Apex Legends BR

I assume this is the final nail in the titanfall franchise? If this flops, the studio folds. If this does ok, EA shackle them into being a BR studio.
Wow just been playing this and I am really impressed, very fun!

I like that it has a twist on the BR games in that it is legends with unique abilities.
Only played for a short time but I'd say for something new that's free, it's very good. Runs well, fluid gameplay, decent visuals.
Being respawn no doubt the game will be good with excellent gunplay but screw this BR crap.
Its obviously a commercial decision and will most likely be more profitable than T3 but i was looking forward to Titanfall3, not a fan of BR at all.
Havent played this yet but i just love how they released it with zero warning/info. We need more of this!

Finding it increasingly annoying with AAA games these days we get:
Reveal Trailer 2 years before release
1 scene shown 6 months later
1 mission shown 6 months later
DLC plans and 2nd mission revealed 6 months later
followed by previews, interviews, alphas, betas, patches, demos, reviews and pre-release streams.

By which point you've seen 20-40% of the full game :confused:
I had a quick go and it actually seemed ok... I just think I'm adverse to the whole battle royale style of gameplay, spending 90% of the time running around an empty map looking for loot.
I really enjoyed this. The teasers on the hours leading up to it looked garbage but the gameplay is really fun. I wouldn't play it solo like any other BR game but the movement and shooting feel great, I like the inventory and attachment system, super fast and intuitive. Only problem I have is constantly running out of ammo but that adds tension.
The question is, who knew about this gem before it was known? It seemed to be kept hush hush extremely well.
I don't use Origin that much, so I don't have any friends added. Anyone got a list of names? I've linked the game to my Steam friends, but it seems nobody is playing it at the moment.

Two key things that need to happen in gaming, one linked to this title, the other not.

The death of BR games
The death of Electronic Arts
I got banned from Sacriel's Twitch channel today for asking "So is this ANOTHER BR?"

People are real touchy about it.
You do know that they aren't compulsory, right? You can play other titles instead.

I used to despise the whole Battle Royale thing but since Ring of Elysium and now Apex Legends it has really started to change my view on it.
Are EA just mental with their release dates, or do they not talk to each other?

EA released Titanfall 2 within weeks of their own Battlefield 1 (which was advertised/pushed far more) - and a lot of people suggested the poor release date was the reason Tf2 was overlooked and died.

Now, EA has been advertising and pushing Anthem for a while, it's coming out in a couple weeks, and suddenly another online shooter gets released by them??? It just doesn't make sense... I know Apex and Anthem are less similar than Tf2 and BF1, but they're close enough to have some intersecting spheres of influence.
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