Anyone can do it.....can you

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ElRazur said:
Hommie i have to go back to basics now cuz i see you are STILL getting it wrong
I see you tried but STILL isnt good as a matter of fact closer to rubbish, so im gonna show you how is done
Jealousy and envy i see it your lines, what a shame just bcuz El got you Outrun
You claimed to be the Don, but i doubt you know the meaning
Not a suprise you dont have a clue then try to Demean me
How can you claim to be the Don and not know Spellolympics?
Oh i get it! Wiki aint showing it so it becomes a difficult mathematics!
Well let me keep you in suspense, and upset all your kiss-behind-fanatics
Still on the word spell-olympics, Oh that reminds me of a statement
"Dont say Homie because that makes you retarted"
Aint it typical? what you dont understand should be disregarded?!
Come on man, dont make me throw no punch while you are unguarded
Nah, No more mr Nice guy. Spell Olympics is a spelling competion held in schools in America

El never take any of your "Bull droppings" personal as a matter of fact, i see you as a friend
Seriously i see you more like a blind friend, im trying to explain the colour of the rainbow to. So im gonna give it all and not even pretend
But there is so much i can do, when ignorance and rebellion is abundant on the forum.

my rap flow, i still maintain is incredible
if the stuff im spitting is a food,
It will be marked 100% totally edible
But i guess no matter how i manipulate my words
and come in with the right punchlines
It will never be deemed credible

On this forum, i feel like steve seagal, im marked for death
But you cant kill me as i will NEVER run out of breath
As a matter of fact i should take the hat and be the don
but on second thought lets leave the toilet cleaning for the cleaners
El's got bigger fish to fry!


Rant all you want, you can even try to sue,
just don't be mad at a whiteboy, who can rap better than you,
engage in my battlerap, come on, try and give some back,
i'm sick of hearin you, askin to be given some slack,
all of us are here, slammin rhymes on the deck
all through the thread, never askin for a rain check,
let it be a lesson to you kid, because at the end of the day,
dont be someone you're not, and never **** with OCUK,
so thats it El, have your last moan,
because I really think its time you took your sorry ass home.

I can't provide you with any recordings of me pratting around (as per the guitar warriors thread) but i can upload some tracks off my demo

...not sure it's worthy of a "guitar warrior" thread (demo doesnt really show off my style), but if it's any bonus I do play in a Van Halen tribute band on a regular basis ;)

On topic.. I get a feeling ElRazur is googling his little heart away, trying desperately to out-do you all; by plagruising some gangster rap tat :o
EVH said:
On topic.. I get a feeling ElRazur is googling his little heart away, trying desperately to out-do you all; by plagruising some gangster rap tat :o

Seems that in his case he should be embarrased because even those that proclaim they hate rapping and freestyle have done far superior jobs of it than he has.

edit: Maybe he should take some hints from here:
I should click on the popular threads more often.. this has been my past hour of amusement..

My overall conclusion is that this thread is the biggest clash of cultures, misinterpretation, sarcasm, humour and ability.

Mega Kudos to all of the audiobites ... GordyR... literally genius.. but with those skills we expected nothing less.

"I eagerly anticipate the return of ElRazur...
Although i reckon he left faster than a laser..."

Actual rhyme as used by the lyrical maestro, look out "El" im ripping your work. :eek:
You thought i was long dead and all's done
Body burnt, ashes scattered & some placed in an Urn
"Will he be back?"
"We aint so lucky here" was the reply from the Don
I sit back and laugh as i see what's really going on
Snitching & bitching all in my name just to get me on the run
I guess the ploy is to get me upset & make me tense
PC screen shows my name stuck before & after most sentence
This is dumb, stupid and complete nonsense.
This i think deep down inside my conscience
"Hold on El, you got so much work to do
so give them time, plenty of time
to speak evil of you"

And that's what i did
I came back when no one expected!

Now watch the whole thread come alive
as the news spread that El survived
Despite all the odds against me,i still thrive
Like a roach living after a nuclear strike

Like train on a rail, you cant stop me
With the rhymes in my head
You cant move me
Like your grand ma big pants
You cant touch me

As a matter of fact, im one of the best yet
The all round poet laureate.
im out.
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It is so crystal clear that 90% of those who contributed in this thread dont have a clue about hiphop. All judgement are so biased i just laugh and see the flaes in them.
Anyway, actions speak louder than words.
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