Bakers refuse Gay wedding cake - update: Supreme Court rules in favour of Bakers

so what... they're not refusing to serve homosexuals they're refusing to create something which they're opposed to.... if we go down that line then there are plenty of other silly examples such as the Muslim baker Jesus cake one which ostensibly should be covered by the same law.

A heterosexual could order a wedding cake, a homosexual could not order a wedding cake. That is fundamentally discriminating due to sexuality. Much like I couldn't run a guest house and only let black guests book the attic room.
Absolutely, two of my mates who are a couple do everything not to be gay if that makes sense. They don't support gay church marriages because it was forced onto the churches. I 100% know they would support the bakery because they supported the hotel owners.

Gay marriages haven't been forced on to churches. They have a specific exception to the law. They can choose to allow it, other than Anglican churches which cannot choose to allow it.
A heterosexual could order a wedding cake, a homosexual could not order a wedding cake. That is fundamentally discriminating due to sexuality. Much like I couldn't run a guest house and only let black guests book the attic room.

A heterosexual could order a wedding cake for their gay friend's wedding with the same message on and be refused service.

A homosexual could order a wedding cake sans message and be provided with one.

The message on the cake is the issue not the sexuality of the person placing the order. The issue is refusing to supply a cake with a message they disagree with on it... I think they have that right.
so what... they're not refusing to serve homosexuals they're refusing to create something which they're opposed to.... if we go down that line then there are plenty of other silly examples such as the Muslim baker Jesus cake one which ostensibly should be covered by the same law.

Let's take this a step further;

In a world were Christians are barred from marriage, a Christian couple enter a Muslim-run bakers and request a cake with Miss Piggy And Kermit and a "Christian Marriage" message with a Christian lobby group's logo. Would it be acceptable for the baker to refuse?
Let's take this a step further;

In a world were Christians are barred from marriage, a Christian couple enter a Muslim-run bakers and request a cake with Miss Piggy And Kermit and a "Christian Marriage" message with a Christian lobby group's logo. Would it be acceptable for the baker to refuse?

of course

(pigs are haram) :D
A heterosexual could order a wedding cake for their gay friend's wedding with the same message on and be refused service.

A homosexual could order a wedding cake sans message and be provided with one.

The message on the cake is the issue not the sexuality of the person placing the order. The issue is refusing to supply a cake with a message they disagree with on it... I think they have that right.

So as long as I let black guests book the other rooms for white people and let white guests book the attic for black people I am not discriminating?
So as long as I let black guests book the other rooms for white people and let white guests book the attic for black people I am not discriminating?

no you'd be discriminating

again they're not refusing to serve gay people they're refusing to create something with a specific message on it they don't agree with

see the Muslim baker Jesus cake example again... is the Muslim baker discriminating against the Christian customer if he refuses the order? Is he discriminating against his Muslim employee if he accepts the order and makes his employee create a cake with an image of a prophet on it - something that goes against his employee's beliefs....
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I wish the bakers luck on this one. For them its a matter of principle and conscience and I support their right to have their Christain beliefs respected. After all, if they were Muslim or Jewish would you force them to sell things that went against their beliefs?

I'm sure there's no shortage of other bakers the purchasers could go to. How do you know they're not deliberating targeting this Bakery for self-gain.
I wonder if the people suporting the bakers also supported Subway in that halal-bashing thread we had...

I suspect not. Even though that was just the equal-handed right to a bacon sandwich, whereas this is the right to equal access to marriage
I wonder if the people suporting the bakers also supported Subway in that halal-bashing thread we had...

I suspect not. Even though that was just the equal-handed right to a bacon sandwich, whereas this is the right to equal access to marriage

The law unfortunately does not offer a legal right to bacon, which obviously it should!
This was effectively your argument as to why the bakers weren't discriminating though?:confused:

nope... the bakers refused to write a particular message on a cake... they refuse to write other messages on cakes... they ought to have some discretion in that area. They didn't however decide to only serve second class cakes to gay people...
nope... the bakers refused to write a particular message on a cake... they refuse to write other messages on cakes... they ought to have some discretion in that area. They didn't however decide to only serve second class cakes to gay people...

Is a black man joke only racist if a black man hears it?

They didn't refuse to serve because the applicants were gay, but they still refused for the reason that they discriminate against gays.
nope... the bakers refused to write a particular message on a cake... they refuse to write other messages on cakes... they ought to have some discretion in that area. They didn't however decide to only serve second class cakes to gay people...

Again, the message excuse seems to be a relatively new reason for refusal, arrived at after consultation with a lawyer. Effectively they are offering a lesser service to gay people, I.e. Not wedding cakes.
I wish the bakers luck on this one. For them its a matter of principle and conscience and I support their right to have their Christain beliefs respected. After all, if they were Muslim or Jewish would you force them to sell things that went against their beliefs?

Yes, if it breached discrimination legislation.
Again, the message excuse seems to be a relatively new reason for refusal, arrived at after consultation with a lawyer. Effectively they are offering a lesser service to gay people, I.e. Not wedding cakes.

not they're not - they haven't refused to sell a wedding cake, they've refused to sell a wedding cake with a particular message on it

there is no indication that the customer in question couldn't have otherwise gone into the store and been able to buy any cake anyone else could buy
Again, the message excuse seems to be a relatively new reason for refusal, arrived at after consultation with a lawyer. Effectively they are offering a lesser service to gay people, I.e. Not wedding cakes.

What if a group, for the lulz, orders a cake with a multitude of offensive messages? Like "white people burn in hell" and "the pope takes it up the ***" etc, etc. I guess that would be OK to refuse under hate speech laws, probably.

OK, now what if a satanic cult orders a cake with something that would offend most (all) religious people? What if just by making that cake the chef would feel really bad? What about a cake promoting paedophilia? Or Jihad? LOL, a Jihad cake, delicious.

For Pete's sake, you have to draw the line somewhere. A business should be allowed to trade under their own terms and conditions. It's not like that's the only cake shop they can order from. I'm sure there must be confectionery shops with gay owners, or a gay chef..
not they're not - they haven't refused to sell a wedding cake, they've refused to sell a wedding cake with a particular message on it

Missed the first part of my post or just ignoring it?

there is no indication that the customer in question couldn't have otherwise gone into the store and been able to buy any cake anyone else could buy

So it's not discrimination if you let gays only order heterosexual wedding cakes?
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