Apex Legends BR

Is any one else seeing this or is it me?
My son also gets this from time to time but not as frequent or as bad as me in the same house.

Had it twice in my last 60 or so games dont think its anything client side causing it, plenty of people have complained about this on the official forums.
What's your issue with Zen? I've been with them for over 2 years and I have zero problems with latency, jitter or pretty much anything really.

Your video does make it seem like it's some weird rubber banding related issue though.
In the internet thread i explain all, they were very shoddy and wouldnt fix my faulty connection and box in the house and so left the contract after 5 months with no fees as they admitted failings.

Also there are plenty of people who have had issues with zen infrastructure relating to ping spikes/slow speeds/rubber banding and other issues.
The servers seem to often have been a bit buggy / laggy near the starts of seasons with initial games being slow and then speeding up after the server sorts itself out.

This can even happen in the training ground as you are actually in that arena with other players but you can’t see each other. It’s why you can hear / see random bangs and things happen in the grounds. The activity of others seems to leak through between players sometimes.
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Same defo better than the last patch, my rig has stable always been pretty stable especially moving to steam, However Season 14 had to load up in a particular order else it would crash and hang my system.

Apex > Discord > Speakers to headphones. In that order. Else it could crash on load up. Was painful if the game was bugged or i got disconnected.

Season 15 patch so far (touch wood) nothing so far however i did notice i had to switch from speakers to my headphones first before loading up Apex otherwise it would play some sounds on speakers and some sounds headphones. At least its better than 14. :D
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I've been drawn back into Apex with the TDM mode....giving me good flashback vibes to playing HLDM back in the day.

Kinda spoilt by the lack of leaver penalties and no punishment of AFK players. It's quite rare to get a decent competitive match, most of time as soon as one side gets ahead early, half the losing side quits :(
Yeah, I'm finding the same at the moment with 2 or 3 leaving, the rest of the game gets useless. I came back to try TDM as I like that sort of play, but overall I find myself frustrated when playing it. Although i'm stuck at 60hz at the moment, I'm finding the hit-reg really poor, and I cant help but feel that opponents are too good ... I know that sounds like sour grapes, but I feel its more than just being better or what you see on streams of good players. Its like you empty a whole clip into them, and they shoot once and your dead instantly, an octane last night seemed to be going around faster than average, and I'm convinced that some are seeing me through walls.

Anyhows, I tried it ... i love the aesthetic look and premise of the game, but its lost its way, and I dont enjoy it anymore.
struck gold ? the movement is terrible not fluid. the gameplay is cluttered. if they jump on it and do major feedback and make gameplay better. possibly could do well. the problem is many paid streamers youtubers are making out it is the second coming. when like most on here you play a game and realize its terrible. the money thats been pumped to promote is social media wise is mental though. so if they pump enough into it they might hoodwink many.

the thing is you only have to look how this worked for the latest cod and battlefield. lowest numbers of most recent titles. cod the streamers were all its amazing yet like many said dead within a month on pc.

its frustrating when after playing many of the titles created by respawn and how fluid titanfall 1 was that its not the same.
this didn't age well lol
I have decided that Skulltown is a crap map for TDM and is just surviving on nostalgia alone.
It's not great is it...really favours Horizon/Octane/Pathfinder, anyone that can get up quickly.

Had some decent games on lunch today though. I'm surprised how well it works for TDM. I hope they keep it around rather than Control which is just terribad.
In days of old, I remember servers would rebalance teams so if it became completely unbalanced, (which is what is happening in Apex), it'd shuffle people over to the other side.

I dont know why they cant the spawn like they did with the oc-train stuff which you got to choose where to land ... that would let you travel across to assist team mates quickly. the number of times you spawn at the far side of the map, and get your butt kicked just travelling to your team is countless.
still true. apex is **** ask anyone who played titanfall 1 a lot. better in every way. apex is just a dumbed down version of it. titanfall 1 had skill to be good. apex is just for avg joe.
601k people disagree with you :)
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