** Apple Media Event - March 7th **

Which is fine, especially if you don't yet own an iPad. However a number of posters are posting almost hysterical posts about New iPad (daft rebranding) and its screen. I mean come on its just a computer for goodness sake not the second coming. :D

It's a big and significant upgrade. It's as simple as that really.

If you don't use your tablet much or have poor eyesight (etc) then obviously things like that aren't so important but generally, it's a substantial upgrade and the screen for a start is something a lot of people have been waiting for.
I suggest you go and educate yourself. Look at the comparison chart on apple.com between the ipad 2 and 3. Then come back and tell me if you still think it's just a few tweaks.

Oh no! not specs comparisons, that's reminiscent of Windows users. How old are you? :rolleyes:
What has age got to do with it? Look at what he said and respond to that instead of making yourself look childish.

I have already responded. I learnt a good many years ago when buying any product to do your research but ignore a manufacturers hype. Is it what I want, will it do the job I want it too and is it reliable and value for money. Only when it no longer does the job will I consider replacing it. Those who keep replacing products every time the latest and greatest get released are a manufacturers dream.
I have already responded. I learnt a good many years ago when buying any product to do your research but ignore a manufacturers hype. Is it what I want, will it do the job I want it too and is it reliable and value for money. Only when it no longer does the job will I consider replacing it. Those who keep replacing products every time the latest and greatest get released are a manufacturers dream.

That's one way of looking at it. However, I find that logic only really applies when someone upgrades for the sake of it (for example, if only the internals had changed slightly). This doesn't apply here.

Do you think that everyone with an iPad 2 who gets the new iPad has upgraded for the sake of it? If so, why? I'd agree that internal specs aren't all that important if the device performs well, but the screen is of huge importance on a tablet. It is what makes up 90% of the device. It is what you interact with. It's the only thing you interact with.

If you consider the screen to be a negligible/pointless upgrade then yes, don't bother getting a new iPad, but if you value the quality of the screen then it is absolutely worth the upgrade cost. No question about it.
Got my shipment notification this morning too. I'm really looking forward to this new iPad despite having had an iPad 2 since it was released. The improvement in the screen is more than enough reason for me to upgrade - you spend all your time looking at the tablet after all so how is a 2x res upgrade not a big deal!?!?
I have already responded.

I don't consider that an informative response. I'm not going to help you, nor will I bother doing the work for you. Additionally I shall not be putting words into your mouth.

Reply to post #899 please 'A few tweaks and nothing more. I really don't see why there's so much fuss around it.' We have never seen this kind of resolution on a tablet before, never on an HD TV, and only ever on a very few high end PC displays such as the Dell 30" Ultrasharp. Neither of which has anywhere near the same PPI. A few tweaks? Really?

I learnt a good many years ago when buying any product to do your research but ignore a manufacturers hype..

Which is why I said to look at the specs. Technical specifications are FACT, they are not hyped up. If they say it has an A5X processor and a retina display then is has those features.

Apple does not do hype, they leave that to the hundreds of tech sites and customers.

Is it what I want, will it do the job I want it too and is it reliable and value for money. Only when it no longer does the job will I consider replacing it.

Unless someone is buying you it for a present, I couldn't care less what you want. People buy it for themselves and therefore make their own decision wether to buy it or not.

Those who keep replacing products every time the latest and greatest get released are a manufacturers dream.

Can't speak for others, but this will be my first iPad. Considering the ipad 1 launched at £399, the ipad 2 launched at £399 and the new iPad has just launched at £399 I consider that to be good value. Each year you are getting the latest technology at the same price point. Hence, you know what to expect. However, if users demands require those extra functionalities which can be justified then of course they will gladly make a purchase.

Can I ask why you wanted to know my age please?
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I suggest you go and educate yourself. Look at the comparison chart on apple.com between the ipad 2 and 3. Then come back and tell me if you still think it's just a few tweaks.

Hmmm, that's a bit rude. I'm perfectly aware of the new model's specs thanks - a new screen, processor and camera. Certainly worthwhile changes. However, neither the user experience or form factor has changed, and that shows that Apple is merely happy refining the current product. That's fine, because it's successful and it works. But it's not a particularly exciting update.
Double the resolution is exciting. At least, I think it's exciting. Photos will look stunning on this new display, as will websites and text. Given that a tablet is all about the screen, this is a fabulous upgrade in my opinion
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Can't speak for others, but this will be my first iPad. Considering the ipad 1 launched at £399, the ipad 2 launched at £399 and the new iPad has just launched at £399 I consider that to be good value. Each year you are getting the latest technology at the same price point. Hence, you know what to expect. However, if users demands require those extra functionalities which can be justified then of course they will gladly make a purchase.
Think the 1st was £429 actually, mine was atleast from the purple shirt place.

Is it me imagining things or a year ago or so, wasn't everyone saying that a screen res in a screen this size would cost a fortune?
Is it me or have these forums degenerated into dogmatic fanboism and narcisitic willy waving. These forums used be populated by helpful and well informed people, who could put forward reasonable arguments and provide sound technical information (and some do, such as Lucid in the Home Cinema and HiFi forum). Sadly the apple hardware section is more about 'look what I have just bought...' and 'the new apple shiny is omgamazing and anyone who says otherwise is a heretic. Yes the new iPad is a significant upgrade over the ipad2 (for some people - me being one). But the ipad2 is still a very relevant product in the apple line up - apple are still selling it FGS and for many people it will be sufficient for their needs. So why all the debate over the significance of it being a worthwhile upgrade - neither I nor 90% of the forum readers really give a damn whether someone else has to justify their purchases to the rest of the world. If you want it and can afford it brilliant. If you want it and cant afford it, welcome to recession Britain, you are not the only one. But TBH I dont care either way, I come here for informative posts, helpful information, news on new and forthcoming products and constructive debate, which sadly seem to be in decline in this forum.
Hmmm, that's a bit rude. I'm perfectly aware of the new model's specs thanks - a new screen, processor and camera. Certainly worthwhile changes. However, neither the user experience or form factor has changed, and that shows that Apple is merely happy refining the current product. That's fine, because it's successful and it works. But it's not a particularly exciting update.

