Hope you didn't sign your soul away
Big ending spoiler warning
On the final stage of the brain fight, I had lost all my party except for Shadowheart to the falling platforms but reduced the brain to a handful of HP. I found it poignant and super-ironic that Shadowheart, having run out of spells, and who throughout the game would typically fail a die roll to slap her own face, made the killing blow with a melee attack
Oddly, everyone that died was still alive for the cutscene and ending.
I might try the final fight again and summon more of the "help". I summoned Dame Aylin and quickly realised the loss of one character's turn to summon her was in no way compensated by the "help" I got from her
Nope. Ef that. I will try and kill him actually. Him, the vampire boss and Orin, then I am done
What vampire boss, is there another apart from Cazador? Or you just didn't get to him on Saturday.
Minor SpoilerBig ending spoiler warning
On the final stage of the brain fight, I had lost all my party except for Shadowheart to the falling platforms but reduced the brain to a handful of HP. I found it poignant and super-ironic that Shadowheart, having run out of spells, and who throughout the game would typically fail a die roll to slap her own face, made the killing blow with a melee attack
Oddly, everyone that died was still alive for the cutscene and ending.
I might try the final fight again and summon more of the "help". I summoned Dame Aylin and quickly realised the loss of one character's turn to summon her was in no way compensated by the "help" I got from her
@Noxia You completed it yet?
Not touched it since Sunday. Tend to do other stuff on weekdays evenings, especially so in the lighter months.
Can't say I'm that enthusiastic about returning lol.
How can you out in all those hours, and stop playing right at the end?
You going to start from the beginning in a year or two aren't you
I mean what's left for you to do now? I could go end it tonight, but want to kill Raphael first.
Downward enjoyment from start to finish I guess, and yeah probably lol. I think there was so much variation in the first chapter and then it just went downhill for me after that because act 2 was just dark and gloomy and three is just a city.
Well story wise just Orin I guess and whatever you fight in the end.
Do you think there's any chance there will be any sort of decent discount on the game or should I just suck it up and pay full/near full price?
It had a discount recently but it was only £7.50 off. I know the game is worth the full price and I'm bound to put 100s of hours into it but I'm a bit of a cheapskate. Hate paying full price on anything lol.
See now I would snap it up for £35, to me that's a good price.I know what you mean. I only got it because I managed to get it for £35
See now I would snap it up for £35, to me that's a good price.