So, Snyder and co. decided that MoS was going to be Kryptonite free because Kal-El had other super powered beings to have a huge punch up with, so no need to mention the old green macguffin at all. Forward to BvS, and the macguffin is rather conveniently wheeled out again just so they can have Batman fight him, and use the title Batman V Superman. *sigh*
They should have gone with Kryptonite V Superman: Dawn of Convenience.
Why is that a big deal? Whether it's kryptonite or something else there needs to be a way for them to face off without it being over in half a second.
Why are they making it look as if superman is exerting some sort of effort in some scenes? The one that sticks out in the trailer is the one where he's lowering the part of the rocket, if you look at his face its if he's under some kind of strain. Not quite as bad as man of steel and the screaming part at the oil rig but other movie's he's moved the moon and an island of kryptonite, but a rocket section and an oil derrick is strenuous now?
But this isn't a sequel to the other movies, it's a reboot.