Why not tonight?! I wish I could play games on mine see near bottom - http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=17812371
Why not tonight?! I wish I could play games on mine see near bottom - http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=17812371
Just plugged mine in... got some issues.
Should a driver CD come with this? Monitor on XP display settings is listed as plug and play.
I have the monitor hooked to a Nvidia 7600GT via the DVI cable.
I can set the resolution to 1920x1200 but colour looks awful. I watched some mpeg4 avi files.... colours were horrifically bad. Nomal windows desktops colours look off also.
Can anyone help? Suggestions?
Finally someone who has used the tilt function! Ive only clicked it back once, with one click does it go back any more?
Can you tell me how I can view some HD content on it? What defines it as HD, I have scanned thru the thread again but see anything.
Fixed the stuck pixel!
My panel is now grade 1 flawless. I placed a piece of polythene over the screen to protect it and pressed on the dead pixel with the point of a biro and its gone.
Time for a celebratory lunchtime pint.
The tilt function works perfectly fine. I didnt make a big deal of it as its a given that it should work. The main problem with the stand/mount is that the screen is so damn light. This means that every nudge shakes the screen. Place the screen on a sturdy table/desk or mount it on the wall and the problem goes away.
I use Media Player Classic to watch all my videos. Though if watching blu-ray and hddvd you can use PowerDVD.
I take it you can't view HD in VLC or WMP then? Yer I use WMPclassic or VLC.
Besides, on a small screen like this, I would challenge anyone to to be able to tell the difference between 1080p and 720p video, in a blindfold test.
that would be easy sitting a foot away from the screen
If you lived close to me, we could do the blindfold test and have a little wager. It would've spiced things up nicely.