Big ol' Burger Comparison Thread

Some very "interesting" burgers in the pub I ended up at last night:

The Cheryl Cole looks particularly bleurgh-worthy.

I had five guys in America (upon recommendation). They were no where near the price you paid, but OMG they were lovely burgers!
Okay, I'm going to give 5 guys a 3rd try....are there any toppings or sauce combo that people have which elevates it above the blandness that I've had before?

Better but still not blown away. I think the problem is they cook it on that massive heat plate and not grilled so I dunno, may be it's part cooked in its own juice instead of having that slightly charred edge to it. Which I like.
That combo sort of misses the point of Five Guys though, which is the mass of free toppings. They've got an 'All The Way' option which is a good starting point, but my favourite combo is:

We can all obsess over 'the perfect burger', but at their core they're mainly just a sweet bun plus a patty of ground chuck steak. Some places deviate on it, but that classic combo is what made burgers popular and stands on it's own. It's the synergy of that basic burger plus the additional toppings that do it for me, which is where Five Guys excels.

Note that I go for the 'Little' version, which is a single patty rather than a double. With all the toppings it's still massive, and they always give you loads of fries which are great too. Periodically I decide to go for a normal double burger and always regret it.

The extra cheese and extra bacon is key though, Five Guys bacon is the best around.
That combo sort of misses the point of Five Guys though, which is the mass of free toppings. They've got an 'All The Way' option which is a good starting point, but my favourite combo is:

Note that I go for the 'Little' version, which is a single patty rather than a double. With all the toppings it's still massive, and they always give you loads of fries which are great too. Periodically I decide to go for a normal double burger and always regret it.

The extra cheese and extra bacon is key though, Five Guys bacon is the best around.

Oh man, thats a lot of sauces!

All the way, no mayo or mushrooms for me.

I've never had their bacon so im trying that this weekend, its my stag do so we will all be descending on FG in Reading at some point :D

Too many fries - I always go for a second patty - I want meat!!

Yea in america the nice girl said we could share a "regular" so since then thats what me and the gf always do and theres plenty.
Went to Dirty Burger on the way home. Enjoyed it. Didn't need the fries though.
Best burger for me so far in the UK is Honest Burgers in Brixton, so cheap as well - £7.50 with Rosemary Salted Chips.

Best burger I've ever had? - Fatburger in Seattle.
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