Anyone Using an Asus DSL-AC68U

those that think its **** dsl_ac68u version think again.
its more like your fibre line is ****....


i dont seem to have that problem and mine was installed this morning.
so while your bashing the dsl version just take a look at the image above. cheers ta bye ;)
Might be a bit early to start dancing yet :p. Got a week of monitoring before those stats will set in stone. I would reboot as well as when it says line attenuation 0... this is not correct.
Your dbm seems a little high as well have you enabled UPBO.
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Might be a bit early to start dancing yet :p. Got a week of monitoring before those stats will set in stone. I would reboot as well as when it says line attenuation 0... this is not correct.
Your dbm seems a little high as well have you enabled UPBO.

hahah says 0 on there cause thats correct, i got that by settings TX power gain to 3 lol
even though it does not seem to do anything apart from change that to 0db....

Just seeing what difference noise margin adjustment to my downsteam snrm. got a little more headroom now as it was 6.3dB.

* you can probably tweak the Downstream attenuation a little. Mine was around 8dB but got it down to 5dB now. Lower the better...

if you double click "tx" text it tells you what it does. Its like a ratio to up and down. setting it to 3dB + is giving you faster upstream but slower download speeds. carefull not to overdo it has it can push it over the edge on down or up.
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lol :p, mines had a little time to settle but making any adjustments in the first few days saw the lines stats vary wildly.

Im not sure I will keep it on performance... or disable the stability adjustment. one of the two is having a higher CRC error rate. Not huge but probably double the amount it was last week.

lol :p, mines had a little time to settle but making any adjustments in the first few days saw the lines stats vary wildly.

Im not sure I will keep it on performance... or disable the stability adjustment. one of the two is having a higher CRC error rate. Not huge but probably double the amount it was last week.

Strange, ? from your image your running 17a multi instead of 30a multi
your also running annex mode A and im running annex mode B lol
Annex B is for DSL over ISDN. Thats for use in germany. you want to configure it to A for the uk.

17a I believe is what profile is being used in the uk atm. BT are not using 30A at present although it will work on this setting you may want to select 17a.

Edit: Will need confirmation of these settings google results seem to be a bit conflicting. some say A other B? Something to do with what standard 17a is using but I am not sure.

Maybe B is correct but I will need to google more!
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It is interesting that some have more luck than others. In my case (I had no luck), anything that is connected via the openrach modem is absolutely stable, so I don't think I have line issues (ans the diagnostic checks at agree). The DSL-AC68U ran fine via the Openreach modem, just not via its own modem, whichever settings I tried (Infinity Business btw). I tried a BT Homehub 5 for a few months, and that would bounce around every 10 days, but was much more stable than the dsl-ac68u for me.

So there may well be some magic combination of firmware and settings what works for some, but in my case out of openreach modem, homehub 5 and the dsl-ac68u, the only vdsl modem that was unusable for me was the Asus.

My Infinity line shows an IP profile of 38.53GB, and I get around 37.5 to 37.8, so pretty close to maximum. Don't think I'd get that consistently if there was a line issue. Maybe some exchanges or ISPs interface better than others with the dsl-ac68u but for me it shouldn't have gone to market before it was compatible out-of-the-box with most "standard" services -and BT Infinity is probably as standard as it gets.
strange if you say ANNEX B is for ISDN then why the hell is my router connecting @ annex B lol

i have tried forcing Annex A with no luck at all, B is all i can connect as for some reason does not affect my speeds though...
also what is your wan settings with talktalk mine is set as enable 802.1Q with vlan id 101 ?? is that correct lol

its hard to find the correct settings cause see that SUPERROUTER they supply you with i cant even find the wan settings within it its like its pre firmware flashed to my connection settings automatically ...

speed wise and error wise im doing fine though....


ping is great also :D
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I'm with plusnet (BT) which is 802.1Q (101) but the value is different for different services so pass :confused:.

plusnet provided me with TG582N or some (expletive) contraption. firmware locked down so you cant see any line stats or anything and runs hotter than the sun... I have about the same CRC error rate as you atm very low but it was lower on other settings...

Mine works fine on annex A or B but some settings can take awhile to establish a connection so you may think it has failed as so did I at first...

ping is great also :D

Mine varies but atm is 15ms. not bad for cornwall!
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oh well we can put it all down to we have great speeds :D lol
i got told off a BT open reach guy that you can switch off and on your router as ment times as you like as long as you dont do it between 12 midnight and 3am as thats the time the DSLM does it line checking ;) there for as long as you do it before then or after then it will not trip the DSLM into thinking your line is faulty and reducing your speed due to powering off and on or changing router settings ect....
oh well we can put it all down to we have great speeds :D lol
i got told off a BT open reach guy that you can switch off and on your router as ment times as you like as long as you dont do it between 12 midnight and 3am as thats the time the DSLM does it line checking ;) there for as long as you do it before then or after then it will not trip the DSLM into thinking your line is faulty and reducing your speed due to powering off and on or changing router settings ect....

Wrong! DLM is in action 24/7/365 at all times. Be careful if you turn off on all times on the VDSL2 modem, or tweak adjustments can leads u to DLM hit! It's happen to me once and I seem other peoples doing this end up DLM hit! Just be caution.
Wrong! DLM is in action 24/7/365 at all times. Be careful if you turn off on all times on the VDSL2 modem, or tweak adjustments can leads u to DLM hit! It's happen to me once and I seem other peoples doing this end up DLM hit! Just be caution.

Thought this might be the case. I am limiting myself to one tweak a day its just painful to wait... :rolleyes:
been testing and tweaking :D to make connection super duper stabler :D even though i get no drop outs on default, adding tweaks brings out the fun :D


previous :


now :


As you can see i have reduced max rate speed a little, and added more db to the upstream and gained quite a bit in upload max rate sync speed. from 32 to 41 ;)
i have also noticed my ping is more stable and slight reduction and also 0 judder on pingtest compaired to old settings of 1-2 judder.
I've been liaising with asus support for almost 2 weeks now and seem to have nailed the instability in recent firmware down to the 'bitswap' option. Disabling it stabilised my connection, whereas with it enabled it would drop the connection every 5-10 mins.
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