Yes, the drive comes with a single port HSDL adaptor that fits into a PCI-E slot.
You can buy a four port HSDL adaptor card. Which I did, but I found it was very motherboard reliant. I had problems with the PCI-E going into a low power state mode. Great for graphic cards, but it knocks the drives offline.
So as soon as the titan arrives, I can plug the fourth single port HSDL adaptor into the then accessible PCI-E slot as there will not be a block of metal in the way
Points to note. The IBIS drives are not bootable. You can only windows RAID. They have very limited support being end of line.
They are however better value at EOL costs of £250 a drive (if you can find them). So 940GB is very close to the Revodrive (4x240GB vs 940GBRevo) in terms of cost, but you get more performance with the 4xIBIS.