Asked for daughters hand over email...

I'm not really one to tell people they fail but dude serious for starters asking the fathers permission to marry his daughter is from a age gone by but if you want to carry on with traditions at least do it in the traditional manner. And don't you think you should have asked her first? I mean what if she says no?

BTW can you post a pic of the girl you'r marrying?
well I'm a very new-age technological person and tbh I think having to ask her father whether she can marry me is old fashioned.

However, she said it would be a nice gesture to make the father part of, in a moment of complete madness I mixed the old fashioned approach with the new-age stylee

Yes, it is very old fashioned. So you should do it the old fashioned way if you do it at all.

Ye gods man, email for that? What were you thinking?

Also, what will you do if he says no? If you'll get married anyway, then you aren't actually asking him at all and the whole thing is a bad joke. In any case, he doesn't have the authority to make the decision, so the entire process is irrelevant. It's obsolete to the extent that it no longer has any meaning.

So I think it would fail as a nice gesture however you did it and doing it by email compounds the failure.
Is it still the done thing to ask the father such a thing? I've known a lot of people to get engaged to be married and no one's ran it past the father to date?

I thought it was like an old American practice. Y'know, like the movies? :confused::D

It predates the USA. It's medieval. It goes back to marriage amongst higher social classes as a political/business procedure, because back then marriage joined families (political) and involved the transfer of family assets (business).
Wow you really do need to man up, look at this day and age we have come to soon we will all be wearing high heels.

yup he needed to get all alpha and not ask if her dad doesnt like the idea of you getting married then you simply take him to one side and tell the old fart your bashing the pasty wether he likes it or not :D
Spineless like this hedgehog:

Honestly tho - you should always ask in person or over the phone if it's long distance...
wow, thats a lot of replies......some unneccesarily harsh.

as I said, I think the concept is outdated and unneccesary, thats why I didnt go to effort of buying him a pint to ask him a question which (as a previous poster pointed out) he has no real say in and even if he had said no the wedding would go ahead anyway. I emailed him just to broach the subject of marrying his daughter and that I would discuss it with him and his wife in more detail at the weekend.

I phrased my post to make a joke of the situation really, something I have tried to keep up as I went along - like the lol after suggesting I was prodding the boundaries of society.

Still, was a good laugh for the first few pages!
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