Assassin's Creed Odyssey

So I've been working on leveling my engravings. I.e killing xxx enemies with xxx weapon type. It seems Heavy Blunt AND Heavy Bladed weapons are bugged and you can level them up ONLY by using daggers :rolleyes:

Found this on the ubisoft forums from a poster : "This is a bug that affects all weapons of those classes. The only way to unlock the engravings for heavy blunt weapons and axes is to kill using daggers."

Edit: Just confirmed both.
33hrs played 35% progression and still enjoying every minute of it.

After you assisted in a battle you were able to loot the corpses of the dead, did they patch it out ? :(
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I'm currently at level 14 having met the Wolf and spent a lot of time exploring / grinding, and am struggling a bit with the Sparta / Athens thing. In Origins I felt like I wanted to clear out all the forts etc because those that were occupying them were oppressing the people so it seemed like the right thing to do. In Odyssey I have no affinity with either of the main factions so I feel reluctant to clear out sites occupied by either of the opposing forces in case at some point I'm forced / encouraged to pick a side, having up to that point spent my time decimating their forces. Does the main story encourage you to pick a side at any point or do you remain flitting between sides picking up missions from whoever is offering them regardless of whether they are wearing red or blue?

I also found the Sparta/Athens thing a bit odd at times, the game gives you little reason to want to murder every soldier in every camp.

After rampaging my way across the top half of the map I've decided to take a more stealthy passive approach and it's much more rewarding. Still destroy all bandit and cult camps though

What a great game this is, I'd become very jaded on the AC series now Im looking forward starting origins as well. RDR2 can wait!
Finally finished the main quest with lots left to do (haven't touched the arena, Atlantis, mythical beasts). Level 48. An easy 9/10 for me. I found the end quiet emotional given the journey, although the main quest could have been a little more epic at the end.

Loved the RPG elements, the mercenary system (now it is fixed, although what a pain when 4 mercenaries spawn right next to you), great to have ships back (although nowhere near as good as Black Flag), an absolutely stunning game to look at, finally a decent story.

Now onto level 50 and the remaining quests. Loving the look of the underworld pack too. Hope the DLC is good.

I hope they combine the best of Origins and Odyssey in the next AC game. It could be very good indeed.

Having the most fun now that I have a fire bow and fire mace along with spear level 5 (I didn't have any weapons that could poison or fire before the end of the game and didn't realise you could add these effects without using an ability, doh!). The fire mace and overpower ability makes conquest battles hilarious fun.
I'm starting to get overwhelmed by the game, frankly. I'm around 55h in at l33 and when look at the map I'm quite baffled by the amount of stuff left to do and places I haven't even been too... Don't know how far I am in the main story (I have to destroy the Paros fleet currently) but I don't think I can even get close to 100%'ing it. It's still rather fun and beautiful even with the repetition but it's just feels tiringly big at times.

I tried to finish areas and have done the starting area, Megaris, Phokis, Attika, Argos, some of the smaller islands like Paros and Keos (still some quests left here) and a bit of Korinthia but there's still loads...
I'm starting to get overwhelmed by the game, frankly. I'm around 55h in at l33 and when look at the map I'm quite baffled by the amount of stuff left to do and places I haven't even been too... Don't know how far I am in the main story (I have to destroy the Paros fleet currently) but I don't think I can even get close to 100%'ing it. It's still rather fun and beautiful even with the repetition but it's just feels tiringly big at times.

I tried to finish areas and have done the starting area, Megaris, Phokis, Attika, Argos, some of the smaller islands like Paros and Keos (still some quests left here) and a bit of Korinthia but there's still loads...
I just 100% the game with 134hrs played, though I could have done it earlier - I've just been having a lot of fun with mercs in town now that they're working. As I approached the endgame at around 80hrs iirc I ended up taking short breaks between gaming sessions so I'd play for about two hourly sessions a day and a bit more during weekends. I found that trying to adopt the playstyle I did for Origins i.e lengthy gaming sessions just didn't work in Odyssey and I felt tired afterwards.

I know what you mean about the massive amount of question marks, even I thought doing them all would be impossible but a lot of them are quite simple objectives (tombs, animal dens, small camps). Having said that, I've still got loads to do so I am working on the 'Child of Poseidon' (complete all underwater locations) achievement.
I'm starting to get overwhelmed by the game, frankly. I'm around 55h in at l33 and when look at the map I'm quite baffled by the amount of stuff left to do and places I haven't even been too... Don't know how far I am in the main story (I have to destroy the Paros fleet currently) but I don't think I can even get close to 100%'ing it. It's still rather fun and beautiful even with the repetition but it's just feels tiringly big at times.

I tried to finish areas and have done the starting area, Megaris, Phokis, Attika, Argos, some of the smaller islands like Paros and Keos (still some quests left here) and a bit of Korinthia but there's still loads...

I know what you mean. Finished the main quest and there are a bucket load of islands that I haven't even been near. I felt the same as you near the end of the main story. It is a truly daunting scale.
I know what you mean. Finished the main quest and there are a bucket load of islands that I haven't even been near. I felt the same as you near the end of the main story. It is a truly daunting scale.

Yeah, the funny thing is that the world doesn't look that big on the map screen but when you actually go and explore... holy ****.

I think I'll just do the stuff I happen to stumble upon while wrapping up the main quest and then take a break from the game to clear it up some time later.
Is it worth playing Origins before Odyssey, or does it not matter?

In story terms it doesnt really matter all that much, both are excellent games with one having pluses and negatives that the other doesnt. Both are VERY well designed game worlds, that are incredibly immersive and give you a real sense of how the world must have looked and felt back then.

I am always gobsmacked when running around in Origins that the ruins these Egyptians walked around in their daily lives were as many thousands of years old to them, as those Egyptians are to us now. It boggles the mind at times just how ancient Egypt and those ruins are.

I actually think that the two games suppliment each other really really well, combined their two gameworlds gel together and form a brilliant experience. The contrast between the lush blue and green lands of Greece and the barren sands of Egypt really works well when you play both.

I know that it probably wouldnt visually look as good but the two gameworlds combined would make for an awesome MMO world. Imagine a combined gameworld, including say Rome and its nearby islands AND Odysseys lands AND Origins lands, but all combined into one giant gameworld where you could sail from Rome to Sicily and on to Greece and then down to Crete and across to Alexandria and the deserts below.
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Origins is the more complete game as it stands since it is older/mature and has two great bits of DLC. As above though, both whilst similar to each other in a lot of areas they do have some amazing world creation. Take a dip into what world you prefer and get killing!

I think Open World games for a while have been a Ubisoft staple. They need to work on quality content for their games whilst keeping MTX's to a minimum. There is no doubt that Odyssey was mostly crituqued online for it's MTX's even though they aren't required and it was sad to see the game slightly tarnished the way it was. I wasn't around to see what happened when Origins was released but nowadays these 'reviewers' etc love to hit on the negatives of anything in order to get views.
Is it worth playing Origins before Odyssey, or does it not matter?
Whilst it doesn't really matter I found Odyssey a bit of a step up visually and in some aspects of gameplay so I would recommend doing Origins first so you enjoy it for what it is without making negative comparisons and then move on to the improvements in Odyssey. It probably won't matter but I found Origins much more engaging and am having real difficulties feeling involved in the Odyssey world.
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