Im not bothered about ppl buying high end stuff, its when someone posts after an upgrade, and if someone recommends a DX9 card then thats it, the new gen brigade are straight in there' do not buy DX9 cards, they are pointless, if you can't afford new gen, then keep what you have and save till you can' it has to be new gen with no exceptions, you can get cards for about £200 or less that will cut through everything for the next year as i said, and would be good upgrades for those with low end cards, but no, its new gen no exceptions, do not buy old gen, thats what bothers me, and quite a few others, why should someone have to pay £400+ for a new gen card, when they can get say a GTO for £180 that will do the same job as it, cut through games for the next year, its not new gen thats ******* why!!!, as someone has pointed out above, they should stop it with the new gen G80 is the only choice crap.