Hmm, Lambchop attempts to prove Nvidia don't pay to add gameworks..... types out a line without a link saying it's an e-mail to someone else... if that isn't 'proof' I don't know what is, like a link to the source, quoting the whole thing properly, etc.
The line also you know, says they provide things that are extremely valuable... which indicates they do pay. Even funnier... like really really funny, Nvidia provide lots of
game testing for the devs which apparently alone is worth a great deal.
Yup, his 'proof' suggests Nvidia provided/helped the testing on Watchdogs and Unity. One game stuttered for almost everyone and was pretty horrific performance wise for what it looked like. Unity is the single buggiest game I've ever played and the videos and comments on here and every other forum on it were hilarious. Did they provide that valuable testing on Batman as well?
So you know, Nvidia both did pay cash, paid for exclusive features AND then provided many other things worth a great deal more... of which one is testing... the thing that all the gameworks games lacked.