I forgot about that, excellent feature and people actually use it!The ping system is this is that good that I find people playing solo queue will be fine
One of the reasons this seems very good is because it came out of nowhere whereas usually we have so much hype beforehand that a game can never live up to it.
2.5 million players in 24 hours. Servers smooth. Polished games. Quite successful then....
So many weapons. Anyone got favourites?
One of the reasons this seems very good is because it came out of nowhere whereas usually we have so much hype beforehand that a game can never live up to it.
From Drew McCoy who is the lead producer."We're doing a free to play game, with essentially loot boxes, after we were bought by EA, and it's not Titanfall 3. It's the perfect recipe for a marketing plan to go awry, so why have that - let's just ship the game and let players play."
From Drew McCoy who is the lead producer.
As soon as the leaks came out over the weekend, people were crapping on it (myself included) - imagine that for 6 months. But as soon as I played it, it became clear this was a good fun game.
A fully decked out Wingman with the headshot modifier is a thing of beauty, has to be my favourite weapon so far, although i'm still pretty rubbish with it, saw Stodeh using it and he was doing some work with it.
What's the learning curve like with this?
I very nearly gave it a go last night (having never played a BR game) but once I heard about the different player classes and weapons I changed my mind and fired up AC instead.
I have a feeling it might be too much for my reptilian brain.
There's very little learning curve to compete currently. Put it this way, I'd class my aim as fairly average and my gameplay with things like this as not that much beyond average and I won my first game and got a top 3 and 6 within 6 games I think it was with quite a few kills. I did watch shroud play for about 15 minutes, which helped, but that's it. As with similar games, communication helps massively between team mates.
The healing does need some balancing, but it's good overall that it's on the slightly slower side. Biggest gripe so far is the lack of ammo at times. The amount per item slot wants buffing slightly. The difference between shield types is also too much currently.
Concurrent players or total across 24 hours?
Unique total.
Can we have rooms on the ocuk discord please?
Sorry I don't know who mods it.
channels are there already