Asus ROG Ally

3 Jun 2012
So.... When i try to play with max wattage, the CPU jumps to 95c super fast and then throttles hard. :/

Anyone else experiencing this?
31 Jul 2008
Anyone got Hogwarts running ok?

With VRAM set to AUTO it compiles shaders in advance otherwise major stuttering - but AUTO makes Diablo 4 stutter..

Perf is only ok with max power..
17 Jul 2005
So.... When i try to play with max wattage, the CPU jumps to 95c super fast and then throttles hard. :/

Anyone else experiencing this?

Yes that is normal, at least with the stock fan profile. It maxes out the wattage in the mid 40's, temps ramp to ~95 and then wattage will drop over time to a sustained 30 or so. I need to mess around with the fan profiles in manual mode to see if it makes any difference.

Anyone got Hogwarts running ok?

With VRAM set to AUTO it compiles shaders in advance otherwise major stuttering - but AUTO makes Diablo 4 stutter..

Perf is only ok with max power..

Been messing around with it in a "docked" scenario. It can manage mid 40's with 1080p (FSR2 Quality), Mixture of medium and low settings (Textures on Med (I think) but I should really drop them down). This was all tested in and around Hogwarts itself and Hogsmead (run around the town). I do get the occasional stutters which I also see on the Steam Deck. I need to try dropped the texture setting to see if that helps.

Tested on 4G and Auto and noticed no real difference in game, maybe slightly better on Auto. This was all on Bios 3.17.

Dropping to FSR2 balanced does bring up the FPS noticeably in and around Hogwarts but the stutter remains.

I did try out some D2 last night in portable mode with the game set to 720 and RSR on to scale to 1080p. Net result was a near 60FPS lock and visuals that were imperceptible to native 1080p on the small screen (probably there if you screen cap and zoom in but not something noticeable at arms length).

The little Z1 is quite the beast in normal desktop mode as well. Scores just over 14k (stock turbo settings) with a sustained all core of 3.8Ghz. Wondering if a more aggressive fan profile will net over 4Ghz sustained? This isn't far off my desktops 7600 and my Flow Z13 when in its balanced preset (i9 12900H). It beats both the 5800H in my Legion (sustained 4.15Ghz all core) and the 6800HS in my Wife's Zephyrus G15.

Next up will be testing my 3080(M) XG Mobile. :)
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17 Jul 2005


Effectively RSR is a Driver level upscaler that is game agnostic. In game you set the resolution lower than the native resolution of your display. RSR will then upscale it to your displays native resolution. In the Ally's case it is best to set an in game resolution of 720p and then let RSR take you up to the native 1080p. Results will vary depending on the game but generally will offer little visual difference to native resolution whilst performing much better. RSR is very similar to the Deck's built in FSR scaling option (in fact it might be the same given AMD state RSR uses FSR..).

FSR(2) is a Game dependent upscaler which is generally superior to RSR but has the downside of needing in game support. For example, Destiny 2 does not support FSR(2) or DLSS. You can use the in game resolution scaler or you can turn on RSR and get better visuals at better performance levels. To enable FSR you just select it from within the game itself, normally this is found under the resolution options. It scales up to the resolution selected so in the Ally's case you want to run the game at native 1080p and then let FSR work its magic by rendering the game a lower internal resolution and then upscaling.

Note the above is very much the basics but broadly speaking you want to use FSR(2) when available and then drop back to RSR if FSR is not supported. (RSR from 720p to 1080p will perform essentially identical to 1080p FSR2 Quality 720p) but the latter will like be better visually).

Ultimately just have a play around and see what works for you in the games you play.

And yes you can drop the resolution right down and then run FSR2 Ultra Performance... In Hogwarts this can give you over 100FPS in the open world but at the cost of PS1 level graphics... :cry: :cry: :cry:
3 Jun 2012
An AMD driver hotfix was released in the last 30 hours.

Has given back the performance that was lost from the 319 bios.

So win win.

I also played with the fluid resolution thing in diablo 4. And now it runs at a solid 60fps in performance mode and looks damn right close to what full 1080p looked like.

Pretty happy.
17 Jul 2005
Had great fun last night getting Epic Installed. The actual process was relatively painless but then the keyboard would not automatically shown when tapping on the username / password boxes. Ok no problem, just tab on the keyboard icon in the task bar. That managed to bring up both the keyboard and also the start menu hence it started typing in the start menu. Sorted that out eventually and then got the same issue albeit different scenario when I tried creating a new folder on the SD card to move some Xbox Games. Created the new folder and again the keyboard didn't appear to change the name. Tapping on the keyboard icon brought it up (this time without the start menu) but closed the edit box on the folder. Long tap to rename and the option was beneath the keyboard... Rinse repeat.

I could have sorted all of this out by using a KB & mouse over a Single (or Bluetooth) but damn that was annoying in the moment and wouldn't have been an issue had the keyboard just appeared when it was supposed to.

I have experienced similar issues with the on screen keyboard on multiple devices running Win 10/11 so its not specific to the Ally (had it happen on the deck as well so very similar scenario).

