Should have just made a solo Batman movie written, directed by and starring Batfleck
This is in the works isn't it? He was very good in the role.
Yeah, one thing all the critics seem to be united in was how good he was in the role. I truly feel Affleck has proven himself as both actor and director in recent years.
I just wish they'd taken their time over it instead of rushing to catch up with marvel.
Should have been Man Of Steel > Batman > Wonder Woman, then JLA...skip this whole BvS nonsense. It worked well throughout the comics but doesn't translate well in a movie.
Superman is also simply too overpowered for a fight between Batman and Superman to make any sense..
Saw this today. Absolutely awful imo. Yea some of the action sequences were impressive but the whole thing felt like a load of high budget scenes l which had been strung together for no apparent reason. This was certainly the case for the first hour and a bit, although granted when Doomsday came out there was some actual logical storytelling, albeit in a completely mindless manner.
The flashbacks/dreams earlier on felt very odd and really ruined the pacing. I get that they weren't real but I really did feel confused about what was going on.