25 Sep 2015
This is what it says on the product page now:

"FreeSync is capable of working at a refresh rate between 35Hz and 144Hz on this monitor. An official driver will be published on this website in December."

Could be a while still.
3 Dec 2015
Got this monitor today, fortunately it's the revised one without the Overdrive bug. The driver also works, but the display flickers when the framerate is 30. Is this the reason they are going with 35-144 Hz?

The colors are, well, if you are used to a good IPS panel pretty bad but overall, I enjoy playing games on it so I will not complain about it too much.
30 Nov 2015
Got this monitor today, fortunately it's the revised one without the Overdrive bug. The driver also works, but the display flickers when the framerate is 30. Is this the reason they are going with 35-144 Hz?

The colors are, well, if you are used to a good IPS panel pretty bad but overall, I enjoy playing games on it so I will not complain about it too much.

can you show me your information in monitor asset manager for your screen?
To compare with my screen I do not know if I have the first or second release

Thank you
3 Dec 2015
Yeah, sure:

Don't know if this information reveals anything, but I can enable Overdrive when it is running at 144 Hz.

The flickering is not only at 30 fps/Hz, it flickers subtle during gaming. On the desktop it's fine. Is this normal?

Reverted back to the default driver for testing.
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29 Oct 2015
Got this monitor today, fortunately it's the revised one without the Overdrive bug. The driver also works, but the display flickers when the framerate is 30. Is this the reason they are going with 35-144 Hz?

The colors are, well, if you are used to a good IPS panel pretty bad but overall, I enjoy playing games on it so I will not complain about it too much.

I've posted on 'flickering' earlier in the thread - I think one other poster shared a similar experience.
'Henson' suggested using a frame-limiter when using the 144hz refresh rate (it seems to be only when using this setting that I get flicker - 60hz would appear to be ok).
I tried that today to no avail - flicker is just the same and seems unconnected to FPS.
I don't really notice it when on the desktop - only in 3D games, and (as another poster also observed) in the AMD freesync windmill demo utility.
3 Dec 2015
Hmm so it's "normal"? Because I don't think the WHQL driver will fix this.

Other than the flickering, I like the monitor. Games really look great on it and with Freesync enabled gameplay is so smooth even at < 60 fps.

I don't think I see the flickering in the AMD Freesync demo utility. Maybe the Crimson driver is a little bit bugged? Since the release notes state:
[81859] Flickering may be experienced on some monitors when AMD Freesync™ is enabled
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29 Oct 2015
Hmm so it's "normal"? Because I don't think the WHQL driver will fix this.

Other than the flickering, I like the monitor. Games really look great on it and with Freesync enabled gameplay is so smooth even at < 60 fps.

I don't think I see the flickering in the AMD Freesync demo utility. Maybe the Crimson driver is a little bit bugged? Since the release notes state:

I've had it consistently with two monitors (mine was replaced with firmware update) and both pre-crimson and crimson drivers.
I'm on a 290 and at this point, can't remember if the flickering stops if I disable free-sync
so: a lot of variables.

certainly there are quite a few users (including PCM2 who did the pro-reivew) who haven't noticed it, I believe.
3 Dec 2015
I have an R9 380 and when I disable Freesync the flickering is definitely gone. It only flickers within the Freesync range, at lower framerates. I also tried Catalyst 15.7 and 15.11 and it flickers the same. The flickering is the worst in the intro video of Just Cause 3, but the Crimson release notes make note of flickering in the JC3 intro and menu's, so maybe that's to be expected. The Windmill demo however does not flicker here.

I found an interesting article, it's about G-Sync flickering but the symptoms are exactly the same in my case.

A certified DisplayPort cable is on the way, I will try that. But I don't think it's a defect.
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29 Oct 2015
I have an R9 380 and when I disable Freesync the flickering is definitely gone. It only flickers within the Freesync range, at lower framerates. I also tried Catalyst 15.7 and 15.11 and it flickers the same. The flickering is the worst in the intro video of Just Cause 3, but the Crimson release notes make note of flickering in the JC3 intro and menu's, so maybe that's to be expected. The Windmill demo however does not flicker here.

I found an interesting article, it's about G-Sync flickering but the symptoms are exactly the same in my case.

A certified DisplayPort cable is on the way, I will try that. But I don't think it's a defect.

yes, very interesting, and that does, from a quick peruse, seem to describe essentially the same phenomenon that I've been observing - certainly I mentioned it being particualarly obvious when 'esc'ing the game to option / loading screens.
Also, it's certainly been very obvious with Morrowind - but I'm not sure now I noticed it clearly with other games, such as the witcher 3 (currently uninstalled)... So that could bear out what the article says in that respect too, I suppose.

Do post if your new cable makes a difference - I've just been using the one that came with the monitor.
3 Dec 2015
After some further testing, it's not tied to framerate at all as I thought ealier. I've been playing more games yesterday and it just flickers at random moments.

I will report back once I receive the cable, but the included cable is not a bad one so I doubt that will solve it. I ordered a cable from Accell. These cables are made by BizLink... The same included with our AOC monitors. I've also mailed AOC Netherlands to see what they have to say, maybe they can solve it with the upcoming driver.
29 Oct 2015
After some further testing, it's not tied to framerate at all as I thought ealier. I've been playing more games yesterday and it just flickers at random moments.

my impression too.

I should clarify, if not already obvious from what's been said, that I don't notice flickering if I've set the system's global refresh rate to 60hz - so regardless of the flickering appearing at seemingly 'any' fps, it does seem as though it's linked to setting a 144hz refresh rate (I think others have commented that even dropping to just 120hz cures it - I haven't tried that yet myself).
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