Other than that I did managed to spend a bit of time messing around with CP2077. In game using Steam Deck settings it performs very much like the Deck albeit at a higher render resolution. 720p low saw ~52FPS in the in game benchmark but I ran out of time (was 00:30 at the time and I needed to be up at ~05:50) to test in game. Game looks excellent on the small screen even at "low" settings so at least you can push the FPS a little with not much loss in visuals (probably doesn't as good if you tried in a docked scenario mind).

In my own testing on the Deck I did find that dropping the GPU clock to max 1400Mhz gave a few extra FPS as it allowed the CPU to clock 2-300Mhz higher consistently. It would be nice to get that level of granular control for the Ally - controlling CPU / GPU power splits or max clocks when either CPU or GPU limited. This is where Armoury crate may cause issues if its anything like my Flow Z13. Around 50% of the time on that the XG Mobile 3080 can get stuck at a lower power limit or clock depending on what mood it is in or the general time of day.

Need to try with the hotfix driver and latest bios (Still on 3.17) to see if there is any difference.
3 Jun 2012
Had great fun last night getting Epic Installed. The actual process was relatively painless but then the keyboard would not automatically shown when tapping on the username / password boxes. Ok no problem, just tab on the keyboard icon in the task bar. That managed to bring up both the keyboard and also the start menu hence it started typing in the start menu. Sorted that out eventually and then got the same issue albeit different scenario when I tried creating a new folder on the SD card to move some Xbox Games. Created the new folder and again the keyboard didn't appear to change the name. Tapping on the keyboard icon brought it up (this time without the start menu) but closed the edit box on the folder. Long tap to rename and the option was beneath the keyboard... Rinse repeat.

I could have sorted all of this out by using a KB & mouse over a Single (or Bluetooth) but damn that was annoying in the moment and wouldn't have been an issue had the keyboard just appeared when it was supposed to.

I have experienced similar issues with the on screen keyboard on multiple devices running Win 10/11 so its not specific to the Ally (had it happen on the deck as well so very similar scenario).

Other than that I did managed to spend a bit of time messing around with CP2077. In game using Steam Deck settings it performs very much like the Deck albeit at a higher render resolution. 720p low saw ~52FPS in the in game benchmark but I ran out of time (was 00:30 at the time and I needed to be up at ~05:50) to test in game. Game looks excellent on the small screen even at "low" settings so at least you can push the FPS a little with not much loss in visuals (probably doesn't as good if you tried in a docked scenario mind).

In my own testing on the Deck I did find that dropping the GPU clock to max 1400Mhz gave a few extra FPS as it allowed the CPU to clock 2-300Mhz higher consistently. It would be nice to get that level of granular control for the Ally - controlling CPU / GPU power splits or max clocks when either CPU or GPU limited. This is where Armoury crate may cause issues if its anything like my Flow Z13. Around 50% of the time on that the XG Mobile 3080 can get stuck at a lower power limit or clock depending on what mood it is in or the general time of day.

Need to try with the hotfix driver and latest bios (Still on 3.17) to see if there is any difference.
On mine, i press the left macro key on back and then up. Brings up the keyboard. (i think its those keys)
17 Jul 2005
Thanks! :) I keep forgetting about the shortcuts. Tonight’s mission was to carry on testing only to be thwarted by the bios update and AMD hot fix update. No problem download and we are away..Wait, it needs power. Ok, XG Mobile do your thing and give life to the little Ally! No, stop asking to set up the XG Mobile… argh!

First time I have hooked it up whilst the Ally has been on. No real surprise by the setup but I just wanted to tinker… oh well tomorrow it is then!

Edit: Got a quick run in on Cp2077 and we’ll something has worked. Either a couple of background tweaks or the latest bios and hot fix combination has netted a nice improvement to performance. At 720p (RSR to 1080p) with Steamreck settings I am seeing 59FPS average on the benchmark… Now this did enabled FSR2 set to auto but still..

Tried without FSR2 and it still returned 45FPS average.

Might be able to squeeze a little more out of it with further tweaking of the settings (Steam Deck settings is basically high across the board..). For context my Deck runs in the low to mi 30’s with FSR2 enabled (from 800p).

In the correct scenarios the Ally can be a right little monster!!
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28 Jan 2003
The little Z1 is quite the beast in normal desktop mode as well. Scores just over 14k (stock turbo settings) with a sustained all core of 3.8Ghz

That's pretty strong, my AOKZOE with 7840U tops out at ~3.3Ghz.

I have experienced similar issues with the on screen keyboard on multiple devices running Win 10/11 so its not specific to the Ally (had it happen on the deck as well so very similar scenario).

In accessibility settings you can tell it to always bring up keyboard makes it quite annoying but is another way out if for whatever reason the macro key stops.
18 Oct 2007
Much like the Streamdeck, I don't really understand the appeal of these devices.

Playing your games at 720p on a portable device around the house... What's the point exactly? I would never take it outside the house anyway.

Interesting to see what these new integrated graphics are capable of, but beyond the technical interest, I would never use them.
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