Biker's Cafe Chatroom

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That vid at 1:43. 3:19, 6:59 is the same one and about 100M away from where I used to live in Millbrook, Southampton (But called redbridge roundabout). You do have to be careful round there tbh

Haha yeah its a free for all there sometimes, to be fair that guy in the 1:43...going far too quick with all that traffic around.
-Edit thats the same car in the 6:59 also? still nailing it around lol.
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Signed all the paperwork today, sorted out the insurance, and my new husky is being delivered on Wed evening :D But I'm away on a training course Thurs - Fri, so wont really get to play with it until Sat :(

I might just have to test how good its headlight is when I get back late on Fri ;).
Okay, so I have been having a look around and think I have found a single place who will do all of the stuff I want to get for my SV.

Please let me know your thoughts...

Belly Pan, thinking of going Carbon instead of black:,SV650N,SV650S,-99-02---CARBON-LOOK.item

Rear Hugger, again thinking of going Carbon instead of black:,SV650N,SV650S,-99-02---CARBON-LOOK.item

and lastly the fender extender:,SV650N,SV650S,-99-02---MATT-BLACK.item

This one i'm not sure about as they don't do a carbon look one...

I'm not really sure weather to go all carbon, or perhaps matte black across the bottom of my SV, thoughts?

After riding it in the rain today, and seeing how exposed everything actually is, and given it is so clean without any corrosion/rust, I would like to keep it as dink free as I can really.
Take it you don't fancy the lower fairings then? If not I'll stick em on gumtree :)

fender extender is a good mod and thats about the right price. Counldn't bring myself to spend £100 on a rear hugger though
Take it you don't fancy the lower fairings then? If not I'll stick em on gumtree :)

fender extender is a good mod and thats about the right price. Counldn't bring myself to spend £100 on a rear hugger though

Sorry mate, should have mentioned!

Thank you for the pictures - in all honesty I don't really know what I would need to do with them. I would guess they could be re-sprayed, but the crack concerns me a little in all honesty.
Last thing to do on the bike is to service it, then it'll be all ready to ride.

Couple quick noob questions:
- Does the bike get rid of the air after a coolant change, within the cooling system whilst the engine is running?
- If you overfill it, does the bike gets rid of it whilst running through a hose?
- With 1 way bleed valve, can I just leave the bleeding valve open whilst I pump out the old fluid and top up new? (Obviously whilst still making sure there's fluid in the reservoir to prevent air getting into the system)

If everything goes to plan, I'll be on the road in 3 weeks :D :cool:
Youll have a coolant drain plug,usually near the water pump,drain it fully and squeeze the hoses to get rid of any trapped water,replace drain plug then when topping up remove the radiator cap and expansion filler cap and fill from the rad cap till full then top up from expansion cap to the line

That's how I do mine anyway

And yeah it will blow off any excess water through the overflow
Last thing to do on the bike is to service it, then it'll be all ready to ride.

Couple quick noob questions:
- Does the bike get rid of the air after a coolant change, within the cooling system whilst the engine is running?
- If you overfill it, does the bike gets rid of it whilst running through a hose?
- With 1 way bleed valve, can I just leave the bleeding valve open whilst I pump out the old fluid and top up new? (Obviously whilst still making sure there's fluid in the reservoir to prevent air getting into the system)

If everything goes to plan, I'll be on the road in 3 weeks :D :cool:

1. You fill up the radiator then the expansion tank to the max line, then start the bike with rad cap off and blip throttle a few times to get rid of the air, check levels and top up if needed.

To flush I just take off the bottom rad hose, saves messing around with drain plug as your supposed Use a new washer each time you undo it.

2. Try not to over fill it :)

3. Yep, leave open and pump the brake lever , keeping the brake res topped up. Do the caliper furthest away from brake lever first. Then do the other one.

Make sure you cover all parts of your bike, brake fluid is lethal stuff, have a soapy water spray handy and a clean rag to clean any spillages straight away
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The service will be around 160 quid, depends whenever I need to change the brake pads. I'll have to check that! :p
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