Hi, been reading this thread for a while, was looking to get this device my self as an all in one solution ready for vdsl if I ever went down that root but after reading it has put me off.
I am currently on ADSL2 and get 18mb download due to living close the the exchange, am currently using a Tplink 8970 which I acquired from someone who went to virgin media before that was using a dlink 2740b.
Now as this device seems to have serious probs on the modem side I have been looking for another device.
Tplink have this listed http://www.tplink.com/uk/products/details/?categoryid=3788&model=Archer+VR900v but there is no info on it yet.
All the TP-Link Archer range as far as i know are ADSL or Router only devices, your link does not work so unsure what device you are trying to point to apart from it being an Archer.
There is no archer VDSL device i know of. Your current 8970 likewise is ADSL only and will NOT work with FTTC/VDSL.
If you want a TP-Link the current VDSL device is the W9980...
Both the archer D9(modem router) and C9(router) both use the same style chassis and both have broadcom chips according to the devwiki site, so i am guessing they maybe very similar on the inside.
If it was a C9 or D9 Archer you were trying to point to they will NOT work with FTTC/VDSL they are ADSL only devices...
Wonder if this will be a good solution when it is released, unless Asus do a ver 2 or something and change the modem chipset.
Unless it is another NEW TPLink device then no it wont work.
Think i have found the new devices you were trying to point to, there will be a
Archer VR200v - VDSL2,VoIP/DECT,AC750,USB 2.0 chipset VDSL2/ADSL2 Lantiq VR9 AC by Mediatek
Along with a
Archer VR900v - VDSL2,VoIP/DECT,AC1900,USB 3.0 could not find 100% confirmed info on the chipset though.
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