How is someone asking someone else to look at the specs in order to educate themselves rude? also, that post wasn't for you as you already know what the differences are....so no need for you to have a look at the specs.

IMHO, the differences are significant, especially considering the price hasn't gone up. Actually, what was the VAT rate when the iPad 2 launched? Can't remember if it was 15, 17.5 or 20 :confused:

Just because it isn't exciting for YOU, doesn't mean it isn't exciting.

Anyway we are going off on a tangent here. The original remark I was replying to was 'it's just a few tweaks'. I have asked that once he has done his comparisons, to reply back with his thoughts. Nothing off about that. If he still thinks the same, FINE. Nothing wrong with people having their own opinions. My opinion is that the new retina display is MUCH more than a simple tweak. You could call a tweak the extra level of saturation, but not an entirely new display we have never seen before.
Is it me or have these forums degenerated into dogmatic fanboism and narcisitic willy waving. These forums used be populated by helpful and well informed people, who could put forward reasonable arguments and provide sound technical information (and some do, such as Lucid in the Home Cinema and HiFi forum). Sadly the apple hardware section is more about 'look what I have just bought...' and 'the new apple shiny is omgamazing and anyone who says otherwise is a heretic. Yes the new iPad is a significant upgrade over the ipad2 (for some people - me being one). But the ipad2 is still a very relevant product in the apple line up - apple are still selling it FGS and for many people it will be sufficient for their needs. So why all the debate over the significance of it being a worthwhile upgrade - neither I nor 90% of the forum readers really give a damn whether someone else has to justify their purchases to the rest of the world. If you want it and can afford it brilliant. If you want it and cant afford it, welcome to recession Britain, you are not the only one. But TBH I dont care either way, I come here for informative posts, helpful information, news on new and forthcoming products and constructive debate, which sadly seem to be in decline in this forum.

I couldn't agree more!!!!!
Is it me or have these forums degenerated into dogmatic fanboism and narcisitic willy waving. These forums used be populated by helpful and well informed people, who could put forward reasonable arguments and provide sound technical information (and some do, such as Lucid in the Home Cinema and HiFi forum). Sadly the apple hardware section is more about 'look what I have just bought...' and 'the new apple shiny is omgamazing and anyone who says otherwise is a heretic. Yes the new iPad is a significant upgrade over the ipad2 (for some people - me being one). But the ipad2 is still a very relevant product in the apple line up - apple are still selling it FGS and for many people it will be sufficient for their needs. So why all the debate over the significance of it being a worthwhile upgrade - neither I nor 90% of the forum readers really give a damn whether someone else has to justify their purchases to the rest of the world. If you want it and can afford it brilliant. If you want it and cant afford it, welcome to recession Britain, you are not the only one. But TBH I dont care either way, I come here for informative posts, helpful information, news on new and forthcoming products and constructive debate, which sadly seem to be in decline in this forum.

Well said. :p
How is someone asking someone else to look at the specs in order to educate themselves rude? also, that post wasn't for you as you already know what the differences are....so no need for you to have a look at the specs.

Dunno dude, you quoted me, so that's why I replied to you....
Which is fine, especially if you don't yet own an iPad. However a number of posters are posting almost hysterical posts about New iPad (daft rebranding) and its screen. I mean come on its just a computer for goodness sake not the second coming. :D

Robbo's already replied to this very well but I'd like to add you shouldn't be bothered by how other people react - it is their choice. No one is forcing you to upgrade.

It's a big and significant upgrade. It's as simple as that really.

If you don't use your tablet much or have poor eyesight (etc) then obviously things like that aren't so important but generally, it's a substantial upgrade and the screen for a start is something a lot of people have been waiting for.

I couldn't agree more.
I don't consider that an informative response. I'm not going to help you, nor will I bother doing the work for you. Additionally I shall not be putting words into your mouth.

Reply to post #899 please 'A few tweaks and nothing more. I really don't see why there's so much fuss around it.' We have never seen this kind of resolution on a tablet before, never on an HD TV, and only ever on a very few high end PC displays such as the Dell 30" Ultrasharp. Neither of which has anywhere near the same PPI. A few tweaks? Really?

Which is why I said to look at the specs. Technical specifications are FACT, they are not hyped up. If they say it has an A5X processor and a retina display then is has those features.

Apple does not do hype, they leave that to the hundreds of tech sites and customers.

Unless someone is buying you it for a present, I couldn't care less what you want. People buy it for themselves and therefore make their own decision wether to buy it or not.

Can't speak for others, but this will be my first iPad. Considering the ipad 1 launched at £399, the ipad 2 launched at £399 and the new iPad has just launched at £399 I consider that to be good value. Each year you are getting the latest technology at the same price point. Hence, you know what to expect. However, if users demands require those extra functionalities which can be justified then of course they will gladly make a purchase.

Can I ask why you wanted to know my age please?

Age - because making spec comparisons is a very immature pastime. I already said a few posts back that if this is your first iPad purchase then I don't have a problem with that. I do however think that to trade in the current iPad for what's on offer in The New iPad is quite frankly barmy and for someone with my usage i.e browsing, emails and mirroring it's a non starter. It's just my opinion and I'm not about to change it.
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