Apex Legends BR

Are EA just mental with their release dates, or do they not talk to each other?

EA released Titanfall 2 within weeks of their own Battlefield 1 (which was advertised/pushed far more) - and a lot of people suggested the poor release date was the reason Tf2 was overlooked and died.

Now, EA has been advertising and pushing Anthem for a while, it's coming out in a couple weeks, and suddenly another online shooter gets released by them??? It just doesn't make sense... I know Apex and Anthem are less similar than Tf2 and BF1, but they're close enough to have some intersecting spheres of influence.
According to respawn, they chose the TF2 release date to compete with CoD, with BF1 planned to release months earlier. But BF1 got delayed and by that point it was too late to change the TF2 date so it got screwed.

I also don't think the Anthem/Apex Legends comparison is nearly as bad, one is a free BR game relased on day of reveal and the other is a full priced EA Destiny with jetpacks with a more '2019-normal' release schedule.
So is this the reason there's no Titanfall 3? Real shame. I gave it a quick spin last night. To be honest, had no idea what I was doing. Will take me a while to get used to it all. But it might grow on me. And it's free, so really can't complain about anything. Might even go back to TF2 as I haven't played that in over a year I think!
2.5 million players in 24 hours. Servers smooth. Polished games. Quite successful then....

So many weapons. Anyone got favourites?
I just think I'm adverse to the whole battle royale style of gameplay, spending 90% of the time running around an empty map looking for loot.
drop hot maybe, might liven it up a bit for you?

as i said earlier before my post was so rudely and incorrectly removed - for a freebie it feels pretty good. just a shame that it probably means there wont be a titanfall 3 any time soon (or ever!)

the movement is very 'titanfally' - smooth, almost elegant. the run/slide mechanic is nice and i imagine with a bit of practice could be a pretty usefully 'skill' to develop. despite some previous poster claiming it to be clunky it's far from it. sure compared to titanfall 1 or 2 it certainly isn't as smooth as those but when compared to PUBG (and lets be honest that's what every BR game has to be compared to now) the fluidity and smoothness of movement is lovely. hitboxes seem pretty bang on too. it really does feel like a BR for pilots from the titanfall world (minus the cool but infuriating wall running)
Stuck it on last night and had a few rounds think I got to level 5, it's smooth I'll give it that compared to PUBG and the skills make it just different enough, managed to get to the last squad alive but as we hadn't been great on loot upto that point we lost.

Will stick with it having a few rounds every now and again until Anthem + Div 2 are out.

Took a while to get Easy anti cheat to stop throwing an error up, seems Webroot doesn't agree with it for some reason.
2.5 million players in 24 hours. Servers smooth. Polished games. Quite successful then....

So many weapons. Anyone got favourites?

Peacekeeper is a monster and the exotic/gold crate shotgun is just insane - it literally deletes players for fun.
Peacekeeper is a monster and the exotic/gold crate shotgun is just insane - it literally deletes players for fun.
Yeah, peacekeeper is my favourite so far. Not picked up the mastiff yet but find it amusing that it's super powerful when in TF2 it was the worse weapon by far, outclassed in every way by a secondary.
drop hot maybe, might liven it up a bit for you?

as i said earlier before my post was so rudely and incorrectly removed - for a freebie it feels pretty good. just a shame that it probably means there wont be a titanfall 3 any time soon (or ever!)

the movement is very 'titanfally' - smooth, almost elegant. the run/slide mechanic is nice and i imagine with a bit of practice could be a pretty usefully 'skill' to develop. despite some previous poster claiming it to be clunky it's far from it. sure compared to titanfall 1 or 2 it certainly isn't as smooth as those but when compared to PUBG (and lets be honest that's what every BR game has to be compared to now) the fluidity and smoothness of movement is lovely. hitboxes seem pretty bang on too. it really does feel like a BR for pilots from the titanfall world (minus the cool but infuriating wall running)
Might see if I can get some games tonight and give it another go.

When I was playing the tutorial the game felt and looked so much like titanfall I was trying to wall run.

I think there's definitely more depth to it than fortnite, the classes and the ability to ressurect dead teammates was actually a nice touch.

Actually, you can stone me now but as a game the only thing I was disappointed with was the cosmetics! I think it probably needs to do more in that regard to make money and "succeed".
Actually, you can stone me now but as a game the only thing I was disappointed with was the cosmetics! I think it probably needs to do more in that regard to make money and "succeed".
not played enough to judge the cosmetics yet but yea, i'd probably agree with that.
Squads is best for BR anyway, so much joy to be had from laughing at your team's poor decision making, aim and general misfortune :)
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