According to respawn, they chose the TF2 release date to compete with CoD, with BF1 planned to release months earlier. But BF1 got delayed and by that point it was too late to change the TF2 date so it got screwed.Are EA just mental with their release dates, or do they not talk to each other?
EA released Titanfall 2 within weeks of their own Battlefield 1 (which was advertised/pushed far more) - and a lot of people suggested the poor release date was the reason Tf2 was overlooked and died.
Now, EA has been advertising and pushing Anthem for a while, it's coming out in a couple weeks, and suddenly another online shooter gets released by them??? It just doesn't make sense... I know Apex and Anthem are less similar than Tf2 and BF1, but they're close enough to have some intersecting spheres of influence.
I also don't think the Anthem/Apex Legends comparison is nearly as bad, one is a free BR game relased on day of reveal and the other is a full priced EA Destiny with jetpacks with a more '2019-normal' release schedule.