true author of the Holy Scriptures or the Bible is God, he used man who was inspired by Holy Spirit (God's active force) to write down the text, commandments, law etc.
This is refering to Pharaoh who was holding God's people captive, he was an arrogant and haughty ruler, he refused to let God's people go free so God warned him of the outcome that would befall pharaoh if he chose to not free God's people. God was fair imho and gave plenty of warning, what befell pharaoh was of his own doing.
Evolution as in from nothing to everything contradicts the natural law of biogenesis, it also contradicts the law of cause and effect.
You should have a lot of evidence to prove this then, no?. You will never observe natural selection or mutations evolve one species into another of a higher order, this type of evolution is outside of the scientific method, evolution is assumed to have happened there is no real scientific method of observation that supports this.IGod tried and failed to make them perfect. In which case, he's not evil, just incompetent.
The irony being that the only reason we are "human beings" is because of millions of years of mutations![]()
God causes to become, he is the rightfull ruler imho. God looked out for his people, Pharaoh brought on his own demise and of those around him.But don't you find that brings god down to a human level rather than a perfect being, he's carrying out a scorched earth policy so that he can have his own way. If pro-lifers consider abortion infanticide, surely so is this, regardless of his motive he is still killing children not to mention many other people who have no control over the slavery of Moses' people. I know man has and does carry this out but I don't put us on a pedestal of perfection and morality.
I see once again you bring nothing to the table![]()
Evolution as in from nothing to everything contradicts the natural law of biogenesis, it also contradicts the law of cause and effect.
Most of these tv programes about evolution of life is propaganda propounded by evolution central, they rule higher education and media services like television, evolution has been drummed into the public Consciousness for decades, evolutionists are not interested in the truth it's just secular humanism that wants to do away with God and religion.just a stage in evolution.
If that's the case then why are there so many interpretations?
It is impossible to debate with a religious person, as their belief is made up entirely to begin with and have no other evidence to draw against, except the book itself - which has not been proven to be a valid source.
Most of these tv programes about evolution of life is propaganda propounded by evolution central, they rule higher education and media services like television, evolution has been drummed into the public Consciousness for decades, evolutionists are not interested in the truth it's just secular humanism that wants to do away with God and religion.
You should have a lot of evidence to prove this then, no?. You will never observe natural selection or mutations evolve one species into another of a higher order, this type of evolution is outside of the scientific method, evolution is assumed to have happened there is no real scientific method of observation that supports this.
Evolution as in from nothing to everything contradicts the natural law of biogenesis, it also contradicts the law of cause and effect.
Ok I'm back from shopping. Why would a big sainsbury's not stock the big 10kg bags of rice? -_-
Well, that's a question I cannot really answer off the top of my head in much detail. All I can say is the majority of denominations are created due to people letting their own convictions getting in the way of the truth and people being led astray.
There's only a few denominations I personally think are completely wrong and misleading but that's offtopic so I won't go further. There exist saved people in all denominations though.
It works both ways seeing as an Atheist can't disprove God either. I'm not here though to persuade you, I'm content on answering questions as long as you actually want to know instead of argue(Not aimed at you but the thread).
Kedge we've dredged you through this in speakers corner already.
What you mean to say is, our current theory of xyz doesn't make 100% sense. But at the same time we know for 100% that genesis as prescribed in the bible is wholly in accurate as well.
Therefore by undermining current theories does not add any credibility to the Bible as that has already been completely discredited. So we know that our current laws don't describe the beginning and neither does the bible. Hence people are still researching this.
Most of these tv programes about evolution of life is propaganda propounded by evolution central, they rule higher education and media services like television, evolution has been drummed into the public Consciousness for decades, evolutionists are not interested in the truth it's just secular humanism that wants to do away with God and religion.
God causes to become, he is the rightfull ruler imho. God looked out for his people, Pharaoh brought on his own demise and of those around him.
Yup. It's all a conspiracy from the entire scientific community, and that's been going on for two hundred years.
Absolutely. So science shouldn't even bother. It's hopeless. They will NEVER ever know. I actually find it rather offensive that they try. How dare they? We already know!
How do we know that?
That's why evolutionists have had many false claims debunked. Piltdown Man is one example. They deliberately attached the jaw of an orangutang to a human skull. That's deception.
How do we know that?
That is crazy. It's wrong to teach religion in schools past basic knowledge and understanding.
- Talking snake? check.
- Rib woman? check.
- Bad apples? check.
Seems legit.
Err.. carbon dating? The fossil record etc