Who is suggesting closing mosques? I agree though, closing mosques would be probably about the worst thing anyone could do.
If the scum start again here.
It's time to close down the mosques where it all starts.
Who is suggesting closing mosques? I agree though, closing mosques would be probably about the worst thing anyone could do.
If the scum start again here.
It's time to close down the mosques where it all starts.
Ill assume you missed the Ban islam thread recently as well.Oh, that's dreadful. You'd end up with a full-on religious war.
I think it's the other way round. Secular Muslims, in my experience, do not attend mosque and do not pray five times a day, but they still believe in the teachings of the Qu'ran even though they don't read it daily. They're actually the least offensive and most progressive types.
Whereas those who pray five times a day, avidly read the Qu'ran and the Hadith and have very traditional values are more likely to be indoctrinated into that bracket: however, even then it is not that cut and dried - there's a whole host of reasons as to why people end up in religious extremism, and it's mostly bound up in circumstance, situation and psychology.
In response to posts like these:
Ok so if we agree that closing down Mosques is a bad idea, what's a good idea look like, without dismissing it as a problem or labelling the now several thousand Islamic terrorists as "crazy"?
Ill assume you missed the Ban islam thread recently as well.
Ok so if we agree that closing down Mosques is a bad idea, what's a good idea look like, without dismissing it as a problem or labelling the now several thousand Islamic terrorists as "crazy"?
Its funny because I have a few friends that say they believe in god (the bible one) yet they commit sins constantly. I often point this out to them and tell them if the book is true they will end up in hell, which if you go by the desciptions and if true is going to be ******* horrible.
Being non religious I am able to commit sins freely without any real concern about heaven or hell or offending my god. Im very confused by people that say they believe in the word of god being arsehats.
The problem is how to fight back and not make it worse when we’ve already freely allowed insurgents into Europe.
What do you propose then? Do nothing? It’s not ideal, but it sends a message. If it results in more radicals coming out, well, maybe that be a good way to weed them out.
Ok so if we agree that closing down Mosques is a bad idea, what's a good idea look like, without dismissing it as a problem or labelling the now several thousand Islamic terrorists as "crazy"?
What do you propose then? Do nothing? It’s not ideal, but it sends a message. If it results in more radicals coming out, well, maybe that be a good way to weed them out.
My first post said I don't have an easy answer - there is no easy answer but that doesn't mean that we just say 'hey ho, lets go with the bad idea and do something to really rile them up and drive them to the fundamentalists, that'll make it better'. This puerile notion that you can't point out something is bad idea without having a better idea is nonsense too. I can tell you putting out a pan fire with water is a bad idea and will make the fire worse even if I can't tell you exactly how you should best put out a pan fire.
We need better more robust ways to find the fundamentalists and remove them from communities but in a manner that doesn't equally give them a platform to martyr themselves under the guise of Western persecution and rally more 'troops' to their cause.
I thought that until we did nothing after they killed our kids in the Manchester bomb, now I think we're spineless
Religion isn't crazy, people are
These people aren't Muslims they're terrorists
There's so many people you wouldn't even know are Muslim
And this is speaking as a non Muslim
what else would you like? some random airstrikes in another country?
Got to love social media.
EDIT - this man is the two-time PM of Malaysia...
This, absolutely this. Slow, methodical carpet bombing over hundreds of square miles. That'll teach 'em.